Analysis of HER2 Positive Patients using Microbiopsies (Satpathy 2021)
#Supporting packages for analysis
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#KSTAR imports
from kstar import config, helpers, calculate
from kstar.plot import DotPlot
#Set matplotlib defaults for arial 12 point font
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial']
rcParams['font.size'] = 12
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#where supplementary data was downloaded to (From
#Directory where KSTAR Supplemental data was set
odir = SUPPLEMENTS_DIR+'Supplements/SupplementaryData/BreastCancer/Microbiopsy_Satpathy2020/'
#load the Mann Whitney activities and FPR for Tyrosine predictions,
#it will be faster and less data than loading all KSTAR outputs
activities = pd.read_csv(odir+'/RESULTS/micro_biopsy_Y_mann_whitney_activities.tsv', sep='\t', index_col=0)
fpr = pd.read_csv(odir+'/RESULTS/micro_biopsy_Y_mann_whitney_fpr.tsv', sep='\t', index_col=0)
#load kinase map from supplementary data
KINASE_MAP = pd.read_csv(SUPPLEMENTS_DIR+'SupplementaryData/Map/globalKinaseMap.csv', index_col = 0)
#set preferred kinase names from the kinase map (make a kinase_dict)
kinase_dict = {}
for kinase in activities.index:
kinase_dict[kinase] = KINASE_MAP.loc[kinase,'Preferred Name']
Agglomerative clustering of all patients and kinases, with context
s1 = pd.read_csv(odir+'sample_metadata_mirobiopsy.csv')
#add data to the Sample ID column so they can be matched
id_col = []
for index, row in s1.iterrows():
id_col.append('data:'+row['Sample ID'])
s1['ID'] = id_col
# PLot all samples with their context information about treatment and pCR status
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 15),
nrows = 3, ncols = 2,
sharex = 'col',
sharey = 'row',
gridspec_kw = {
'height_ratios':[.1,0.1, 1],
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
dots = DotPlot(results,
figsize = (10,15),
dotsize = 5,
#Cluster changes the sorting of the values array, so be sure to plot context last so that it is in the same sort.
dots.cluster(orientation = 'left', ax = axes[2,0], method='ward')
dots.cluster(orientation = 'top', ax = axes[0,1], method='ward')
dots.context(ax=axes[1,1],info = s1, id_column = 'ID', context_columns = ['Treatment', 'response'], orientation = 'top', dotsize =200, markersize= 15 )
dots.dotplot(ax = axes[2,1])
plt.xticks(rotation = 80, FontSize=12)
plt.savefig(odir+'microbiopsy_all.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Agglomerative clustering of all patients and all significant kinases, with context
# PLot all samples with their context information about treatment and pCR status
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 15),
nrows = 3, ncols = 2,
sharex = 'col',
sharey = 'row',
gridspec_kw = {
'height_ratios':[.1,0.1, 1],
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
dots = DotPlot(results,
figsize = (10,15),
dotsize = 5,
#Cluster changes the sorting of the values array, so be sure to plot context last so that it is in the same sort.
dots.cluster(orientation = 'left', ax = axes[2,0], method='ward')
dots.cluster(orientation = 'top', ax = axes[0,1], method='ward')
dots.context(ax=axes[1,1],info = s1, id_column = 'ID', context_columns = ['Treatment', 'response'], orientation = 'top', dotsize =200, markersize= 15 )
dots.dotplot(ax = axes[2,1])
plt.xticks(rotation = 80, FontSize=12)
plt.savefig(odir+'microbiopsy_sigKinases.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Plot only pre-treatment samples and provide treatment response context
#Let's look just at pre-treatment samples
#given the metadata, pull pre-treatment only and take subsets for plotting, sort by ERBB2 activity prediction
s1_temp = s1[s1['Treatment']=='pre-treatment']
#sample_ids = list(s1_temp['ID'])
nameDict = {}
for name, group in s1_temp.groupby('Patient ID'):
#print(name, group['Sample ID'])
nameDict[group['Sample ID'].values[0]] = name
s2 = s1_temp[s1_temp['Sample ID'].isin(list(nameDict.keys()))]
sample_ids = list(s2['ID'].values)
#create an x_label_dict
x_label_dict = {}
for index, row in s2.iterrows():
x_label_dict[row['ID']] = row['Patient ID']
# How about we take just one sample of each of the patient IDS, when there are multiple pre-treatment samples
results = activities[sample_ids]
sig = fpr[sample_ids]
results = -np.log10(results)
#Setup a figure with a context strip at the top for HER2 status and activity dots on the below axis
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 15),
nrows = 3, ncols = 2,
sharex = 'col',
sharey = 'row',
gridspec_kw = {
'height_ratios':[.1,0.1, 1],
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
dots = DotPlot(results,
figsize = (10,15),
dotsize = 20,
x_label_dict = x_label_dict,
#Cluster changes the sorting of the values array, so be sure to plot context last so that it is in the same sort.
method = 'ward'
dots.cluster(orientation = 'left', ax = axes[2,0], method=method)
dots.cluster(orientation = 'top', ax = axes[0,1], method=method)
dots.context(ax=axes[1,1], info = s2, id_column = 'ID', context_columns = ['response'], orientation = 'top', dotsize =200, markersize= 15 )
dots.dotplot(ax = axes[2,1])
plt.xticks(rotation = 80, FontSize=12)
plt.savefig(odir+'microbiopsy_PreTreatment_all.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
Plot specific kinases for each patient (all samples)
kinases = list(activities.index)
# What happens if we take, for each patient that has pre- and on-treatment, the difference in ERBB2 activity?
#find the paired sample ids
for name, group in s1.groupby('Patient ID'):
#let's just plot those results (ERBB2 kinase)
#Let's look just at pre-treatment samples
#given the metadata, pull pre-treatment only and take subsets for plotting, sort by ERBB2 activity prediction
sample_ids = list(group['ID'])
results = activities[sample_ids]
results = results.sort_values('ERBB2', axis=1)
sig = fpr[sample_ids]
significance = fpr[sample_ids] <= 0.05
significant = (results < significance.reindex(results.index)[results.columns]) * 1
results = -np.log10(results)
#Setup a figure with a context strip at the top for HER2 status and activity dots on the below axis
fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize = (2,2),
nrows = 2, ncols = 1,
sharex = 'col',
sharey = 'row',
gridspec_kw = {
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
dots = dotplot.DotPlot(results,
figsize = (2,2),
dotsize = 20,
#Cluster changes the sorting of the values array, so be sure to plot context last so that it is in the same sort.
dots.context(ax=axes[0], info = group, id_column = 'ID', context_columns = ['Treatment'], orientation = 'top', dotsize =200, markersize= 15 )
dots.dotplot(ax = axes[1], max_size=25)
plt.savefig(odir+'microbiopsy_patient_'+ name +'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
## Create a report by patient of change in ERBB2 values
for name, group in s1.groupby('Patient ID'):
sample_ids = list(group['ID'])
results = activities[sample_ids]
ERBB2 = results.loc['ERBB2']
for sample in ERBB2.index.values:
treatment = s1[s1['ID']==sample]['Treatment'].values[0]
print("%s\t%s\t%.2e"%(treatment, sample, ERBB2[sample]))
BCN 1300
pre-treatment data:X1401794 5.77e-12
on-treatment data:X1402967 1.37e-14
pre-treatment data:X1401795 1.44e-25
on-treatment data:X1402968 7.01e-21
BCN 1303
pre-treatment data:X1410753P 4.09e-25
on-treatment data:X1411848P 1.82e-05
BCN 1325
pre-treatment data:X1405799P 1.15e-20
on-treatment data:X1406353P 1.33e-05
BCN 1326
pre-treatment data:X1407999P 9.61e-01
on-treatment data:X1410003P 9.36e-01
pre-treatment data:X1408000P 8.66e-04
pre-treatment data:X1408001P 6.69e-01
on-treatment data:X1410004P 6.63e-03
on-treatment data:X1410005P 7.36e-01
BCN 1331
pre-treatment data:X1413835P 2.10e-05
on-treatment data:X1414049P 9.81e-01
BCN 1335
pre-treatment data:X1420025P 7.67e-03
BCN 1357
pre-treatment data:X1422184P 1.28e-12
pre-treatment data:X1422185P 7.23e-23
BCN 1358
pre-treatment data:X1509146 4.12e-11
on-treatment data:X1509534 9.51e-01
BCN 1359
pre-treatment data:X1514458 9.94e-04
on-treatment data:X1514936 8.47e-17
BCN 1365
pre-treatment data:X1523169 6.43e-19
on-treatment data:X1523623 1.10e-03
BCN 1367
pre-treatment data:X1518280 2.38e-21
on-treatment data:X1518399 9.99e-01
pre-treatment data:X1518282 9.72e-12
on-treatment data:X1518400 3.12e-01
BCN 1368
pre-treatment data:X1518729 2.10e-13
BCN 1369
pre-treatment data:X1539756 3.83e-16
pre-treatment data:X1539757 3.45e-18
on-treatment data:X1539910 6.61e-19
on-treatment data:X1539911 3.41e-07
BCN 1371
pre-treatment data:X1525224 5.12e-20