Source code for kstar.plot

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from enum import Enum

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, Normalize
import as cm
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage

import seaborn as sns

class OrientationError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message = "Orientation Invalid. Valid Orientations are : ", valid_orientations = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']):
        self.message = message + ', '.join(valid_orientations)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.message

[docs]class DotPlot: """ The DotPlot class is used for plotting dotplots, with the option to add clustering and context plots. The size of the dots based on the values dataframe, where the size of the dot is the area of the value * dotsize Parameters ---------- values: pandas DataFrame instance values to plot fpr : pandas DataFrame instance false positive rates associated with values being plotted alpha: float, optional fpr value that defines the significance cutoff to use when plt default : 0.05 inclusive_alpha: boolean whether to include the alpha (significance <= alpha), or not (significance < alpha). default: True binary_sig: boolean, optional indicates whether to plot fpr with binary significance or as a change color hue default : True dotsize : float, optional multiplier to use for scaling size of dots colormap : dict, optional maps color values to actual color to use in plotting default : {0: '#6b838f', 1: '#FF3300'} labelmap = maps labels of colors, default is to indicate FPR cutoff in legend default : None facecolor : color, optional Background color of dotplot default : 'white' legend_title : str, optional Legend Title for dot sizes, default is `p-value' size_number : int, optional Number of dots to attempt to generate for dot size legend size_color : color, optional Size Legend Color to use color_title : str, optional Legend Title for the Color Legend markersize : int, optional Size of dots for Color Legend legend_distance : int, optional relative distance to place legends figsize : tuple, optional size of dotplot figure title : str, optional Title of dotplot xlabel : bool, optional Show xlabel on graph if True ylabel : bool, optional Show ylabel on graph if True x_label_dict: dict, optional Mapping dictionary of labels as they appear in values dataframe (keys) to how they should appear on plot (values) kinase_dict: dict, optional Mapping dictionary of kinase names as they appear in values dataframe (keys) to how they should appear on plot (values) Attributes ---------- values: pandas dataframe a copy of the original values dataframe fpr: pandas dataframe a copy of the original fpr dataframe alpha: float cutoff used for significance, default 0.05 inclusive_alpha: boolean whether to include the alpha (significance <= alpha), or not (significance < alpha) significance: pandas dataframe indicates whether a particular kinases activity is significant, where fpr <= alpha is significant, otherwise it is insignificant colors: pandas dataframe dataframe indicating the color to use when plotting: either a copy of the fpr or significance dataframe binary_sig: boolean indicates whether coloring will be done based on binary significance or fpr values. Default True labelmap: dict indicates how to label each significance color figsize: tuple size of the outputted figure, which is overridden if axes is provided for dotplot title: string title of the dotplot xlabel: boolean indicates whether to plot x-axis labels ylabel: boolean indicates whether to plot y-axis labels colormap: dict colors to be used when plotting facecolor: string background color of dotplot """ def __init__(self, values, fpr, alpha = 0.05, inclusive_alpha = True, binary_sig = True, dotsize = 5, colormap={0: '#6b838f', 1: '#FF3300'}, facecolor = 'white', labelmap = None, legend_title = 'p-value', size_number = 5, size_color = 'gray', color_title = 'Significant', markersize = 10, legend_distance = 1.0, figsize = (20,4), title = None, xlabel = True, ylabel = True, x_label_dict = None, kinase_dict = None): self.values = values.copy() self.fpr = fpr.copy() #make sure that fpr dataframe has the same index as values dataframe. If not, reindex self.fpr = self.fpr.loc[self.values.index,self.values.columns] self.alpha = alpha #create binary dataframe that indicates significance based on provided fpr cutoff. if inclusive_alpha: self.significance = (self.fpr <= alpha) * 1 else: self.significance = (self.fpr < alpha) * 1 #Assign either fpr or significance to colors dataframe based on self.binary_sig = binary_sig if binary_sig: self.colors = self.significance if labelmap is None: if inclusive_alpha: self.labelmap = {0: 'FPR > %0.2f'%(alpha), 1:'FPR <= %0.2f'%(alpha)} else: self.labelmap = {0: 'FPR >= %0.2f'%(alpha), 1:'FPR < %0.2f'%(alpha)} else: self.colors = self.fpr self.figsize = figsize self.title = title self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel= ylabel self.colormap = colormap self.facecolor = facecolor self.dotsize = dotsize self.legend_title = legend_title self.size_number = size_number self.size_color = size_color self.markersize = markersize self.color_title = color_title self.legend_distance = legend_distance self.multiplier = 10 self.offset = 5 self.columns = self.set_column_labels(values, x_label_dict) self.index = self.set_index_labels(values, kinase_dict) def set_values(self, values): self.values = values def set_colors(self, colors): self.colors = colors def set_column_labels(self, values, x_label_dict): self.column_labels = list(self.values.columns) if x_label_dict is None: #just strip the data: string self.x_label_dict = {} #build an x_label_dict for col in self.column_labels: self.x_label_dict[col] = col.replace('data:','') self.column_labels = [x.replace('data:','') for x in self.column_labels] else: #check that the label dictionary keys matches the columns labels = x_label_dict.keys() if set(labels) != set(self.column_labels): raise ValueError("The x_label_dict must have the same elements as the value columns") else: label_arr = [] for col in self.column_labels: label_arr.append(x_label_dict[col]) self.column_labels = label_arr self.x_label_dict = x_label_dict def set_index_labels(self, values, kinase_dict): self.index_labels = list(self.values.index) if kinase_dict is None: self.kinase_dict = kinase_dict elif isinstance(kinase_dict, dict): #if custom dictionary is provided, make sure the appropriate elements are found inside it (needs to be at least names = kinase_dict.keys() if not set(self.index_labels).issubset(set(names)): raise ValueError("The kinase_dict must contain at least all the kinases found in values") else: label_arr = [] for index in self.index_labels: label_arr.append(kinase_dict[index]) self.index_labels = label_arr self.kinase_dict = kinase_dict else: raise TypeError("If wanting to do a custom naming system, a custom dictionary must be provided in the 'kinase_dict' parameter")
[docs] def dotplot(self, ax = None, orientation = 'left', size_legend = True, color_legend = True, max_size = None): """ Generates the dotplot plot, where size is determined by values dataframe and color is determined by significant dataframe Parameters ----------- ax : matplotlib Axes instance, optional axes dotplot will be plotted on. If None then new plot generated """ valid_orientations = ['left', 'right'] if orientation not in valid_orientations: raise OrientationError(valid_orientations = valid_orientations) if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.figsize) ax.set_facecolor(self.facecolor) ax.set_title(self.title) # Transform Data columns = list(self.values.columns) self.values['row_index'] = np.arange(len(self.values)) * self.multiplier + self.offset self.colors['row_index'] = np.arange(len(self.colors)) * self.multiplier + self.offset melt = self.values.melt(id_vars = 'row_index') self.values.drop(columns = ['row_index'], inplace = True) melt['var'] = melt.apply(lambda row : columns.index(row[1]) * self.multiplier + self.offset, axis = 1) melt_color = self.colors.melt(id_vars = 'row_index') melt_color['var'] = melt_color.apply(lambda row : columns.index(row[1]) * self.multiplier + self.offset, axis = 1) self.colors.drop(columns = ['row_index'], inplace = True) # Plot Data x = melt['var'] y = melt['row_index'][::-1] #needs to be done in reverse order to maintain order in the dataframe s = melt.value * self.dotsize #check to see if more than 2 values are given (fprs). Otherwise get color based on binary significance if self.binary_sig: #get color for each datapoint based on significance melt_color['color'] = [self.colormap.get(l,'black') for l in melt_color.value] else: cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("sig_cmap", list(zip([0,1], [self.colormap[0], self.colormap[1]]))) norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=2, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) #replace 0 with 0.01 to avoid log10 errors, transform the fprs with a log transform melt_color.replace(0, 0.01, inplace=True) melt_color.value = -np.log10(melt_color.value) #get color for each datapoint based on fpr value melt_color['color'] = [mapper.to_rgba(l) for l in melt_color.value] c = melt_color['color'] scatter = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=s) # Add Color Legend if color_legend: if self.binary_sig: #create the legend color_legend = [] for color_key in self.colormap.keys(): color_legend.append( Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label=self.labelmap[color_key], markerfacecolor= self.colormap[color_key], markersize=self.markersize), ) legend1 = ax.legend(handles=color_legend, loc=f'upper {orientation}', bbox_to_anchor=(self.legend_distance,1), title = self.color_title) ax.add_artist(legend1) else: #choose which values to show in the legend legend_vals = [1, 0.5, 0.05, 0.01] legend_color = [mapper.to_rgba(-np.log10(val)) for val in legend_vals] #create the legend color_legend = [] for i in range(len(legend_vals)): color_legend.append(Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label=str(legend_vals[i]), markerfacecolor= legend_color[i], markersize=self.markersize)) legend1 = ax.legend(handles=color_legend, loc=f'upper {orientation}', bbox_to_anchor=(self.legend_distance,1), title = 'FPR') ax.add_artist(legend1) # Add Size Legend if size_legend: #check to see if max pval parameter was given: if so, use to create custom legend if max_size is not None: s_label = np.arange(max_size/self.size_number,max_size+1,max_size/self.size_number).astype(int) dsize = [s*self.dotsize for s in s_label] legend_elements = [] for element, s in zip(s_label, dsize): legend_elements.append(Line2D([0],[0], marker='o', color = 'w', markersize = s**0.5, markerfacecolor = self.size_color, label = element)) legend2 = ax.legend(handles = legend_elements, loc = f'lower {orientation}', title = self.legend_title, bbox_to_anchor=(self.legend_distance,0)) else: kw = dict(prop="sizes", num=self.size_number, color=self.size_color, func=lambda s: s/self.dotsize) legend2 = ax.legend(*scatter.legend_elements(**kw), loc=f'lower {orientation}', title=self.legend_title, bbox_to_anchor=(self.legend_distance,0)) # Add Additional Plotting Information ax.tick_params(axis = 'x', rotation = 90) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(len(self.values)) * self.multiplier + self.offset) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(len(columns)) * self.multiplier + self.offset) # set column labels in case values has changed self.set_column_labels(self.values, self.x_label_dict) ax.set_xticklabels(self.column_labels) ax.set_yticklabels(self.index_labels[::-1]) #adjust x and y scale so that data is always equally spaced ax.set_ylim([0,len(self.values)*self.multiplier]) ax.set_xlim([0,len(columns)*self.multiplier]) if not self.xlabel: ax.axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) if not self.ylabel: ax.axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) return ax
[docs] def cluster(self, ax, method='single', metric='euclidean', orientation = 'top', color_threshold = -np.inf): """ Performs hierarchical clustering on data and plots result to provided Axes. result and significant dataframes are ordered according to clustering Parameters --------- ax : matplotlib Axes instance Axes to plot dendogram to method : str, optional The linkage algorithm to use. metric : str or function, optional The distance metric to use in the case that y is a collection of observation vectors; ignored otherwise. See the pdist function for a list of valid distance metrics. A custom distance function can also be used. orientation : str, optional The direction to plot the dendrogram, which can be any of the following strings: 'top': Plots the root at the top, and plot descendent links going downwards. (default). 'bottom': Plots the root at the bottom, and plot descendent links going upwards. 'left': Plots the root at the left, and plot descendent links going right. 'right': Plots the root at the right, and plot descendent links going left. """ if orientation in ['left', 'right']: row_linkage = linkage(self.values, method = method, metric = metric) den_row = dendrogram(row_linkage, ax = ax, orientation = orientation, labels = list(self.values.index), color_threshold = color_threshold, above_threshold_color = 'black', no_labels = True, show_leaf_counts = False) self.values = self.values.iloc[den_row['leaves']].copy() self.colors = self.colors.iloc[den_row['leaves']].copy() self.set_index_labels(self.values, self.kinase_dict) elif orientation in ['top', 'bottom']: col_linkage = linkage(self.values.T, method=method, metric = metric) den_col = dendrogram(col_linkage, ax = ax, orientation = orientation, labels = list(self.values.columns), color_threshold = color_threshold, above_threshold_color = 'black', no_labels = True, show_leaf_counts = False) self.values = self.values.iloc[:, den_col['leaves']].copy() self.colors = self.colors.iloc[:,den_col['leaves']].copy() self.set_column_labels(self.values, self.x_label_dict) else: raise OrientationError() ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0)
[docs] def drop_kinases_with_no_significance(self): """ Drop kinases from the values dataframe (inplace) when plotting if they are never observed as significant """ kinase_list = self.significance[self.significance.sum(axis=1) ==0].index.values #check to make sure kinase_list only contains kinases currently in values dataframe kinase_list = [kin for kin in kinase_list if kin in self.index_labels] #remove kinases self.drop_kinases(kinase_list)
[docs] def drop_kinases(self, kinase_list): """ Given a list of kinases, drop these from the dot.values dataframe in all future plotting of this object. Removal is in place Parameters ---------- kinase_list: list list of kinase names to remove """ #check to make sure kinase_list only contains kinases currently in values dataframe kinase_list = [kin for kin in kinase_list if kin in self.index_labels] self.values.drop(index=kinase_list, inplace=True) self.colors.drop(index = kinase_list, inplace=True) #update index_labels property as well for kin in kinase_list: if self.kinase_dict is None: self.index_labels.remove(kin) else: self.index_labels.remove(self.kinase_dict[kin])
[docs] def context(self, ax, info, id_column, context_columns, dotsize = 200, markersize = 20, orientation = 'left', color_palette='colorblind', margin = 0.2, make_legend = True): """ Context plot is generated and returned. The context plot contains the categorical data used for describing the data. Parameters ---------- ax : maptlotlib axis where to map subtype information to info : pandas df Dataframe where context information is pulled from id_column: str Column used to map the subtype information to context_columns : list list of columns to pull context informaiton from dotsize : int, optional size of context dots markersize: int, optional size of legend markers orientation : str, optional orientation to plot context plots to - determines where legends are placed options : left, right, top, bottom color_palette : str, optional seaborn color palette to use margin: float, optional margin make_legend : bool, optional whether to create legend for context colors """ orientation_values = { 'left' : -1, 'right' : 1, 'bottom' : -1, 'top' : 1 } if orientation in [ 'left', 'right']: index = list(self.values.index) elif orientation in ['top', 'bottom']: index = list(self.values.columns) else: raise OrientationError #record the number of different context types to include num_context = len(context_columns) melted = info[[id_column] + context_columns].melt(id_vars=id_column) #weird issue with melt function here, where for one datset it provides the context column names in 0 column rather than 'variable'. Rename for now. if 0 in melted.columns: melted.rename(columns = {0: 'variable'}, inplace = True) melted['var'] = melted.apply(lambda row : index.index(row[0]) * self.multiplier + self.offset, axis = 1) color_labels = melted['value'].unique() rgb_values = sns.color_palette(color_palette, len(color_labels)) color_map = dict(zip(color_labels, rgb_values)) if orientation in ['left', 'right']: ax.scatter(x = melted['variable'], y = melted['var'],c = melted['value'].map(color_map), s = dotsize) ax.tick_params(axis = 'x', rotation = 90) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.margins(margin, 0.05) elif orientation in ['top', 'bottom']: ax.scatter(x = melted['var'], y = melted['variable'], c = melted['value'].map(color_map), s = dotsize) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.margins(0.05, margin) ax.set_ylim([-0.5,num_context+0.5-1]) total = len(melted['value'].unique()) + len(info.columns)-1 running_total = 0 # Add legends if make_legend: for col in context_columns: ids = info[col].unique() sig_legend = [] for label in ids: color = color_map[label] sig_legend.append( Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label=label, markerfacecolor=color,markersize=markersize)) if orientation in ['left', 'right']: leg = ax.legend( handles=sig_legend, bbox_to_anchor=(orientation_values[orientation],1-running_total/total), title=col) elif orientation in ['top', 'bottom']: leg = ax.legend( handles=sig_legend, bbox_to_anchor=(running_total/total, orientation_values[orientation]), loc='lower left', title=col) ax.add_artist(leg) running_total += len(ids) + 1