import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from statsmodels.stats import multitest
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict
import pickle
import os
from datetime import datetime
import itertools
from itertools import repeat
import concurrent.futures
from kstar import config, helpers
from kstar.normalize import generate_random_experiments, calculate_fpr
[docs]class KinaseActivity:
Kinase Activity calculates the estimated activity of kinases given an experiment using hypergeometric distribution.
Hypergeometric distribution examines the number of protein sites found to be active in evidence compared to the
number of protein sites attributed to a kinase on a provided network.
evidence : pandas df
a dataframe that contains (at minimum, but can have more) data columms as evidence to use in analysis and KSTAR_ACCESSION and KSTAR_SITE
data_columns: list
list of the columns containing the abundance values, which will be used to determine which sites will be used as evidence for activity prediction in each sample
logger : Logger object
keeps track of kstar analysis, including any errors that occur
phospho_type: string, either 'Y' or 'ST'
indicates the phoshpo modification of interest
Upon Initialization
evidence: pandas dataframe
inputted evidence column
data_columns: list
list of columns containing abundance values, which will be used to determine which sites will be used as evidence. If inputted data_columns parameter was None, this lists includes in column in evidence prefixed by 'data:'
logger : Logger object
keeps track of kstar analysis, including any errors that occur
phospho_type: string
indicated phosphomod of interest
network_directory: string
directory where kinase substrate networks can be downloaded, as indicated in
normalized: bool
indicates whether normalization analysis has been performed
aggregate: string
the type of aggregation to use when determining binary evidence, either 'count' or 'mean'. Default is 'count'.
threshold: float
cutoff to use when determining what sites to use for each experiment
greater: bool
indicates whether sites with greater or lower abundances than the threshold will be used
run_data: string
indicates the date that kinase activity object was initialized
After Hypergeometric Calculations
activities_list: pandas dataframe
p-values obtained for all pruned networks indicating statistical enrichment of a kinase's substrates for each network, based on hypergeometric
activities: pandas dataframe
median p-values obtained from the activities_list object for each experiment/kinase
agg_activities: pandas dataframe
After Random Enrichment Calculation
random_experiments: pandas dataframe
contains information about the sites randomly sampled for each random experiment
random_kinact: KinaseActivity object
KinaseActivity object containing random activities predicted from each of the random experiments
After Mann Whitney Analysis
activities_mann_whitney: pandas dataframe
p-values obtained from comparing the real distribution of p-values to the distribution of p-values from random datasets, based
the Mann Whitney U-test
fpr_mann_whitney: pandas dataframe
false positive rates for predicted kinase activities
def __init__(self, evidence, logger, data_columns = None, phospho_type = 'Y'):
self.phospho_type = phospho_type
self.networks = defaultdict()
self.network_sizes = defaultdict()
self.logger = logger
self.normalizers = defaultdict()
self.network_directory = config.NETWORK_DIR
self.num_networks = None
self.activities_list = None
self.agg_activities = None
self.activities = None
#Properties for normalized information
#self.normalizers = defaultdict()
#self.normalized = False
#self.normalized_activities_list = None
#self.normalized_agg_activities = None
#self.activities_normalized = None
#self.fpr_activity = None
#Location of random experiments
self.randomized = False
self.random_experiments = None
self.aggregate = 'mean'
self.threshold = 1.0
self.greater = True
self.run_date ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
#if data columns is None, set data columns to be columns with data: in front
self.set_data_columns(data_columns = data_columns)
[docs] def check_data_columns(self):
Checks data columns to make sure column is in evidence and that evidence filtered on that data column
has at least one point of evidence. Removes all columns that do not meet criteria
new_data_columns = []
evidence = self.evidence.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).agg(self.aggregate).reset_index()
for col in self.data_columns:
if col in self.evidence.columns:
if self.greater:
if len(evidence[evidence[col] >= self.threshold]) > 0:
self.logger.warning(f"{col} does not have any evidence")
if len(evidence[evidence[col] <= self.threshold]) > 0:
self.logger.warning(f"{col} does not have any evidence")
self.logger.warning(f"{col} not in evidence")
self.data_columns = new_data_columns
[docs] def set_data_columns(self, data_columns = None):
Sets the data columns to use in the kinase activity calculation
If data_columns is None or an empty list then set data_columns to
be all columns that start with data:
Checks all set columns to make sure columns are vaild after filtering evidence
if data_columns is None or data_columns == []:
self.data_columns = []
for col in self.evidence.columns:
if col.startswith('data:'):
self.data_columns = data_columns
[docs] def calculate_random_activities(self, logger, num_random_experiments=150, PROCESSES = 1):
Generate random experiments and calculate the kinase activities for these random experiments
""""Running Randomization Pipeline")
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = PROCESSES)
self.num_random_experiments = num_random_experiments"Generating random experiments")
self.random_experiments = generate_random_experiments.build_random_experiments(
PROCESSES = PROCESSES)"Calculating random kinase activities")
self.random_kinact = KinaseActivity(self.random_experiments, logger, phospho_type=self.phospho_type)
self.random_kinact.calculate_kinase_activities( agg='count', threshold=1.0, greater=True, PROCESSES = PROCESSES )
self.random_kinact.agg_activities = self.random_kinact.aggregate_activities()
self.random_kinact.activities = self.random_kinact.summarize_activities()
#def run_normalization(self, logger, num_random_experiments=150, target_alpha=0.05, PROCESSES = 1):
# """
# Run entire normaliation pipeline (Generate random experiments, calculate kinase activities for random experiments, and normalize p-values based on provided target_alpha)
# """
#"Running Normalization Pipeline")
# pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = PROCESSES)
# self.normalized = True
# self.num_random_experiments = num_random_experiments
#"Generating random experiments")
# self.random_experiments = generate_random_experiments.build_random_experiments(
# self.evidence_binary,
# num_random_experiments,
# self.phospho_type,
# self.data_columns,
# pool,
#"Calculating random kinase activities")
# self.random_kinact = KinaseActivity(self.random_experiments, logger, phospho_type=self.phospho_type)
# self.random_kinact.add_networks_batch(self.networks)
# self.random_kinact.calculate_kinase_activities( agg='count', threshold=1.0, greater=True, PROCESSES = PROCESSES )
#"Normalizing Activities")
# self.normalize(target_alpha=target_alpha)
#def normalize(self, target_alpha=0.05):
# """
# Given random_kinace.activities, summarize, calculate FPR, and normalize. Called in the run_normalization pipelin
# and useful for changing the target_alpha value, without requiring generation and calculation of random datasets
# such as in reading a project from slim format.
# Parameters
# ----------
# target_alpha: float
# FPR target value between 0 and 1
# """
# if target_alpha > 1 or target_alpha < 0:
#"ERROR: Target alpha should be between 0 an 1, setting to default of 0.05")
# target_alpha = 0.05
# self.random_kinact.aggregate_activities()
# self.random_kinact.activities = self.random_kinact.summarize_activities()
# self.normalizers, self.fpr_activity = calculate_fpr.generate_fpr_values(self.activities, self.random_kinact.activities, target_alpha)
# self.normalize_activities(default_normalization=target_alpha)
# self.activities_normalized = self.summarize_activities(self.normalized_agg_activities,'median_normalized_activity',normalized=True)
def add_networks_batch(self,networks):
for nid, network in networks.items():
self.add_network(nid, network)
self.num_networks = len(networks)
def add_network(self, network_id, network, network_size = None):
Add network to be analyzed
network_id : str
name of the network
network : pandas DataFrame
network with columns substrate_id, site, kinase_id
self.networks[network_id] = network
if network_size is not None and isinstance(network_size, int):
self.network_sizes[network_id] = network_size
self.network_sizes[network_id] = len(network.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).size())'ADD NETWORK : Number of Accession Sites : {self.network_sizes[network_id]}')
[docs] def get_run_date(self):
return date that kinase activities were run
return self.run_date
def set_evidence(self, evidence):
Evidence to use in analysis
evidence : pandas DataFrame
substrate sites with activity seen.
columns : dict for column mapping
substrate : Uniprot ID (P12345)
site : phosphorylation site (Y123)
columns = list(evidence.columns)
if config.KSTAR_ACCESSION in columns and config.KSTAR_SITE in columns:
phospho_type = tuple(self.phospho_type)
self.evidence = evidence[evidence[config.KSTAR_SITE].str.startswith(phospho_type)].copy()
self.logger.warning(f"Evidence not set. Evidence columns must include '{config.KSTAR_ACCESSION}' and '{config.KSTAR_SITE}' keys")
#def set_normalizers(self, normalizers):
# """
# Sets the Kinase normalization values to be used in calculating the updated p-values
# Updated p-values normalized via original p-value / normalization-factor * normalization_factor
# Parameters
# ----------
# normalizers : dict or pandas df
# Kinase Activity Normalizers
# index : kinase
# columns : data_column normalization values
# """
# self.normalizers = normalizers
# def calculate_hypergeometric_single_network(self, evidence, network_id):
# """
# Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution Function calculated for each kinase given evidence
# k : number of times kinase seen in evidence
# M : number of unique sites in network
# n : number of times kinase seen in network
# N : size of evidence
# Parameters
# ----------
# evidence : pandas df
# subset of kstar evidence that has been filtered to only include evidence associated with experimetn
# network_id : str
# network to use for analysis
# Returns
# -------
# results : pandas df
# Hypergeometric results of evidence for given network
# index : kinase_id
# columns
# frequency : number of times kinase seen in network
# kinase_activity : activity derived from hypergometric cdf
# """
# network = self.networks[network_id]
# intersect = pd.merge(network, evidence, how='inner',
# on=[config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE])
# counts = intersect.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size()
# N = len(intersect.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).size())
# results = pd.DataFrame(counts, columns = ['frequency'])
# results['kinase_activity'] = 1.0
# K = network.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size()
# kinases = counts.index
# for kin in kinases:
# k = 0
# if counts.loc[kin] > 0:
# k = counts.loc[kin] - 1
# prb = stats.hypergeom.sf(
# k = int(k),
# M = int(self.network_sizes[network_id]),
# n = int(K.loc[kin]),
# N = int(N)
# )
#[kin, 'kinase_activity'] = prb
# results['network'] = network_id
# return results
# def calculate_hypergeometric_activities(self, evidence, name):
# """
# Perform hypergeometric kinase activity analysis given evidence on all networks
# Parameters
# ----------
# evidence : pandas df
# subset of class evidence variable where data is filtered based on experiment
# name : str
# name of experiment being performed
# Returns
# ---------
# fdr_act : pd DataFrame
# network : network name, from networks key
# frequency : number of times kinase was seen in subgraph of evidence and network
# kinase_activity : hypergeometric kinase activity
# fdr_corrected_kinase_activity : kinase activity after fdr correction
# significant : whether kinase activity is significant based on fdr alpha
# combined : pd DataFrame
# significant : number of networks where kinase was found to be significant
# fraction_significant : fraction of networks kinase was found to be significant through FDR correction
# avg_p_value : combined p-values of kinase using mean
# median_p_value : combined p-values of kinase using median
# """
#"Running hypergeometric analysis on {name}")
# results = []
# for network_id in self.networks.keys(): # calculate kinase activity within each network
# result = self.calculate_hypergeometric_single_network(evidence, network_id)
# results.append(result)
# # combine results into single dataframe
# hyp_act = pd.concat(results)
# hyp_act = hyp_act.reset_index()
# hyp_act['data'] = name
# return hyp_act
[docs] def create_binary_evidence(self, agg = 'mean', threshold = 1.0, greater = True):
Returns a binary evidence data frame according to the parameters passed in for method for aggregating
duplicates and considering whether a site is included as evidence or not
threshold : float
threshold value used to filter rows
agg : {'count', 'mean'}
method to use when aggregating duplicate substrate-sites.
'count' combines multiple representations and adds if values are non-NaN
'mean' uses the mean value of numerical data from multiple representations of the same peptide.
NA values are droped from consideration.
greater: Boolean
whether to keep sites that have a numerical value >=threshold (TRUE, default) or <=threshold (FALSE)
evidence_binary : pd.DataFrame
Matches the evidence dataframe of the kinact object, but with 0 or 1 if a site is included or not.
This is uniquified and rows that are never used are removed.
evidence = self.evidence.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).agg(agg).reset_index()
#set the binary evidence for whether a site is included
evidence_binary = evidence.copy()
for col in self.data_columns:
if greater:
evidence_binary[col].mask(evidence[col] >= threshold, 1, inplace=True)
evidence_binary[col].mask(evidence[col] < threshold, 0, inplace=True)
evidence_binary[col].mask(evidence[col] <= threshold, 1, inplace=True)
evidence_binary[col].mask(evidence[col] > threshold, 0, inplace=True)
#remove phosphorylation sites that were not selected in any experiment (useful for very large experiments where removing the need to copy data reduces time)
evidence_binary.drop(evidence_binary[evidence_binary[self.data_columns].sum(axis=1) == 0].index, inplace = True)
return evidence_binary
[docs] def calculate_kinase_activities(self, agg = 'mean', threshold = 1.0, greater = True, PROCESSES = 1):
Calculates combined activity of experiments based that uses a threshold value to determine if an experiment sees a site or not
To use values use 'mean' as agg
mean aggregation drops NA values from consideration
To use count use 'count' as agg - present if not na
data_columns : list
columns that represent experimental result, if None, takes the columns that start with `data:'' in experiment.
Pass this value in as a list, if seeking to calculate on fewer than all available data columns
threshold : float
threshold value used to filter rows
agg : {'count', 'mean'}
method to use when aggregating duplicate substrate-sites.
'count' combines multiple representations and adds if values are non-NaN
'mean' uses the mean value of numerical data from multiple representations of the same peptide.
NA values are droped from consideration.
greater: Boolean
whether to keep sites that have a numerical value >=threshold (TRUE, default) or <=threshold (FALSE)
activities : dict
key : experiment
value : pd DataFrame
network : network name, from networks key
kinase : kinase examined
frequency : number of times kinase was seen in subgraph of evidence and network
kinase_activity : hypergeometric kinase activity
#for each phosphoType, check that the
self.aggregate = agg
self.threshold = threshold
self.greater = greater
self.evidence_binary = self.create_binary_evidence(agg = self.aggregate, threshold = self.threshold, greater = self.greater)
# if no data columns are provided use all columns that start with data:
# data columns that filtered have no evidence are removed"Kinase Activity will be run on the following data columns: {','.join(self.data_columns)}")
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = PROCESSES)
filtered_evidence_list = [self.evidence_binary[self.evidence_binary[col] ==1 ] for col in self.data_columns]
networks = itertools.repeat(self.networks)
network_sizes = itertools.repeat(self.network_sizes)
iterable = zip(filtered_evidence_list, networks, network_sizes, self.data_columns)
activities_list = pool.starmap(calculate_hypergeometric_activities, iterable)
activities_list =[]
for col in self.data_columns:
filtered_evidence = self.evidence_binary[self.evidence_binary[col] == 1]
act = calculate_hypergeometric_activities(filtered_evidence, self.networks, self.network_sizes, col)
act['data'] = col
self.num_networks = len(self.network_sizes)
self.activities_list = pd.concat(activities_list)
return self.activities_list
def summarize_activities(self, activities = None, method = 'median_activity', normalized = False):
Builds a single combined dataframe from the provided activities such that
each piece of evidence is given a single column. Values are based on the method selected.
The method must be a column in the activities
activities : dict
hypergeometric activities that have previously been summarized by network.
key : experiment name
value : hypergeometric activity
method : str
The column in the hypergeometric activity to use for summarizing data
activity_summary : pandas DataFrame
if activities is None:
activities = self.agg_activities
available_methods = list(activities.columns)
if method not in available_methods:
raise ValueError(f"the method '{method}' is not in the availble methods. \nAvailable methods include : {', '.join(available_methods)}")
activity_summary = activities.pivot(index = config.KSTAR_KINASE, columns ='data', values = method).reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1).set_index(config.KSTAR_KINASE)
activity_summary = activity_summary[self.data_columns]
return activity_summary
def aggregate_activities(self, activities = None):
Aggregate network activity using median for all activities
activities : dict
key : Experiment
value : kinase activity result
summaries : dict
key : experiment
value : summarized kinase activities accross networks
if activities is None:
activities = self.activities_list
self.agg_activities = activities.groupby(['data', config.KSTAR_KINASE ]).agg(
median_activity = ('kinase_activity', 'median'),
return self.agg_activities
#def normalize_activities(self, activities = None, default_normalization = 0.05, normalization_multiplier = 0.05):
# """
# Generates the normalized activities and corresponding summary statistics
# Parameters
# ----------
# activities : dict
# hypergeometric activities generated by KSTAR algorithm
# key : experiment
# value : hypergeometric result
# default_normalization: float
# value to normalize to, if no normalizers are set.
# Returns
# --------
# normalized_activities : dict
# normalized Kinase Activity results
# key : experiment
# value : normalized results
# summarized_activities : dict
# summary statistics of normalized kinase activity
# key : experiment
# value : summary statistics
# """
# self.normalized = True
# if activities is None:
# activities = self.activities_list
# normalized_activities = []
# for data in self.data_columns:
# if type(self.normalizers) is dict:
# normalizers = self.normalizers
# elif type(self.normalizers) is pd.DataFrame and data #in self.normalizers.columns:
# #print("setting normalizers")
# normalizers = self.normalizers[data].to_dict()
# else:
# normalizers = {}
# activity = activities[activities['data'] == data]
# normalized_activities.append(
# self.calculate_normalized_activity(
# activity,
# normalizers,
# default_normalization,
# normalization_multiplier))
# self.normalized_activities_list = pd.concat(normalized_activities)
# self.aggregate_normalized_activities(self.normalized_activities_list)
# return self.normalized_activities_list, self.normalized_agg_activities
#def calculate_normalized_activity(self, kinase_activity, normalizers, default_normalization = 0.05, normalization_multiplier = 0.05):
# """
# Activity is normalized based on kinase normalization factors.
# Added Columns :
# Normalization Factor : normalization factor for given Kinase
# Significant : 1 if Kinase Activity <= Normalization Factor
# Normalized Activity : ( Kinase Activity ) / ( Normalization Factor ) * Normalization Multiplier
# Parameters
# ----------
# kinase_activity : pandas df
# hypergeometric activity calculated through KSTAR algorithm
# default_normalization : float
# Normalization factor to use if one not provided
# normalization_multiplier : float
# normalization multiplier to use for calculated #normalized kinase activity
# """
# normalized_activity = kinase_activity.copy()
# normalized_activity['Normalization Factor'] = normalized_activity[config.KSTAR_KINASE].apply(lambda name: normalizers[name] if name in normalizers.keys() else default_normalization)
# if len(self.networks) > 0:
# normalized_activity['Significant'] = normalized_activity.apply(lambda row: (row['kinase_activity'] <= row['Normalization Factor'] / len( self.networks ) ) * 1, axis = 1)
# else:
# normalized_activity['Significant'] = normalized_activity.apply(lambda row: (row['kinase_activity'] <= row['Normalization Factor']) * 1, axis = 1)
# normalized_activity['Normalized Activity'] = normalized_activity.apply(lambda row: np.clip( row['kinase_activity'] / row['Normalization Factor'] * normalization_multiplier, 0.0, 1.0 ), axis = 1)
# return normalized_activity
#def aggregate_normalized_activities(self, normalized_activities):
# """
# Summarizes normalized kinase activity results of all networks by kinase
# Summaries provided :
# median original activity
# average original activity
# median normalized activity
# average normalized activity
# count significant
# fraction significant
# Parameters
# ----------
# normalized_activity : pandas df
# Normalized kinase activty
# Returns
# --------
# summary : pandas df
# summarized data of all networks by kinase
# """
# self.normalized_agg_activities = normalized_activities.groupby(['data',config.KSTAR_KINASE]).agg(
# median_original_activity = ('kinase_activity', 'median'),
# median_normalized_activity = ('Normalized Activity', 'median'),
# count_significant = ('Significant', 'sum'),
# fraction_significant = ('Significant', 'mean')
# ).reset_index()
# return self.normalized_agg_activities
def find_pvalue_limits(self, data_columns, agg = 'count', threshold = 1.0):
For each data column and network find the lowest p-value achievable and how many
seen sites are required to get to that limit.
- kinase size in network is same for all kinases
data_columns : list
what columns in evidence to compare
agg : str
aggregate function - what function to use for determining if site is present
count : use when using activity_count
mean : use when using activity_threshold
threshold : float
threshold to use in determining if site present in evidence
all_limits : pandas DataFrame
p-value limits of each column for each network
evidence evidence data column
network network being compared
kinase kinase being evaluated
evidence_size size of evidence
limit_size number of sites to get non-zero p-value
p-value p-value generated
limit_summary : pandas DataFrame
summary of all_limits by taking average over by evidence
evidence = self.evidence.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).agg(agg)
all_rows = []
kinase_sizes = {}
for nid, network in self.networks.items():
# kinase_sizes[nid] = network.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size()
kinase_sizes[nid] = int(network.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size().mean())
for col in data_columns:
filtered_evidence = evidence[evidence[col] > threshold]
N = len(filtered_evidence.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).size())
for nid, M in self.network_sizes.items():
# kinases = list(kinase_sizes[nid].index)
# for kinase in kinases:
# n = int(kinase_sizes[nid].loc[kinase])
n = kinase_sizes[nid]
for k in range(N,0,-1):
pvalue = stats.hypergeom.sf(
k = k,
M = M,
n = n,
N = N
# pvalue = 1 - prb
if pvalue > 0:
row = {
'evidence' : col,
'network' : nid,
# 'kinase' : kinase,
'evidence_size' : N,
'limit_size' : k,
'kinase_size' : n,
'network_size' : M,
'p-value' : pvalue
all_limits = pd.DataFrame(all_rows)
limit_summary = all_limits.groupby('evidence').mean()
return all_limits, limit_summary
[docs] def calculate_Mann_Whitney_activities_sig(self, log, number_sig_trials = 100, PROCESSES = 1):
For a kinact_dict, where random generation and activity has already been run for the phospho_types of interest,
this will calculate the Mann-Whitney U test for comparing the array of p-values for real data
to those of random data, across the number of networks used.
It will also calculate the false positive rate for a pvalue, given observations of a random bootstrapping analysis
kinact_dict: dictionary
A dictionary of kinact objects, with keys 'Y' and/or 'ST'
log: logger
Logger for logging activity messages
phospho_types: {['Y', 'ST'], ['Y'], ['ST']}
Which substrate/kinaset-type to run activity for: Both ['Y, 'ST'] (default), Tyrosine ['Y'], or Serine/Threonine ['ST']
number_sig_trials: int
Maximum number of significant trials to run
#First, check that objects are correct and values can be found
if not isinstance(self.random_kinact.activities_list, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("Random activities do not exist, please run kstar_activity.normalize_analysis")
if number_sig_trials > self.num_random_experiments:"Warning: number of trials for Mann Whitney exceeds number available, using %d instead of %d"%(self.num_random_experiments, number_sig_trials))
number_sig_trials = self.num_random_experiments
self.activities_mann_whitney = pd.DataFrame(index=self.activities.index, columns=self.activities.columns)
self.fpr_mann_whitney = pd.DataFrame(index=self.activities.index, columns=self.activities.columns)
#for every kinase and every dataset, calculate and assemble dataframes of activities and significance values
for exp in self.data_columns:"MW Working on %s: "%(exp))
#Get a subset of the random and real activites for this experiment
activities_sub = self.activities_list[self.activities_list['data']==exp]
rand_activities_sub = self.random_kinact.activities_list[self.random_kinact.activities_list['data'].str.startswith(exp)]
pval_arr = []
fpr_arr = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=PROCESSES) as executor:
for pval, fpr in, repeat(activities_sub), repeat(rand_activities_sub), repeat(self.num_networks), self.activities.index, repeat(exp), repeat(number_sig_trials)):
self.activities_mann_whitney[exp] = pval_arr
self.fpr_mann_whitney[exp] = fpr_arr
def calculate_hypergeometric_single_network(evidence, network, network_size, network_id ):
Hypergeometric Cumulative Distribution Function calculated for each kinase given evidence
k : number of times kinase seen in evidence
M : number of unique sites in network
n : number of times kinase seen in network
N : size of evidence
evidence : pandas df
subset of kstar evidence that has been filtered to only include evidence associated with experiment
network_id : str
network to use for analysis
results : pandas df
Hypergeometric results of evidence for given network
index : kinase_id
frequency : number of times kinase seen in network
kinase_activity : activity derived from hypergometric cdf
intersect = pd.merge(network, evidence, how='inner',
on=[config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE])
counts = intersect.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size()
N = len(intersect.groupby([config.KSTAR_ACCESSION, config.KSTAR_SITE]).size())
results = pd.DataFrame(counts, columns = ['frequency'])
results['kinase_activity'] = 1.0
K = network.groupby(config.KSTAR_KINASE).size()
kinases = counts.index
for kin in kinases:
k = 0
if counts.loc[kin] > 0:
k = counts.loc[kin] - 1
prb = stats.hypergeom.sf(
k = int(k),
M = int(network_size),
n = int(K.loc[kin]),
N = int(N)
)[kin, 'kinase_activity'] = prb
kinases = network[config.KSTAR_KINASE].unique()
for kin in kinases:
if kin not in results.index:[kin,'frequency'] = 0[kin,'kinase_activity'] = 1.0
results['network'] = network_id
return results
def calculate_hypergeometric_activities(evidence, networks, network_sizes, name):
Perform hypergeometric kinase activity analysis given evidence on all networks
evidence : pandas df
subset of class evidence variable where data is filtered based on experiment
name : str
name of experiment being performed
fdr_act : pd DataFrame
network : network name, from networks key
frequency : number of times kinase was seen in subgraph of evidence and network
kinase_activity : hypergeometric kinase activity
fdr_corrected_kinase_activity : kinase activity after fdr correction
significant : whether kinase activity is significant based on fdr alpha
combined : pd DataFrame
significant : number of networks where kinase was found to be significant
fraction_significant : fraction of networks kinase was found to be significant through FDR correction
avg_p_value : combined p-values of kinase using mean
median_p_value : combined p-values of kinase using median
#"Running hypergeometric analysis on {name}")
results = []
for network_id in networks.keys(): # calculate kinase activity within each network
result =calculate_hypergeometric_single_network(evidence, networks[network_id], network_sizes[network_id], network_id)
# combine results into single dataframe
hyp_act = pd.concat(results)
hyp_act = hyp_act.reset_index()
hyp_act['data'] = name
return hyp_act
Methods for Mann Whitney analysis
def calculate_fpr_Mann_Whitney(random_kinase_activity_array, number_sig_trials):
Given an mxn array of kinase activities from m random experiments across n networks
use bootstrapping to calculate an empirical p-value at which the false positive rate is controlled.
This function takes one of m random experiments and calculates the Mann Whitney U pvalue
then finds the pvalue at which the target_alpha is achieved
random_kinase_activity_array: np.array
See calculate_MannWhitney_one_experiment_one_kinase for unwrapping all activities for a kinase and experiment
Number of random trials to perform, where one random set is tested number_sig_trials against the full background
random_stats: np.array
A vector of Mann Whitney p-values that is m long, representing pvalues from m bootstrap tests
#calculate the significance by taking each experiment
[m, n] = random_kinase_activity_array.shape
if number_sig_trials > m:
print("Warning, using %d, maximum number for significance"%(m))
number_sig_trials = m
random_stats = np.empty([number_sig_trials])
for i in range(0, number_sig_trials):
#take out one vector as real
sample = random_kinase_activity_array[i,:]
bgnd = np.delete(random_kinase_activity_array, i, 0) #remove the sample before testing
[stat, random_stats[i]] = stats.mannwhitneyu(-np.log10(sample), -np.log10(bgnd.reshape(bgnd.size)), alternative='greater')
return random_stats
def calculate_MannWhitney_one_experiment_one_kinase(kinact_activities, rand_activities, number_networks, kinase, experiment, number_sig_trials):
For a given kinact object, where random generation and activity has already been run, this will calculate
the Mann-Whitney U test between the p-values across all networks for the given experiment name
and from the random networks. It will also calculate the significance value for the given test
based on the target_alpha value by using each random set as a real set to bootstrap.
kinact: kinact object
A kinact object (not a dictionary)
kinase: str
Kinase name to measure significance for
experiment: str
Experiment name to measure significance for
p-value: float
p-value that results from Mann Whitney U test
fpr_value: float
the false positive rate where the p_value for the real experiment lies, given the random experiments
kinase_activity_list = kinact_activities[(kinact_activities[config.KSTAR_KINASE]==kinase) & (kinact_activities['data']==experiment)].kinase_activity.values
random_kinase_activity_array = np.empty([number_sig_trials, number_networks])
for i in range(0, number_sig_trials):
# get the kinase activity values for all networks for a random set
experiment_name = experiment+':'+str(i)
random_kinase_activity_array[i,:]=rand_activities[(rand_activities[config.KSTAR_KINASE]==kinase) & (rand_activities['data']==experiment_name)].kinase_activity.values
[stat, p_value] = stats.mannwhitneyu(-np.log10(kinase_activity_list), -np.log10(random_kinase_activity_array.reshape(random_kinase_activity_array.size)), alternative='greater')
randomStats = calculate_fpr_Mann_Whitney(random_kinase_activity_array, number_sig_trials)
#sig_value = calculate_fpr.single_experiment_kinase_fpr(randomStats, target_alpha)
fpr_value = calculate_fpr.single_pvalue_fpr(randomStats, p_value)
#sig_value = 1
return p_value, fpr_value
Methods for running KSTAR pipeline
[docs]def enrichment_analysis(experiment, log, networks, phospho_types =['Y', 'ST'], data_columns = None, agg = 'mean', threshold = 1.0, greater = True, PROCESSES = 1):
Function to establish a kstar KinaseActivity object from an experiment with an activity log
add the networks, calculate, aggregate, and summarize the hypergeometric enrichment into a final activity object. Should be followed by
randomized_analyis, then Mann_Whitney_analysis.
experiment: pandas df
experiment dataframe that has been mapped, includes KSTAR_SITE, KSTAR_ACCESSION, etc.
log: logger object
Log to write activity log error and update to
networks: dictionary of dictionaries
Outer dictionary keys are 'Y' and 'ST'.
Establish a network by loading a pickle of desired networks. See the helpers and config file for this.
If downloaded from FigShare, then the GLOBAL network pickles in config file can be loaded
For example: networks['Y'] = pickle.load(open(config.NETWORK_Y_PICKLE, "rb" ))
phospho_types: {['Y', 'ST'], ['Y'], ['ST']}
Which substrate/kinaset-type to run activity for: Both ['Y, 'ST'] (default), Tyrosine ['Y'], or Serine/Threonine ['ST']
data_columns : list
columns that represent experimental result, if None, takes the columns that start with `data:'' in experiment.
Pass this value in as a list, if seeking to calculate on fewer than all available data columns
agg : {'count', 'mean'}
method to use when aggregating duplicate substrate-sites.
'count' combines multiple representations and adds if values are non-NaN
'mean' uses the mean value of numerical data from multiple representations of the same peptide.
NA values are droped from consideration.
threshold : float
threshold value used to filter rows
greater: Boolean
whether to keep sites that have a numerical value >=threshold (TRUE, default) or <=threshold (FALSE)
kinactDict: dictionary of Kinase Activity Objects
Outer keys are phosphoTypes run 'Y' and 'ST'
Includes the activities dictionary (see calculate_kinase_activities)
aggregation of activities across networks (see aggregate activities)
activity summary (see summarize_activities)
kinact_dict = {}
# For each phosphoType of interest, establish a kinase activity object on a filtered dataset and run, aggregate, and summarize activity
for phospho_type in phospho_types:
#first check that networks for the phosphotypes were passed in
if phospho_type not in networks:
print("ERROR: Please pass networks as dictionary with phosphotype key")
#filter the experiment (log how many are of that type)
if phospho_type == 'ST':
experiment_sub = experiment[(experiment.KSTAR_SITE.str.contains('S')) | (experiment.KSTAR_SITE.str.contains('T'))]"Running Serine/Threonine Kinase Activity Analysis")
elif phospho_type == 'Y':
experiment_sub = experiment[(experiment.KSTAR_SITE.str.contains('Y'))]"Running Tyrosine Kinase Activity Analysis")
print("ERROR: Did not recognize phosphoType %s, which should only include 'Y' or 'ST' "%(phospho_type))
kinact = KinaseActivity(experiment_sub, log, data_columns = data_columns, phospho_type=phospho_type)
kinact.calculate_kinase_activities(agg=agg, threshold=threshold, greater=greater, PROCESSES = PROCESSES)
kinact.activities = kinact.summarize_activities()
kinact_dict[phospho_type] = kinact
return kinact_dict
#def normalize_analysis(kinact_dict, log, num_random_experiments=150, target_alpha = 0.05, PROCESSES = 1):
# """
# Creates random experiments, drawn from the human phosphoproteome, according to the distribution of the number of compendia
# that each data column in the experiment has for num_random_experiments. Kinase activity calculation is then run on every random experiment
# and then assembled for each data column to calculate the pvalue at which a kinase hits the target_alpha value of false positives.
# Finally, it takes these empirically defined pvalue corrections and normalizes the kinase activities according to these, such that
# the real experimental data also has the target_alpha value.
# Parameters
# ----------
# kinact_dict: KinaseActivities dictionary
# Has keys ['Y'] and/or ['ST'] and values that are KinaseActivity objects. These objects are modified to add normalization
# log: logger
# Logger for logging activity messages
# num_random_experiments: int
# Number of random experiments, for each data column, to create and run activity from
# target_alpha: float
# Value between 0 and 1 that is the target false positive rate.
# """
# if target_alpha > 1 or target_alpha < 0:
# raise ValueError('ERROR: target_alpha must be value between 0 and 1')
# for phospho_type, kinact in kinact_dict.items():
# kinact.run_normalization(log, num_random_experiments, target_alpha, PROCESSES = PROCESSES)
[docs]def randomized_analysis(kinact_dict, log, num_random_experiments=150, PROCESSES = 1):
Creates random experiments, drawn from the human phosphoproteome, according to the distribution of the number of compendia
that each data column in the experiment has for num_random_experiments. Kinase activity calculation is then run on every random experiment.
kinact_dict: KinaseActivities dictionary
Has keys ['Y'] and/or ['ST'] and values that are KinaseActivity objects. These objects are modified to add normalization
log: logger
Logger for logging activity messages
num_random_experiments: int
Number of random experiments, for each data column, to create and run activity from
for phospho_type, kinact in kinact_dict.items():
kinact.calculate_random_activities(log, num_random_experiments, PROCESSES = PROCESSES)
[docs]def Mann_Whitney_analysis(kinact_dict, log, number_sig_trials = 100, PROCESSES = 1):
For a kinact_dict, where random generation and activity has already been run for the phospho_types of interest,
this will calculate the Mann-Whitney U test for comparing the array of p-values for real data
to those of random data, across the number of networks used.
It will also calculate the false positive rate for a pvalue, given observations of a random bootstrapping analysis
kinact_dict: dictionary
A dictionary of kinact objects, with keys 'Y' and/or 'ST'
log: logger
Logger for logging activity messages
number_sig_trials: int
Maximum number of significant trials to run
for phospho_type, kinact in kinact_dict.items():
kinact.calculate_Mann_Whitney_activities_sig(log, number_sig_trials = number_sig_trials, PROCESSES = PROCESSES)
[docs]def save_kstar(kinact_dict, name, odir, PICKLE=True):
Having performed kinase activities (run_kstar_analyis), save each of the important dataframes to files and the final pickle
Saves an activities, aggregated_activities, summarized_activities tab-separated files
Saves a pickle file of dictionary
kinact_dict: dictionary of Kinase Activity Objects
Outer keys are phosphoTypes run 'Y' and 'ST'
Includes the activities dictionary (see calculate_kinase_activities)
aggregation of activities across networks (see aggregate activities)
activity summary (see summarize_activities)
name: string
The name to use when saving activities
odir: string
Outputdirectory to save files and pickle to
PICKLE: boolean
Whether to save the entire pickle file
if not os.path.exists(f"{odir}/RESULTS"):
for phospho_type in kinact_dict:
kinact = kinact_dict[phospho_type]
name_out = f"{name}_{phospho_type}"
kinact.activities_list.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.agg_activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_aggregated_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = False)
kinact.activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
kinact.evidence_binary.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_binarized_experiment.tsv", sep='\t', index=False)
if hasattr(kinact, 'random_kinact'):
kinact.random_kinact.activities_list.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.random_kinact.agg_activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_aggregated_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = False)
kinact.random_kinact.activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
kinact.random_experiments.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t', index = False)
kinact.random_kinact.evidence.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t', index = False)
#if kinact.normalized:
# kinact.normalized_activities_list.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_normalized_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
# kinact.normalized_agg_activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_normalized_aggregated_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
# kinact.activities_normalized.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_normalized.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
# kinact.fpr_activity.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index=True)
if hasattr(kinact, 'activities_mann_whitney'):
kinact.activities_mann_whitney.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_activities.tsv", sep='\t', index = True)
kinact.fpr_mann_whitney.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index = True)
pickle.dump( kinact_dict, open( f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name}_kinact.p", "wb" ) )
[docs]def save_kstar_slim(kinact_dict, name, odir):
Having performed kinase activities (run_kstar_analyis), save each of the important dataframes, minimizing the memory storage needed to get back
to a rebuilt version for plotting results and analysis. For each phospho_type in the kinact_dict, this will save three .tsv files for every activities
analysis run, two additional if random analysis was run, and two more if Mann Whitney based analysis was run. It also creates a readme file of the parameter values
kinact_dict: dictionary of Kinase Activity Objects
Outer keys are phosphoTypes run 'Y' and 'ST'
Includes the activities dictionary (see calculate_kinase_activities)
aggregation of activities across networks (see aggregate activities)
activity summary (see summarize_activities)
name: string
The name to use when saving activities
odir: string
Outputdirectory to save files and pickle to
if not os.path.exists(f"{odir}/RESULTS"):
param_dict = {}
for phospho_type in kinact_dict:
kinact = kinact_dict[phospho_type]
name_out = f"{name}_{phospho_type}"
param_temp = {}
param_temp['data_columns'] = kinact.data_columns
param_temp['aggregate'] = kinact.aggregate
param_temp['greater'] = kinact.greater
param_temp['threshold'] = kinact.threshold
param_temp['run_date']= kinact.run_date
param_temp['mann_whitney'] = False
param_temp['randomized'] = False
param_temp['num_networks'] = kinact.num_networks
param_temp['network_directory'] = kinact.network_directory
kinact.activities_list.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.activities.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
kinact.evidence_binary.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_binarized_experiment.tsv", sep='\t', index=False)
#if kinact.normalized:
# param_temp['normalized'] = True
# kinact.activities_normalized.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_normalized.tsv", sep = '\t', index = True)
# kinact.fpr_activity.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index=True)
if hasattr(kinact, 'random_kinact'):
param_temp['randomized'] = True
param_temp['num_random_experiments'] = kinact.num_random_experiments
kinact.random_kinact.activities_list.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.random_kinact.evidence.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t', index = False)
if hasattr(kinact, 'activities_mann_whitney'):
param_temp['mann_whitney'] = True
kinact.activities_mann_whitney.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_activities.tsv", sep='\t', index = True)
kinact.fpr_mann_whitney.to_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index = True)
param_dict[phospho_type] = param_temp
#save the parameters in a pickle file for reinstantiating object information
pickle.dump(param_dict, open(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name}_params.p", "wb"))
[docs]def from_kstar_slim(name, odir, log):
Given the name and output directory of a saved kstar analyis, load the parameters and minimum dataframes needed for reinstantiating a kinact object
This minimum list will allow you to repeat normalization or mann whitney at a different false positive rate threshold and plot results.
name: string
The name to used when saving activities and mapped data
odir: string
Output directory of saved files and parameter pickle
log: logger
Logger for logging activity messages
#First check for the param file
param_dict = pickle.load( open(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name}_params.p", "rb"))
print(f"ERROR: Cannot find parameter dictionary file in RESULTS: {odir}/RESULTS/{name}_params.p")"ERROR: Cannot find parameter dictionary file in RESULTS: {odir}/RESULTS/{name}_params.p")
kinact_dict = {}
for phospho_type in param_dict.keys():
params = param_dict[phospho_type]
name_out = f"{name}_{phospho_type}"
#instantiate an object and update values according to
#check that the minimum file set exists so we can use binary_evidence file as the experiment
evidence_binary = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_binarized_experiment.tsv", sep='\t')
kinact = KinaseActivity(evidence_binary, log, phospho_type=phospho_type)
kinact.activities_list = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col = 0)
kinact.activities = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
kinact.evidence_binary = evidence_binary
if params['mann_whitney']:
#read mann_whitney and load
kinact.activities_mann_whitney = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_activities.tsv", sep='\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
kinact.fpr_mann_whitney = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_mann_whitney_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
params.pop('mann_whitney', None)
#if params['normalized']:
# kinact.activities_normalized= pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_normalized.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
# kinact.fpr_activity = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_activities_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index_col=config.KSTAR_KINASE)
if params['randomized']:
rand_experiments = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.random_kinact = KinaseActivity(rand_experiments, log, phospho_type=phospho_type)
kinact.random_kinact.activities_list = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t')
kinact.random_kinact.evidence = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/RESULTS/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t')
#set data columns according to file
for param_name in params:
setattr(kinact, param_name, params[param_name])
kinact_dict[phospho_type] = kinact
return kinact_dict
[docs]def from_kstar_nextflow(name, odir, log = None):
Given the name and output directory of a saved kstar analyis from the nextflow pipeline, load the results into new kinact object with
the minimum dataframes required for analysis (binary experiment, hypergeometric activities, normalized activities, mann whitney activities)
name: string
The name to used when saving activities and mapped data
odir: string
Output directory of saved files
log: logger
logger used when loading nextflow data into kinase activity object. If not provided, new logger will be created.
#create new logger if not provided
if log is None:
log = helpers.get_logger(f"activity_{name}", f"{odir}/activity_{name}.log")
kinact_dict = {}
for phospho_type in ['Y','ST']:
#check to see if folder for phosphotype is present (have Y or ST activities been calculated)
if os.path.isdir(f'{odir}/{phospho_type}'):
#check that the minimum file set exists so we can use binary_evidence file as the experiment
evidence_binary = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/binary_experiment/{name}_binarized_experiment.tsv", sep='\t')
kinact = KinaseActivity(evidence_binary, log, phospho_type=phospho_type)
kinact.activities_list = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/hypergeometric_activity/{name}_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col = 0)
kinact.activities = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/hypergeometric_activity/{name}_activities.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
kinact.evidence_binary = evidence_binary
#read mann_whitney and load
kinact.activities_mann_whitney = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/mann_whitney/{name}_mann_whitney_activities.tsv", sep='\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
kinact.fpr_mann_whitney = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/mann_whitney/{name}_mann_whitney_fpr.tsv", sep='\t', index_col = config.KSTAR_KINASE)
#rand_experiments = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t')
#kinact.random_kinact = KinaseActivity(rand_experiments, log, phospho_type=phospho_type)
#kinact.random_kinact.activities_list = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/{name}_random_activities_list.tsv", sep = '\t', index_col=0)
#kinact.random_kinact.evidence = pd.read_csv(f"{odir}/{phospho_type}/{name_out}_random_experiments.tsv", sep = '\t')
#set data columns according to file
kinact_dict[phospho_type] = kinact
#check to see if any files were loaded
if kinact_dict.keys() == 0:
print('KSTAR results were not found for either Y or ST')
return kinact_dict