Network Generation

Download pre-generated networks

We have provided pre-pruned networks that can be downloaded here. If choosing to use these networks, you can go straight to activity calculation and skip the remainder of this section.

Generate your own networks

The prune class and accompanying functions were created for generating the ensemble of pruned networks used by KSTAR from any weighted kinase-substrate network (we recommend NetworKIN/KinomeXplorer). Pruning can either be run within a python environment/interpreter, or they can be run using a bash script from the command line.

Required format of weighted kinase-substrate network

The weighted network (such as one obtained from NetworKIN) should be in a matrix format, containing 3+ columns:

  • site_col: Uniprot Accession of the protein

  • acc_col: phosphorylation site number

  • Each additional column should be labeled by the associated kinase and contain the probability of that kinase phosphorylate each substrate.

Here is a small example of such a matrix:















For an example of a weighted kinase-substrate network that can be used during pruning, see the KinPred figshare. These networks are also available for use if you would like to use different pruning parameters from those used in the KSTAR publication.

Determining Pruning Parameters to Use

Before generating pruned networks, you would need to define the properties of the pruned networks, namely the number of substrates each kinase will be connected to (kinase_size) and the maximum number of kinases a single substrate can provide evidence for (site_limit). Within the pruner class, we have provided a function, called getRecommendedKinaseSize(), designed to help guide this selection and avoid parameter values that will result in an impossible network configuration given your weighted network.

For this function, you must provide a value for the site_limit parameter. Lower values will be more restrictive and lead to fewer shared substrates between kinases, but will also reduce the total number of substrates that a kinase can be connected to in the network. For NetworKIN weighted network used in the KSTAR publication, we used a ‘site_limit’ of 10 for tyrosine kinases and 20 for serine threonine kinases.

To check for recommended parameter values, first load necessary information and initialize pruner class:

#load necesary packages
from kstar.prune import Pruner
from kstar import config, helpers

#load network and initialize logger
network_file = f'{config.NETWORK_DIR}/network_file_name.csv'
network = pd.read_csv(network_file)
log = helpers.get_logger('kstar_log', "pruning.log")

#intialize pruner
pruner = prune.Pruner(network, logger, phospho_type = 'Y', acc_col = 'substrate_acc', site_col = 'site')

Then get recommendations for a particular ‘site_limit’ value:


Once you have decided on the final parameters, you can also validate your choice:

pruner.checkParameters(kinase_size, site_limit)

Run pruning

Within python interpreter/IDE

If wanting to run pruning in python, follow these steps:

  1. Import necessary packages

  2. Load the weighted kinase-substrate network. This should contain a column with Uniprot accession IDs for each substrate, the residue/site number of each substrate, and score columns containing the weight/likelihood of interaction between the given kinase and substrate. The pruning class should be told where to find the accession and site columns (via acc_col and site_col parameters). You can also indicate the columns that do not contain the kinase-substrate weights via the netcols_todrop parameter. If this is set to None, KSTAR will automatically drop all non-numeric columns.

  3. Set all necessary parameters. The recommended parameters for tyrosine kinases in NetworKIN are shown in the code snippet below.

  4. Run the pruning algorithm via the master ‘run_pruning()’ function.

  5. Save the networks and run information.

#load necesary packages
import pandas as pd
from kstar.prune import run_pruning, save_pruning, save_run_information
from kstar import config, helpers

#Load networks and define parameters used during the pruning run
network_file = f'{config.NETWORK_DIR}/network_file_name.csv'
network = pd.read_csv(network_file)

#create logger (will record important information about the pruning run)
log = helpers.get_logger('kstar_log', "pruning.log")

#set other parameters 
phospho_type = 'Y'    #type of phosphomodification to generate networks for ('Y', 'ST')
kinase_size = 2000     #minimum number of substrates all kinases must be connected to
site_limit = 10       #maximum number of kinases a particular substrate can be connected to
num_networks = 50     #number of pruned networks to generate
network_id = 'NetworKIN'
use_compendia = True  #indicates whether kinases are forced to be connected to the same substrate study bias distribution
acc_col = 'substrate_acc' # column that contains Uniprot Accession ID of each substrate in the weighted network
site_col = 'site' # column that contains residue and site number of each substrate in the weighted network
netcols_todrop = None
odir = f"./prune/results/" #where the final pruned networks should be saved
PROCESSES = 4		#number of cores to use (> 1 for multiprocessing)"Beginning to build pruning networks")
#run and save pruning
pruner = run_pruning(network, log, phospho_type, kinase_size, site_limit, num_networks, network_id, odir, use_compendia, 
	acc_col = acc_col, site_col = site_col, netcols_todrop = netcols_todrop, PROCESSES = PROCESSES)

Run pruning from the command line

It is also possible to run the pruning procedure from start to finish, including saving the results and run info, from the command line. A bash script like the one below can be used to run and input the necessary parameters.

export KSTAR_DIR = /repo_loc/KSTAR/

python /kstar/ \
--network_file /RESOURCE_FILES/NetworKIN/NetworKIN_2020-02-26_all_matrix.csv \
--output_directory /prune/results/ \
--phospho_type Y \
--kinase_size  2000 \
--site_limit 10 \
--num_networks 50 \
--network_id NetworKIN \
--use_compendia yes