Source code for ptm_pose.annotate

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import os

from ptm_pose import pose_config, helpers

#dictionaries for converting modification codes to modification names in PhosphoSitePlus data
mod_shorthand_dict = {'p': 'Phosphorylation', 'ca':'Caspase Cleavage', 'hy':'Hydroxylation', 'sn':'S-Nitrosylation', 'ng':'Glycosylation', 'ub': 'Ubiquitination', 'pa': "Palmitoylation",'ne':'Neddylation','sc':'Succinylation', 'sm': 'Sumoylation', 'ga': 'Glycosylation', 'gl': 'Glycosylation', 'ac': 'Acetylation', 'me':'Methylation', 'm1':'Methylation', 'm2': 'Dimethylation', 'm3':'Trimethylation'}
residue_dict = {'P': 'proline', 'Y':'tyrosine', 'S':'serine', 'T':'threonine', 'H':'histidine', 'D':'aspartic acid', 'I':'isoleucine', 'K':'lysine', 'R':'arginine', 'G':'glycine', 'N':'asparagine', 'M':'methionine'}
annotation_col_dict = {'PhosphoSitePlus':{'Function':'PSP:ON_FUNCTION', 'Process':'PSP:ON_PROCESS', 'Interactions':'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT', 'Disease':'PSP:Disease_Association', 'Kinase':'PSP:Kinase','Perturbation':'PTMsigDB:PSP-PERT'},
                        'ELM':{'Interactions':'ELM:Interactions', 'Motif Match':'ELM:Motif Matches'},
                        'PTMcode':{'Intraprotein':'PTMcode:Intraprotein_Interactions', 'Interactions':'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions'},
                        'PTMsigDB': {'WikiPathway':'PTMsigDB:PATH-WP', 'NetPath':'PTMsigDB:PATH-NP','mSigDB':'PTMsigDB:PATH-BI', 'Pertubation (DIA2)':'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-DIA2', 'Perturbation (DIA)': 'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-DIA', 'Perturbation (PRM)':'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-PRM', 'Kinase':'PTMsigDB:Kinase-iKiP'}}

[docs]def add_custom_annotation(spliced_ptms, annotation_data, source_name, annotation_type, annotation_col, accession_col = 'UniProtKB Accession', residue_col = 'Residue', position_col = 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'): """ Add custom annotation data to spliced_ptms or altered flanking sequence dataframes Parameters ---------- annotation_data: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the annotation data to be added to the spliced_ptms dataframe. Must contain columns for UniProtKB Accession, Residue, PTM Position in Canonical Isoform, and the annotation data to be added source_name: str Name of the source of the annotation data, will be used to label the columns in the spliced_ptms dataframe annotation_type: str Type of annotation data being added, will be used to label the columns in the spliced_ptms dataframe annotation_col: str Column name in the annotation data that contains the annotation data to be added to the spliced_ptms dataframe Returns ------- spliced_ptms: pandas.DataFrame Contains the PTMs identified across the different splice events with an additional column for the custom annotation data """ #check if annotation data contains the annotation col if isinstance(annotation_col, str): if annotation_col not in annotation_data.columns: raise ValueError(f'Could not find column indicated to contain {annotation_col} in annotation data. Please either change the name of your annotation data column with this information or indicate the correct column name with the annotation_col parameter') else: #make annotation col name based on source and annotation type annotation_col_name = source_name + ':' + annotation_type annotation_data = annotation_data.rename(columns = {annotation_col: annotation_col_name}) else: raise ValueError('annotation_col must be a string indicating column with annotation data to be added to the spliced_ptms dataframe') #check to make sure annotation data has the necessary columns if not all([x in annotation_data.columns for x in [accession_col, residue_col, position_col]]): raise ValueError(f'Could not find columns containing ptm information: {accession_col}, {residue_col}, and {position_col}. Please either change the name of your annotation data columns containing this information or indicate the correct column names with the accession_col, residue_col, and position_col parameters') #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if annotation_col_name in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = [annotation_col_name]) #add to splice data original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(annotation_data, how = 'left', left_on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], right_on = [accession_col, residue_col, position_col]) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms or annotation dataframe') #report the number of PTMs identified num_ptms_with_custom_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = annotation_col).groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue']).size().shape[0] print(f"{source_name} {annotation_type} data added: {num_ptms_with_custom_data} PTMs in dataset found with {source_name} {annotation_type} information") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def add_PSP_regulatory_site_data(spliced_ptms, file = 'Regulatory_sites.gz', report_success = True): """ Add functional information from PhosphoSitePlus (Regulatory_sites.gz) to spliced_ptms dataframe from project_ptms_onto_splice_events() function Parameters ---------- file: str Path to the PhosphoSitePlus Regulatory_sites.gz file. Should be downloaded from PhosphoSitePlus in the zipped format Returns ------- spliced_ptms: pandas.DataFrame Contains the PTMs identified across the different splice events with additional columns for regulatory site information, including domains, biological process, functions, and protein interactions associated with the PTMs """ #check to make sure file exists check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') #read in the kinase substrate data and add to spliced ptm info regulatory_site_data = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header = 2, on_bad_lines='skip',compression = 'gzip') regulatory_site_data = regulatory_site_data.rename(columns = {'ACC_ID':'UniProtKB Accession'}) #drop extra modification information that is not needed regulatory_site_data['Residue'] = regulatory_site_data['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: x.split('-')[0][0]) regulatory_site_data['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = regulatory_site_data['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('-')[0][1:])) #add modification type regulatory_site_data['Modification Class'] = regulatory_site_data['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: mod_shorthand_dict[x.split('-')[1]]) #restrict to human data regulatory_site_data = regulatory_site_data[regulatory_site_data['ORGANISM'] == 'human'] regulatory_site_data = regulatory_site_data[['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'ON_PROCESS', 'ON_PROT_INTERACT', 'ON_OTHER_INTERACT', 'ON_FUNCTION']].drop_duplicates() #group like modifications into a single column regulatory_site_data = regulatory_site_data.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).agg(lambda x: '; '.join([y for y in x if y == y])).reset_index() regulatory_site_data = regulatory_site_data.replace('', np.nan) #add 'PSP:' in front of each column regulatory_site_data.columns = ['PSP:' + x if x not in ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class'] else x for x in regulatory_site_data.columns] #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PSP:ON_FUNCTION' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PSP:ON_FUNCTION', 'PSP:ON_PROCESS', 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT', 'PSP:ON_OTHER_INTERACT']) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #merge with spliced_ptm info original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(regulatory_site_data, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataset size changed upon merge, please make sure there are no duplicates in spliced ptms data') #report the number of ptms with motif data if report_success: num_ptms_with_known_function = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PSP:ON_FUNCTION').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_known_process = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PSP:ON_PROCESS').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_known_interaction = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] print(f"PhosphoSitePlus regulatory_site information added:\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_known_function} PTMs in dataset found associated with a molecular function \n\t ->{num_ptms_with_known_process} PTMs in dataset found associated with a biological process\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_known_interaction} PTMs in dataset found associated with a protein interaction") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def add_PSP_kinase_substrate_data(spliced_ptms, file = 'Kinase_Substrate_Dataset.gz', report_success = True): """ Add kinase substrate data from PhosphoSitePlus (Kinase_Substrate_Dataset.gz) to spliced_ptms dataframe from project_ptms_onto_splice_events() function Parameters ---------- file: str Path to the PhosphoSitePlus Kinase_Substrate_Dataset.gz file. Should be downloaded from PhosphoSitePlus in the zipped format Returns ------- spliced_ptms: pandas.DataFrame Contains the PTMs identified across the different splice events with an additional column indicating the kinases known to phosphorylate that site (not relevant to non-phosphorylation PTMs) """ #check to make sure provided file exists check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') #load data ks_dataset = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header = 2, on_bad_lines='skip',compression = 'gzip', encoding = "cp1252") #restrict to human data ks_dataset = ks_dataset[ks_dataset['KIN_ORGANISM'] == 'human'] ks_dataset = ks_dataset[ks_dataset['SUB_ORGANISM'] == 'human'] ks_dataset = ks_dataset[['GENE', 'SUB_ACC_ID', 'SUB_MOD_RSD']].groupby(['SUB_ACC_ID', 'SUB_MOD_RSD']).agg(';'.join).reset_index() ks_dataset.columns = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PSP:Kinase'] #separate residue and position ks_dataset['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = ks_dataset['Residue'].apply(lambda x: int(x[1:])) ks_dataset['Residue'] = ks_dataset['Residue'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PSP:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PSP:Kinase']) original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(ks_dataset, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataset size changed upon merge, please make sure there are no duplicates in spliced ptms data') #report the number of ptms with kinase substrate information if report_success: num_ptms_with_KS = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PSP:Kinase').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] print(f"PhosphoSitePlus kinase-substrate interactions added: {num_ptms_with_KS} phosphorylation sites in dataset found associated with a kinase in PhosphoSitePlus") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def add_PSP_disease_association(spliced_ptms, file = 'Disease-associated_sites.gz', report_success = True): """ Process disease asociation data from PhosphoSitePlus (Disease-associated_sites.gz), and add to spliced_ptms dataframe from project_ptms_onto_splice_events() function Parameters ---------- file: str Path to the PhosphoSitePlus Kinase_Substrate_Dataset.gz file. Should be downloaded from PhosphoSitePlus in the zipped format Returns ------- spliced_ptms: pandas.DataFrame Contains the PTMs identified across the different splice events with an additional column indicating the kinases known to phosphorylate that site (not relevant to non-phosphorylation PTMs) """ #check to make sure provided file exists check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') #load data disease_associated_sites = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header = 2, on_bad_lines='skip',compression = 'gzip') disease_associated_sites = disease_associated_sites[disease_associated_sites['ORGANISM'] == 'human'] #removes sites without a specific disease annotation disease_associated_sites = disease_associated_sites.dropna(subset = ['DISEASE']) #drop extra modification information that is not needed #drop extra modification information that is not needed disease_associated_sites['Residue'] = disease_associated_sites['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: x.split('-')[0][0]) disease_associated_sites['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = disease_associated_sites['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('-')[0][1:])) #add modification type disease_associated_sites['Modification Class'] = disease_associated_sites['MOD_RSD'].apply(lambda x: mod_shorthand_dict[x.split('-')[1]]) #if phosphorylation, add specific residue disease_associated_sites['Modification Class'] = disease_associated_sites.apply(lambda x: x['Modification Class'] + residue_dict[x['Residue'][0]] if x['Modification Class'] == 'Phospho' else x['Modification Class'], axis = 1) #change O-GalNac occurring on N to N-glycosylation disease_associated_sites['Modification Class'] = disease_associated_sites.apply(lambda x: 'N-Glycosylation' if x['Modification Class'] == 'O-Glycosylation' and x['Residue'][0] == 'N' else x['Modification Class'], axis = 1) #combine disease and alteration disease_associated_sites['ALTERATION'] = disease_associated_sites.apply(lambda x: x['DISEASE']+'->'+x['ALTERATION'] if x['ALTERATION'] == x['ALTERATION'] else x['DISEASE'], axis = 1) #grab only necessary columns and rename disease_associated_sites = disease_associated_sites[['ACC_ID', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'ALTERATION']] disease_associated_sites.columns = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'PSP:Disease_Association'] #aggregate multiple disease associations disease_associated_sites = disease_associated_sites.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue','PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).agg(';'.join).reset_index() #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PSP:Disease_Association' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PSP:Disease_Association']) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #merge with spliced_ptm info original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(disease_associated_sites, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue','PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataset size changed upon merge, please make sure there are no duplicates in spliced ptms data') # #report the number of ptms with motif data if report_success: num_ptms_with_disease = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PSP:Disease_Association').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] print(f"PhosphoSitePlus disease associations added: {num_ptms_with_disease} PTM sites in dataset found associated with a disease in PhosphoSitePlus") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def add_ELM_interactions(spliced_ptms, file = None, report_success =True): """ Given a spliced ptms dataframe from the project module, add ELM interaction data to the dataframe """ #load data if file is None: elm_interactions = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', header = 0) else: check_file(file, expected_extension='.tsv') elm_interactions = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header = 0) elm_interactions = elm_interactions[(elm_interactions['taxonomyElm'] == '9606(Homo sapiens)') & (elm_interactions['taxonomyDomain'] == '9606(Homo sapiens)')] elm_list = [] elm_type = [] elm_interactor = [] for i, row in spliced_ptms.iterrows(): #grab ptm location from residue column (gives residue and position (S981), so need to remove residue and convert to int) ptm_loc = int(row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']) if row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] == row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] and row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] != 'none' else None #if data does not have position information, move to the next if ptm_loc is None: elm_list.append(np.nan) elm_type.append(np.nan) elm_interactor.append(np.nan) continue #find if any of the linear motifs match ptm loc protein_match = row['UniProtKB Accession'] == elm_interactions['interactorElm'] region_match = (ptm_loc >= elm_interactions['StartElm']) & (ptm_loc <=elm_interactions['StopElm']) elm_subset_motif = elm_interactions[protein_match & region_match] #if any interactions were found, record and continue to the next (assumes a single ptm won't be found as both a SLiM and domain) if elm_subset_motif.shape[0] > 0: elm_list.append(';'.join(elm_subset_motif['Elm'].values)) elm_type.append('SLiM') elm_interactor.append(';'.join(elm_subset_motif['interactorDomain'].values)) continue #domain protein_match = row['UniProtKB Accession'] == elm_interactions['interactorDomain'] region_match = (ptm_loc >= elm_interactions['StartDomain']) & (ptm_loc <=elm_interactions['StopDomain']) elm_subset_domain = elm_interactions[protein_match & region_match] #if any interactions were found, record and continue to the next (assumes a single ptm won't be found as both a SLiM and domain) if elm_subset_domain.shape[0] > 0: elm_list.append(';'.join(elm_subset_domain['Elm'].values)) elm_type.append('Domain') elm_interactor.append(';'.join(elm_subset_domain['interactorElm'].values)) continue #if no interactions wer found, record as np.nan elm_list.append(np.nan) elm_type.append(np.nan) elm_interactor.append(np.nan) spliced_ptms['ELM:Interactions'] = elm_interactor spliced_ptms['ELM:Location of PTM for Interaction'] = elm_type spliced_ptms['ELM:Motifs Associated with Interactions'] = elm_list #report the number of ptms with motif data if report_success: num_ptms_with_ELM_instance = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'ELM:Interactions').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).size().shape[0] print(f"ELM interaction instances added: {num_ptms_with_ELM_instance} PTMs in dataset found associated with at least one known ELM instance") return spliced_ptms
def add_ELM_matched_motifs(spliced_ptms, flank_size = 7, file = None, report_success = True): if file is None: elm_classes = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', header = 5) else: check_file(file, expected_extension='.tsv') elm_classes = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header = 5) ptm_coordinates = pose_config.ptm_coordinates.copy() #create corresponding label for ptm_coordinate data ptm_coordinates['PTM Label'] = ptm_coordinates['UniProtKB Accession'] + '_' + ptm_coordinates['Residue'] + ptm_coordinates['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'].apply(lambda x: int(float(x)) if x == x else np.nan).astype(str) match_list = [] for i, row in spliced_ptms.iterrows(): matches = [] #grab ptm information #grab flanking sequence for the ptm loc = int(row["PTM Position in Canonical Isoform"]) if row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] == row['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] else np.nan ptm = row['UniProtKB Accession'] + '_' + row['Residue'] + str(loc) if ptm in ptm_coordinates['PTM Label'].values: ptm_flanking_seq = ptm_coordinates.loc[ptm_coordinates['PTM Label'] == ptm, 'Expected Flanking Sequence'].values[0] #make sure flanking sequence is present if isinstance(ptm_flanking_seq, str): #default flanking sequence is 10, if requested flanking sequence is different, then adjust if flank_size > 10: raise ValueError('Flanking size must be equal to or less than 10') elif flank_size < 10: ptm_flanking_seq = ptm_flanking_seq[10-flank_size:10+flank_size] for j, elm_row in elm_classes.iterrows(): reg_ex = elm_row['Regex'] if, ptm_flanking_seq) is not None: matches.append(elm_row['ELMIdentifier']) match_list.append(';'.join(matches)) else: match_list.append(np.nan) else: #print(f'PTM {ptm} not found in PTM info file') match_list.append(np.nan) spliced_ptms['ELM:Motif Matches'] = match_list #report the number of ptms with motif data if report_success: num_ptms_with_matched_motif = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'ELM:Motif Matches').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).size().shape[0] print(f"ELM Class motif matches found: {num_ptms_with_matched_motif} PTMs in dataset found with at least one matched motif") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def add_PTMInt_data(spliced_ptms, file = None, report_success = True): """ Given spliced_ptms data from project module, add PTMInt interaction data, which will include the protein that is being interacted with, whether it enchances or inhibits binding, and the localization of the interaction. This will be added as a new column labeled PTMInt:Interactions and each entry will be formatted like 'Protein->Effect|Localization'. If multiple interactions, they will be separated by a semicolon """ #load file if file is None: PTMint = pd.read_csv('') else: check_file(file, expected_extension='.csv') PTMint = pd.read_csv(file) PTMint = PTMint.rename(columns={'Uniprot':'UniProtKB Accession', 'AA':'Residue', 'Site':'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'}) #PTMint['Site'] = PTMint['AA'] + PTMint['Site'].astype(str) PTMint['PTMInt:Interaction'] = PTMint['Int_gene']+'->'+PTMint['Effect'] PTMint = PTMint[['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'PTMInt:Interaction']] #PTMint['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = PTMint['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'].astype(str) #aggregate PTMint data on the same PTMs PTMint = PTMint.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession','Residue','PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], as_index = False).agg(';'.join) #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PTMInt:Interaction' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PTMInt:Interaction']) #add to splice data original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(PTMint[['UniProtKB Accession','Residue','PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'PTMInt:Interaction']], on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], how = 'left') if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms dataframe') #report the number of PTMs identified if report_success: num_ptms_with_PTMInt_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMInt:Interaction').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue']).size().shape[0] print(f"PTMInt data added: {num_ptms_with_PTMInt_data} PTMs in dataset found with PTMInt interaction information") return spliced_ptms
#delete source PTMint data #os.remove(pdir + './Data/PTM_experimental_evidence.csv') #def add_PTMcode_intraprotein(spliced_ptms, fname = None, report_success = True): # #load ptmcode info # if fname is None: # ptmcode = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', header = 2, compression='gzip') # else: # check_file(fname, expected_extension = '.gz') # ptmcode = pd.read_csv(fname, sep = '\t', header = 2, compression = 'gzip') # # #grab humn data # ptmcode = ptmcode[ptmcode['Species'] == 'Homo sapiens'] # # #add gene name to data # translator = pd.DataFrame(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename, index = ['Gene']).T # translator['Gene'] = translator['Gene'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')) # translator = translator.explode('Gene') # translator = translator.reset_index() # translator.columns = ['UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID', 'Gene name'] # # #add uniprot ID information # ptmcode = ptmcode.merge(translator.dropna().drop_duplicates(), left_on = '## Protein', right_on = 'Gene name', how = 'left') # # #convert modification names to match annotation data # convert_dict = {'Adp ribosylation': 'ADP Ribosylation', 'Glutamine deamidation':'Deamidation'} # new_mod_names = [] # failed_mod = [] # mod_list = ptmcode['PTM1'].unique() # for mod in mod_list: # mod = mod.capitalize() # if 'glycosylation' in mod: #if glycosylation, group into one gorup # new_mod_names.append('Glycosylation') # elif mod in pose_config.modification_conversion['Modification Class'].values: #if already in modification class data, keep # new_mod_names.append(mod) # elif mod in convert_dict.keys(): # new_mod_names.append(convert_dict[mod]) # else: # try: # new_mod = pose_config.modification_conversion[pose_config.modification_conversion['Modification'] == mod].values[0][0] # new_mod_names.append(new_mod) # except: # failed_mod.append(mod) # new_mod_names.append(mod) # conversion_df = pd.DataFrame({'PTM1':mod_list, 'Modification Class':new_mod_names}) # # #add new modification labels to data # ptmcode = ptmcode.merge(conversion_df, on = 'PTM1', how = 'left') # # #groupby by PTM1 and rename to match column names in annotation data # ptmcode = ptmcode[['UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID', 'Modification Class', 'Residue1', 'Residue2']].dropna(subset = 'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID') # ptmcode = ptmcode.groupby(['UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID', 'Modification Class', 'Residue1'])['Residue2'].agg(';'.join).reset_index() # ptmcode = ptmcode.rename(columns = {'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID':'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue1':'Residue', 'Residue2':'PTMcode:Intraprotein_Interactions'}) # # #separate residue information into separate columns, one for amino acid and one for position # ptmcode['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = ptmcode['Residue'].apply(lambda x: int(x[1:])) # ptmcode['Residue'] = ptmcode['Residue'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) # # #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them # if 'PTMcode:Intraprotein_Interactions' in spliced_ptms.columns: # spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PTMcode:Intraprotein_Interactions']) # # #explode dataframe on modifications # if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): # spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') # spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) # # #add to splice data # original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] # spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(ptmcode, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) # if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: # raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms dataframe') # # #report the number of PTMs identified # if report_success: # num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMcode:Intraprotein_Interactions').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue']).size().shape[0] # print(f"PTMcode intraprotein interactions added: {num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data} PTMs in dataset found with PTMcode intraprotein interaction information") # # return spliced_ptms def extract_ids_PTMcode(df, col = '## Protein1'): #add gene name to data name_to_uniprot = pd.DataFrame(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename, index = ['Gene']).T name_to_uniprot['Gene'] = name_to_uniprot['Gene'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ') if x == x else np.nan) name_to_uniprot = name_to_uniprot.explode('Gene') name_to_uniprot = name_to_uniprot.reset_index() name_to_uniprot.columns = ['UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID', 'Gene name'] name_to_uniprot = name_to_uniprot.drop_duplicates(subset = 'Gene name', keep = False) #protein name is provided as either ensemble gene id or gene name check for both df = df.merge(pose_config.translator[['Gene stable ID']].reset_index().dropna().drop_duplicates(), left_on = col, right_on = 'Gene stable ID', how = 'left') df = df.rename(columns = {'index': 'From_ID'}) df = df.merge(name_to_uniprot, left_on = col, right_on = 'Gene name', how = 'left') df = df.rename(columns = {'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID': 'From_Name'}) #grab unique id from 'From_ID' and 'From_Name' column, if available uniprot_ids = df['From_Name'].combine_first(df['From_ID']) return uniprot_ids.values def add_PTMcode_interprotein(spliced_ptms, fname = None, report_success = True): if fname is None: ptmcode = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', header = 2, compression = 'gzip') else: check_file(fname, expected_extension = '.gz') ptmcode = pd.read_csv(fname, sep = '\t', header = 2, compression='gzip') #grab human interactions ptmcode = ptmcode[ptmcode['Species'] == 'Homo sapiens'] #ignore intraprotein interactions ptmcode = ptmcode[ptmcode['## Protein1'] != ptmcode['Protein2']] #get uniprot id for primary protein and interacting protein ptmcode['UniProtKB Accession'] = extract_ids_PTMcode(ptmcode, '## Protein1') ptmcode['Interacting Protein'] = extract_ids_PTMcode(ptmcode, 'Protein2') ptmcode = ptmcode.dropna(subset = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Interacting Protein']) #remove duplicate proteins (some entries have different ids but are actually the same protein) ptmcode = ptmcode[ptmcode['UniProtKB Accession'] != ptmcode['Interacting Protein']] #aggregate interactions ptmcode['Interacting Residue'] = ptmcode['Interacting Protein'] + '_' + ptmcode['Residue2'] #convert modification names convert_dict = {'Adp ribosylation': 'ADP Ribosylation', 'Glutamine deamidation':'Deamidation'} new_mod_names = [] failed_mod = [] mod_list = ptmcode['PTM1'].unique() for mod in mod_list: mod = mod.capitalize() if 'glycosylation' in mod: new_mod_names.append('Glycosylation') elif mod in pose_config.modification_conversion['Modification Class'].values: new_mod_names.append(mod) elif mod in convert_dict.keys(): new_mod_names.append(convert_dict[mod]) else: try: new_mod = pose_config.modification_conversion[pose_config.modification_conversion['Modification'] == mod].values[0][0] new_mod_names.append(new_mod) except: failed_mod.append(mod) new_mod_names.append(mod) conversion_df = pd.DataFrame({'PTM1':mod_list, 'Modification Class':new_mod_names}) ptmcode = ptmcode.merge(conversion_df, on = 'PTM1', how = 'left') ptmcode = ptmcode.rename(columns = {'Residue1':'Residue'}) ptmcode = ptmcode.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'Modification Class'])['Interacting Residue'].agg(';'.join).reset_index() ptmcode = ptmcode.rename(columns = {'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot ID':'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue1':'Residue', 'Interacting Residue':'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions'}) #separate residue information into separate columns, one for amino acid and one for position ptmcode['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = ptmcode['Residue'].apply(lambda x: float(x[1:])) ptmcode['Residue'] = ptmcode['Residue'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions']) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #add to splice data original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(ptmcode, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms dataframe') #report the number of PTMs identified if report_success: num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue']).size().shape[0] print(f"PTMcode interprotein interactions added: {num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data} PTMs in dataset found with PTMcode interprotein interaction information") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def extract_positions_from_DEPOD(x): """ Given string object consisting of multiple modifications in the form of 'Residue-Position' separated by ', ', extract the residue and position. Ignore any excess details in the string. """ x = x.split('[')[0].split(', ') #for each residue in list, find location of 'Ser', 'Thr' and 'Tyr' in the string (should either have '-' or a number immediately after it) new_x = [] for item in x: #determine type of modification if 'Ser' in item: loc = [match.start() for match in re.finditer('Ser', item)] res = 'S' elif 'Thr' in item: loc = [match.start() for match in re.finditer('Thr', item)] res = 'T' elif 'Tyr' in item: loc = [match.start() for match in re.finditer('Tyr', item)] res = 'Y' elif 'His' in item: loc = [match.start() for match in re.finditer('His', item)] res = 'H' else: loc = -1 #check if multiple locations were found, if so grab last entry if loc == -1: item = np.nan make_string = False elif len(loc) > 1: make_string = True loc = loc[-1] else: loc = loc[0] make_string = True #find integer if make_string: if '-' in item[loc:]: item = item.split('-') item = res + item[1].strip() else: item = item[loc+3:] item = res + item new_x.append(item) return new_x
def add_DEPOD_phosphatase_data(spliced_ptms, report_success = True): #download data depod1 = pd.read_excel('', sheet_name='PSprots') depod2 = pd.read_excel('', sheet_name = 'newPSprots') depod = pd.concat([depod1, depod2]) #remove any rows with missing sit information depod = depod.dropna(subset = 'Dephosphosites') #remove excess annotations that make parsing difficult depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: x.split('[')[0]) depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: x.split('(')[0]) depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: x.split(';')[0]) depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: x.split('in')[0]) depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].str.replace('in ref.', '') #separate individual sites depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].str.split(',') depod = depod.explode('Dephosphosites') depod = depod[(~depod['Dephosphosites'].str.contains('Isoform')) & (~depod['Dephosphosites'].str.contains('isoform'))] #process dephosphosite strings to extract residue and position and explode so that each phosphosite is its own row depod['Dephosphosites'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(extract_positions_from_DEPOD) depod = depod.explode('Dephosphosites') #separate multiple substrate accessions into their own rows (many of these link back to the same ID, but will keep just in case) depod['Substrate accession numbers'] = depod['Substrate accession numbers'].str.split(' ') depod = depod.explode('Substrate accession numbers') depod = depod.dropna(subset = ['Substrate accession numbers']) #extract only needed information and add phosphorylation as modification type #extract only needed information and add phosphorylation as modification type depod['Residue'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if x == x else np.nan) depod['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = depod['Dephosphosites'].apply(lambda x: int(x[1:]) if x == x else np.nan) depod = depod.rename({'Substrate accession numbers': 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Phosphatase entry names':'DEPOD:Phosphatase'}, axis = 1) depod = depod[['DEPOD:Phosphatase', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']] depod['Modification Class'] = 'Phosphorylation' #combine on the same PTM depod = depod.drop_duplicates() depod = depod.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class'], as_index = False)['DEPOD:Phosphatase'].agg(';'.join) #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'DEPOD:Phosphatase' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['DEPOD:Phosphatase']) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #add to splice data original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(depod, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms dataframe') #report the number of PTMs identified if report_success: num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'DEPOD:Phosphatase').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue']).size().shape[0] print(f"DEPOD Phosphatase substrates added: {num_ptms_with_PTMcode_data} PTMs in dataset found with Phosphatase substrate information") return spliced_ptms def add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms, file = None, report_success = True): if file is None: regphos = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', dtype = {'position':int, 'description':str,'catalytic kinase':str, 'reference':'str'}) else: check_file(file, expected_extension = '.txt') regphos = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t') regphos = regphos.dropna(subset = 'catalytic kinase') #regphos['Residue'] = regphos['code'] + regphos['position'].astype(str) regphos = regphos.rename(columns = {'code': 'Residue', 'position':'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'AC': 'UniProtKB Accession', 'catalytic kinase': 'RegPhos:Kinase'}) regphos['Modification Class'] = 'Phosphorylation' regphos = regphos[['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'RegPhos:Kinase']].dropna() regphos = regphos.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).agg(';'.join).reset_index() #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'RegPhos:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['RegPhos:Kinase']) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #add to splice data original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(regphos, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataframe size has changed, check for duplicates in spliced ptms dataframe') #report the number of PTMs identified if report_success: num_ptms_with_regphos_data = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'RegPhos:Kinase').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).size().shape[0] print(f"RegPhos kinase-substrate data added: {num_ptms_with_regphos_data} PTMs in dataset found with kinase-substrate information") return spliced_ptms def add_PTMsigDB_data(spliced_ptms, file = None, report_success = True): #if file is None: # ptmsigdb = pd.read_excel('', sheet_name = 'human') #else: check_file(file, expected_extension = '.xlsx') ptmsigdb = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name = 'human') ptmsigdb['UniProtKB Accession'] = ptmsigdb['site.uniprot'].str.split(';').str[0] ptmsigdb['Residue'] = ptmsigdb['site.uniprot'].str.split(';').str[1].str[0] ptmsigdb['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] = ptmsigdb['site.uniprot'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split(';')[1].split('-')[0][1:])) #filter out excess information in some of the site.ptm column, then convert to modification class details ptmsigdb['site.ptm'] = ptmsigdb['site.ptm'].apply(lambda x: x.split(';')[1].split('-')[1] if ';' in x else x) ptmsigdb['Modification Class'] = ptmsigdb['site.ptm'].map(mod_shorthand_dict) #combine signature and direction for annotation column ptmsigdb['Signature'] = ptmsigdb['signature'] +'->'+ ptmsigdb['site.direction'] #drop unneeded columns ptmsigdb = ptmsigdb[['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'Signature', 'category']] ptmsigdb['Signature'] = ptmsigdb.apply(lambda x: x['Signature'].replace(x['category'] + '_', ''), axis = 1) ptmsigdb['category'] = 'PTMsigDB:' + ptmsigdb['category'] ptmsigdb = ptmsigdb.drop_duplicates() #convert to pivot table with each category being a separate column ptmsigdb = ptmsigdb.pivot_table(index = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class'], columns = 'category', values = 'Signature', aggfunc=';'.join).reset_index() #remove psp data if it is already in spliced ptms if 'PSP:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns: ptmsigdb = ptmsigdb.drop(columns = 'PTMsigDB:KINASE-PSP') if 'PSP:Disease_Association' in spliced_ptms.columns: ptmsigdb = ptmsigdb.drop(columns = 'PTMsigDB:DISEASE-PSP') #if splice data already has the annotation columns, remove them if 'PTMsigDB:PATH-BI' in spliced_ptms.columns: cols_in_data = [col for col in spliced_ptms.columns if 'PTMsigDB' in col] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = cols_in_data) #explode dataframe on modifications if spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(';').any(): spliced_ptms['Modification Class'] = spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.split(';') spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.explode('Modification Class').reset_index(drop = True) #merge with spliced_ptm info original_data_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(ptmsigdb, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']) if spliced_ptms.shape[0] != original_data_size: raise RuntimeError('Dataset size changed upon merge, please make sure there are no duplicates in spliced ptms data') #report the number of ptms with motif data if report_success: num_ptms_with_ikip = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:KINASE-iKiP').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_path_bi = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PATH-BI').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_path_np= spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PATH-NP').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_path_wp = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PATH-WP').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_dia_pert = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-DIA').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_dia2_pert = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-DIA2').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_prm_pert = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PERT-P100-PRM').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] num_ptms_with_psp_pert = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = 'PTMsigDB:PERT-PSP').groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class']).size().shape[0] print(f"PTMsigDB added:\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_ikip} PTMs associated with kinases in iKiP\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_path_wp} PTMs associated with molecular pathway signatures from WikiPathways\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_path_np} PTMs associated with molecular pathway signatures from NetPath\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_psp_pert} PTMs with PhosphoSitePlus perturbations\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_dia_pert} with perturbations in LINCS P1000 DIA dataset \n\t ->{num_ptms_with_dia2_pert} with perturbations in LINCS P1000 DIA2 dataset\n\t ->{num_ptms_with_prm_pert} with perturbations in LINCS P1000 PRM dataset") return spliced_ptms ######### Functions for combining annotations from multiple sources ########
[docs]def convert_PSP_label_to_UniProt(label): """ Given a label for an interacting protein from PhosphoSitePlus, convert to UniProtKB accession. Required as PhosphoSitePlus interactions are recorded in various ways that aren't necessarily consistent with other databases (i.e. not always gene name) Parameters ---------- label: str Label for interacting protein from PhosphoSitePlus """ if not hasattr(pose_config, 'genename_to_uniprot'): #using uniprot to gene name dict, construct dict to go the other direction (gene name to uniprot id) pose_config.genename_to_uniprot = pose_config.flip_uniprot_dict(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename) #remove isoform label if present if label in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: #if PSP name is gene name found in uniprot return pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[label] elif label.upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: return pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[label.upper()] elif label.split(' ')[0].upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: return pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[label.split(' ')[0].upper()] elif label.replace('-', '').upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: return pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[label.replace('-', '').upper()] elif label in pose_config.psp_name_dict: # if PSP name is not gene name, but is in conversion dictionary return pose_config.psp_name_dict[label] else: #otherwise note that gene was missed return np.nan
#missed_genes.append(gene) def extract_interaction_details(interaction, column = "PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT"): interaction_types = {'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions':'INDUCES', 'PSP:Kinase':'REGULATES', 'DEPOD:Phosphatase':'REGULATES', 'RegPhos:Kinase':'REGULATES', 'Combined:Kinase':'REGULATES', 'ELM:Interactions':'UNCLEAR'} if column == 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT': type = interaction.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] protein = interaction.split('(')[0].strip(' ') elif column == 'PTMInt:Interaction': ptmint_type_conversion = {'Inhibit':'DISRUPTS', 'Enhance':"INDUCES"} type = ptmint_type_conversion[interaction.split('->')[1]] protein = interaction.split('->')[0] elif column == 'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions': type = 'INDUCES' protein = interaction.split('_')[0] else: type = interaction_types[column] protein = interaction return type, protein
[docs]def unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, interaction_col, name_dict = {}): """ Given spliced ptm data and a column containing interaction data, extract the interacting protein, type of interaction, and convert to UniProtKB accession. This will be added as a new column labeled 'Interacting ID' Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing PTM data interaction_col: str column containing interaction information from a specific database name_dict: dict dictionary to convert names within given database to UniProt IDs. For cases when name is not necessarily one of the gene names listed in UniProt Returns ------- interact: pd.DataFrame Contains PTMs and their interacting proteins, the type of influence the PTM has on the interaction (DISRUPTS, INDUCES, or REGULATES) """ if not hasattr(pose_config, 'genename_to_uniprot'): #using uniprot to gene name dict, construct dict to go the other direction (gene name to uniprot id) pose_config.genename_to_uniprot = pose_config.flip_uniprot_dict(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename) #extract PSP data from annotated PTMs, separate cases in which single PTM has multipe interactions data_cols = [col for col in spliced_ptms.columns if col in ['Significance', 'dPSI']] interact = spliced_ptms.dropna(subset = interaction_col)[['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class',interaction_col] + data_cols] if interact.empty: print(f"No PTMs associated with {interaction_col}") return interact interact[interaction_col] = interact[interaction_col].apply(lambda x: x.split(';')) interact = interact.explode(interaction_col) #extract protein and type of interaction (currently for phosphosite plus) type = [] protein = [] for i, row in interact.iterrows(): processed = extract_interaction_details(row[interaction_col], interaction_col) type.append(processed[0]) protein.append(processed[1]) interact['Type'] = type interact['Interacting Protein'] = protein #convert interacting protein to uniprot id for databases that are not reported in uniprot ids if interaction_col not in ['PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions', 'ELM:Interactions']: interacting_id = [] missed_genes = [] for gene in interact['Interacting Protein']: #remove isoform label if present if gene in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: #if PSP name is gene name found in uniprot interacting_id.append(pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[gene]) elif gene.upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: interacting_id.append(pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[gene.upper()]) elif gene.split(' ')[0].upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: interacting_id.append(pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[gene.split(' ')[0].upper()]) elif gene.replace('-', '').upper() in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: interacting_id.append(pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[gene.replace('-', '').upper()]) elif gene in name_dict: # if PSP name is not gene name, but is in conversion dictionary interacting_id.append(name_dict[gene]) else: #otherwise note that gene was missed interacting_id.append(np.nan) missed_genes.append(gene) #save information interact['Interacting ID'] = interacting_id interact = interact.dropna(subset = 'Interacting ID') #check if there multiple in one row if interact['Interacting ID'].str.contains(';').any(): interact['Interacting ID'] = interact['Interacting ID'].apply(lambda x: x.split(';')) interact = interact.explode('Interacting ID') else: interact['Interacting ID'] = interact['Interacting Protein'] interact['Interacting ID'] = interact['Interacting ID'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')[0] if x == x else np.nan) interact = interact.explode('Interacting ID') interact = interact.dropna(subset = 'Interacting ID') interact = interact.drop(columns = interaction_col).drop_duplicates() return interact
[docs]def add_annotation(spliced_ptms, database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', annotation_type = 'Function', file = None, check_existing = False): """ Given a desired database and annotation type, add the corresponding annotation data to the spliced ptm dataframe Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing PTM data database: str Database to extract annotation data from. Options include 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'PTMcode', 'PTMInt', 'RegPhos', 'DEPOD' annotation_type: str Type of annotation to extract. Options include 'Function', 'Process', 'Interactions', 'Disease', 'Kinase', 'Phosphatase', but depend on the specific database (run analyze.get_annotation_categories()) file: str File path to annotation data. If None, will download from online source, except for PhosphoSitePlus (due to licensing restrictions) """ if check_existing: annot_col = annotation_col_dict[database][annotation_type] if annot_col in spliced_ptms.columns: print(f"Annotation data for {database} {annotation_type} already present in provided dataframe, skipping. If you would like to update annotation data, set check_existing = False") return spliced_ptms if database == "PhosphoSitePlus": if annotation_type in ['Function', 'Process', 'Interactions']: check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_regulatory_site_data(spliced_ptms, file = file) elif annotation_type == 'Disease': check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_disease_association(spliced_ptms, file = file) elif annotation_type == 'Kinase': check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_kinase_substrate_data(spliced_ptms, file = file) else: raise ValueError(f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized for PhosphoSitePlus") elif database == 'PTMcode': #if annotation_type == 'Intraprotein': # if file is not None: # check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') # spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_intraprotein(spliced_ptms, file = file) # else: # spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_intraprotein(spliced_ptms) if annotation_type == 'Interactions': if file is not None: check_file(file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_interprotein(spliced_ptms, file = file) else: spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_interprotein(spliced_ptms) else: raise ValueError(f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized for PTMcode") elif database == 'PTMInt': if annotation_type == 'Interactions': if file is not None: check_file(file, expected_extension='.csv') spliced_ptms = add_PTMInt_data(spliced_ptms, file = file) else: spliced_ptms = add_PTMInt_data(spliced_ptms) else: raise ValueError(f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized for PTMInt") elif database == 'RegPhos': if annotation_type == 'Kinase': if file is not None: check_file(file, expected_extension='.txt') spliced_ptms = add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms, file = file) else: spliced_ptms = add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms) else: raise ValueError(f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized for RegPhos") elif database == 'DEPOD': if annotation_type == 'Phosphatase': spliced_ptms = add_DEPOD_phosphatase_data(spliced_ptms, file = file) else: raise ValueError(f"Annotation type {annotation_type} not recognized for RegPhos") elif database == 'Combined': if annotation_type == 'Kinase': if 'PSP:Kinase' not in spliced_ptms.columns: raise ValueError("PhosphoSitePlus kinase data not found in spliced PTM dataframe, please annotate with this first") if 'RegPhos:Kinase' not in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms) spliced_ptms = combine_KS_data(spliced_ptms) elif annotation_type == 'Interactions': spliced_ptms = combine_interaction_data(spliced_ptms) else: raise ValueError(f"Database {database} not recognized") return spliced_ptms
[docs]def combine_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, interaction_databases = ['PhosphoSitePlus', 'PTMcode', 'PTMInt', 'RegPhos', 'DEPOD', 'ELM'], include_enzyme_interactions = True): """ Given annotated spliced ptm data, extract interaction data from various databases and combine into a single dataframe. This will include the interacting protein, the type of interaction, and the source of the interaction data Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing PTM data and associated interaction annotations from various databases interaction_databases: list List of databases to extract interaction data from. Options include 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'PTMcode', 'PTMInt', 'RegPhos', 'DEPOD'. These should already have annotation columns in the spliced_ptms dataframe, otherwise they will be ignored. For kinase-substrate interactions, if combined column is present, will use that instead of individual databases include_enzyme_interactions: bool If True, will include kinase-substrate and phosphatase interactions in the output dataframe Returns ------- interact_data: list List of dataframes containing PTMs and their interacting proteins, the type of influence the PTM has on the interaction (DISRUPTS, INDUCES, or REGULATES), and the source of the interaction data """ interact_data = [] combined_added = False for database in interaction_databases: if database == 'PhosphoSitePlus' and 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT' in spliced_ptms.columns: if not spliced_ptms['PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT'].isna().all(): print('PhosphoSitePlus regulatory site data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT', pose_config.psp_name_dict) interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if database == 'PTMcode' and 'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions' in spliced_ptms.columns: if not spliced_ptms['PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions'].isna().all(): print('PTMcode data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions') interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if database == 'PTMInt' and 'PTMInt:Interaction' in spliced_ptms.columns: if not spliced_ptms['PTMInt:Interaction'].isna().all(): print('PTMInt data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'PTMInt:Interaction') interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if database == 'ELM' and 'ELM:Interactions' in spliced_ptms.columns: if not spliced_ptms['ELM:Interactions'].isna().all(): print('ELM data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'ELM:Interactions') interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if include_enzyme_interactions: #dictionary to convert kinase names to gene names ks_genes_to_uniprot = {'ABL1(ABL)':'P00519', 'ACK':'Q07912', 'AURC':'Q9UQB9', 'ERK1(MAPK3)':'P27361','ERK2(MAPK1)':'P28482', 'ERK5(MAPK7)':'Q13164','JNK1(MAPK8)':'P45983', 'CK1A':'P48729', 'JNK2(MAPK9)':'P45984', 'JNK3(MAPK10)':'P53779', 'P38A(MAPK14)':'Q16539','P38B(MAPK11)':'Q15759', 'P38G(MAPK12)':'P53778','P70S6K' :'Q9UBS0', 'PAK':'Q13153', 'PKCZ':'Q05513', 'CK2A':'P19784', 'ABL2':'P42684', 'AMPKA1':'Q13131', 'AMPKA2':'Q13131', 'AURB':'Q96GD4', 'CAMK1A':'Q14012', 'CDC42BP':'Q9Y5S2','CK1D':'P48730','CK1E':'P49674','CK2B':'P67870','DMPK1':'Q09013', 'DNAPK':'P78527','DSDNA KINASE':'P78527', 'EG3 KINASE':'P49840','ERK3(MAPK6)':'Q16659','GSK3':'P49840', 'MRCKA':'Q5VT25', 'P38D(MAPK13)':'O15264','P70S6KB':'Q9UBS0','PDKC':'P78527','PKCH':'P24723','PKCI':'P41743','PKCT':'Q04759','PKD3':'O94806','PKG1':'Q13976','PKG2':'Q13237','SMMLCK':'Q15746'} if 'Combined:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns and not combined_added: if not spliced_ptms['Combined:Kinase'].isna().all(): print('Combined kinase-substrate data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'Combined:Kinase', ks_genes_to_uniprot) interact['Source'] = 'PSP/RegPhos' interact_data.append(interact) combined_added = True elif 'Combined:Kinase' not in spliced_ptms.columns: if 'RegPhos:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns and database == 'RegPhos': if not spliced_ptms['RegPhos:Kinase'].isna().all(): print('RegPhos kinase-substrate data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'RegPhos:Kinase', ks_genes_to_uniprot) interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if 'PSP:Kinase' in spliced_ptms.columns and database == 'PhosphoSitePlus': if not spliced_ptms['PSP:Kinase'].isna().all(): print('PhosphoSitePlus kinase-substrate data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'PSP:Kinase', ks_genes_to_uniprot) interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if database == 'DEPOD' and 'DEPOD:Phosphatase' in spliced_ptms.columns: if not spliced_ptms['DEPOD:Phosphatase'].isna().all(): print('DEPOD phosphatase-substrate data found and added') interact = unify_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, 'DEPOD:Phosphatase') interact['Source'] = database interact_data.append(interact) if len(interact_data) > 0: interact_data = pd.concat(interact_data) extra_cols = [col for col in interact_data.columns if col in ['dPSI', 'Significance']] interact_data = interact_data.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Interacting ID', 'Type']+extra_cols, dropna = False, as_index = False)['Source'].apply(helpers.join_unique_entries) #convert uniprot ids back to gene names for interpretability ptm_gene = [] interacting_gene = [] for i, row in interact_data.iterrows(): ptm_gene.append(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename[row['UniProtKB Accession'].split('-')[0]].split(' ')[0]) if row['UniProtKB Accession'].split('-')[0] in pose_config.uniprot_to_genename else ptm_gene.append(row['UniProtKB Accession']) interacting_gene.append(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename[row['Interacting ID'].split('-')[0]].split(' ')[0]) if row['Interacting ID'].split('-')[0] in pose_config.uniprot_to_genename else interacting_gene.append(row['Interacting ID']) interact_data['Modified Gene'] = ptm_gene interact_data["Interacting Gene"] = interacting_gene return interact_data.drop_duplicates() else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs]def combine_KS_data(spliced_ptms, ks_databases = ['PhosphoSitePlus', 'RegPhos'], regphos_conversion = {'ERK1(MAPK3)':'MAPK3', 'ERK2(MAPK1)':'MAPK1', 'JNK2(MAPK9)':'MAPK9','CDC2':'CDK1', 'CK2A1':'CSNK2A1', 'PKACA':'PRKACA', 'ABL1(ABL)':'ABL1'}): """ Given spliced ptm information, combine kinase-substrate data from multiple databases (currently support PhosphoSitePlus and RegPhos), assuming that the kinase data from these resources has already been added to the spliced ptm data. The combined kinase data will be added as a new column labeled 'Combined:Kinase' Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Spliced PTM data from project module ks_databases: list List of databases to combine kinase data from. Currently support PhosphoSitePlus and RegPhos regphos_conversion: dict Allows conversion of RegPhos names to matching names in PhosphoSitePlus. Returns ------- splicde_ptms: pd.DataFrame Spliced PTM data with combined kinase data added """ if not hasattr(pose_config, 'genename_to_uniprot'): pose_config.genename_to_uniprot = pose_config.flip_uniprot_dict(pose_config.uniprot_to_genename) ks_data = [] for i, row in spliced_ptms.iterrows(): combined = [] for db in ks_databases: if db == 'PhosphoSitePlus': psp = row['PSP:Kinase'].split(';') if row['PSP:Kinase'] == row['PSP:Kinase'] else [] #convert PSP names to a common name (first gene name provided by uniprot) psp = [pose_config.uniprot_to_genename[pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[kin]].split(' ')[0] if kin in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot else kin for kin in psp] combined += psp elif db == 'RegPhos': regphos = row['RegPhos:Kinase'].split(';') if row['RegPhos:Kinase'] == row['RegPhos:Kinase'] else [] for i, rp in enumerate(regphos): if rp in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: regphos[i] = pose_config.uniprot_to_genename[pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[rp]].split(' ')[0] elif rp.split('(')[0] in pose_config.genename_to_uniprot: regphos[i] = pose_config.uniprot_to_genename[pose_config.genename_to_uniprot[rp.split('(')[0]]].split(' ')[0] elif rp.upper() in regphos_conversion: regphos[i] = regphos_conversion[rp.upper()] else: regphos[i] = rp.upper() combined += regphos if len(combined) > 0: ks_data.append(';'.join(set(combined))) else: ks_data.append(np.nan) spliced_ptms['Combined:Kinase'] = ks_data return spliced_ptms
[docs]def check_file(fname, expected_extension = '.tsv'): """ Given a file name, check if the file exists and has the expected extension. If the file does not exist or has the wrong extension, raise an error. Parameters ---------- fname: str File name to check expected_extension: str Expected file extension. Default is '.tsv' """ if fname is None: raise ValueError('Annotation file path must be provided') if not os.path.exists(fname): raise ValueError(f'File {fname} not found') if not fname.endswith(expected_extension): raise ValueError(f'File {fname} does not have the expected extension ({expected_extension})')
[docs]def annotate_ptms(spliced_ptms, psp_regulatory_site_file = None, psp_ks_file = None, psp_disease_file = None, elm_interactions = False, elm_motifs = False, PTMint = False, PTMcode_interprotein = False, DEPOD = False, RegPhos = False, ptmsigdb_file = None, interactions_to_combine = ['PTMcode', 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'RegPhos', 'PTMInt'], kinases_to_combine = ['PhosphoSitePlus', 'RegPhos'], combine_similar = True): """ Given spliced ptm data, add annotations from various databases. The annotations that can be added are the following: - PhosphoSitePlus - regulatory site data (file must be provided) - kinase-substrate data (file must be provided) - disease association data (file must be provided) - ELM - interaction data (can be downloaded automatically or provided as a file) - motif matches (elm class data can be downloaded automatically or provided as a file) - PTMInt - interaction data (will be downloaded automatically) - PTMcode - intraprotein interactions (can be downloaded automatically or provided as a file) - interprotein interactions (can be downloaded automatically or provided as a file) - DEPOD - phosphatase-substrate data (will be downloaded automatically) - RegPhos - kinase-substrate data (will be downloaded automatically) Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Spliced PTM data from project module psp_regulatory_site_file: str File path to PhosphoSitePlus regulatory site data psp_ks_file: str File path to PhosphoSitePlus kinase-substrate data psp_disease_file: str File path to PhosphoSitePlus disease association data elm_interactions: bool or str If True, download ELM interaction data automatically. If str, provide file path to ELM interaction data elm_motifs: bool or str If True, download ELM motif data automatically. If str, provide file path to ELM motif data PTMint: bool If True, download PTMInt data automatically PTMcode_intraprotein: bool or str If True, download PTMcode intraprotein data automatically. If str, provide file path to PTMcode intraprotein data PTMcode_interprotein: bool or str If True, download PTMcode interprotein data automatically. If str, provide file path to PTMcode interprotein data DEPOD: bool If True, download DEPOD data automatically RegPhos: bool If True, download RegPhos data automatically ptmsigdb_file: str File path to PTMsigDB data interactions_to_combine: list List of databases to combine interaction data from. Default is ['PTMcode', 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'RegPhos', 'PTMInt'] kinases_to_combine: list List of databases to combine kinase-substrate data from. Default is ['PhosphoSitePlus', 'RegPhos'] combine_similar: bool Whether to combine annotations of similar information (kinase, interactions, etc) from multiple databases into another column labeled as 'Combined'. Default is True """ if psp_regulatory_site_file is not None: try: check_file(psp_regulatory_site_file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_regulatory_site_data(spliced_ptms, file = psp_regulatory_site_file) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PhosphoSitePlus regulatory site data. Error message: {e}') if psp_ks_file is not None: try: check_file(psp_ks_file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_kinase_substrate_data(spliced_ptms, file = psp_ks_file) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PhosphoSitePlus kinase-substrate data. Error message: {e}') if psp_disease_file is not None: try: check_file(psp_disease_file, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PSP_disease_association(spliced_ptms, file = psp_disease_file) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PhosphoSitePlus disease association data. Error message: {e}') if elm_interactions: try: if isinstance(elm_interactions, bool): spliced_ptms = add_ELM_interactions(spliced_ptms) elif isinstance(elm_interactions, str): check_file(elm_interactions, expected_extension='.tsv') spliced_ptms = add_ELM_interactions(spliced_ptms, file = elm_interactions) else: raise ValueError('elm_interactions must be either a boolean (download elm data automatically, slower) or a string (path to elm data tsv file, faster)') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding ELM interaction data. Error message: {e}') if elm_motifs: try: if isinstance(elm_motifs, bool): spliced_ptms = add_ELM_matched_motifs(spliced_ptms) elif isinstance(elm_motifs, str): check_file(elm_motifs, expected_extension='.tsv') spliced_ptms = add_ELM_matched_motifs(spliced_ptms, file = elm_motifs) else: raise ValueError('elm_interactions must be either a boolean (download elm data automatically, slower) or a string (path to elm data tsv file, faster)') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding ELM motif matches. Error message: {e}') if PTMint: try: if isinstance(PTMint, bool): spliced_ptms = add_PTMInt_data(spliced_ptms) elif isinstance(PTMint, str): check_file(PTMint, expected_extension='.csv') spliced_ptms = add_PTMInt_data(spliced_ptms, file = PTMint) else: raise ValueError('PTMint must be either a boolean (download PTMInt data automatically, slower) or a string (path to PTMInt data csv file, faster)') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PTMInt interaction data. Error message: {e}') #if PTMcode_intraprotein: # try: # if isinstance(PTMcode_intraprotein, bool): # spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_intraprotein(spliced_ptms) # elif isinstance(PTMcode_intraprotein, str): # check_file(PTMcode_intraprotein, expected_extension='.gz') # spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_intraprotein(spliced_ptms, fname = PTMcode_intraprotein) # else: # raise ValueError('PTMcode_intraprotein must be either a boolean (download PTMcode data automatically, slower) or a string (path to PTMcode data file, faster)') # except Exception as e: # print(f'Error adding PTMcode intraprotein interaction data. Error message: {e}') if PTMcode_interprotein: try: if isinstance(PTMcode_interprotein, bool): spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_interprotein(spliced_ptms) elif isinstance(PTMcode_interprotein, str): check_file(PTMcode_interprotein, expected_extension='.gz') spliced_ptms = add_PTMcode_interprotein(spliced_ptms, fname = PTMcode_interprotein) else: raise ValueError('PTMcode_interprotein must be either a boolean (download PTMcode data automatically, slower) or a string (path to PTMcode data file, faster)') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PTMcode interprotein interaction data. Error message: {e}') if DEPOD: try: spliced_ptms = add_DEPOD_phosphatase_data(spliced_ptms) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding DEPOD phosphatase data. Error message: {e}') if RegPhos: try: if isinstance(RegPhos, str): check_file(RegPhos, expected_extension='.txt') spliced_ptms = add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms, file = RegPhos) else: spliced_ptms = add_RegPhos_data(spliced_ptms) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding RegPhos kinase substrate data data. Error message: {e}') if ptmsigdb_file is not None: try: spliced_ptms = add_PTMsigDB_data(spliced_ptms, file = ptmsigdb_file) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f'Error adding PTMsigDB data. Error message: {e}') if combine_similar: interaction_cols = ['PTMcode:Interprotein_Interactions', 'PSP:ON_PROT_INTERACT', 'PSP:Kinase', 'PTMInt:Interaction', 'RegPhos:Kinase', 'DEPOD:Phosphatase'] if set(interaction_cols).intersection(spliced_ptms.columns) != 0: print('\nCombining interaction data from multiple databases') interact = combine_interaction_data(spliced_ptms, interaction_databases = interactions_to_combine) if not interact.empty: interact['Combined:Interactions'] = interact['Interacting Gene']+'->'+interact['Type'] interact = interact.groupby(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], dropna = False, as_index = False)['Combined:Interactions'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(np.unique(x))) if 'Combined:Interactions' in spliced_ptms.columns: spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.drop(columns = ['Combined:Interactions']) spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms.merge(interact, how = 'left', on = ['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']) else: spliced_ptms['Combined:Interactions'] = np.nan #check for what kinase data is available spliced_ptms = combine_KS_data(spliced_ptms, ks_databases=kinases_to_combine) #add combined kinase column return spliced_ptms