Source code for ptm_pose.analyze

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle

import os
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import seaborn as sns
from ptm_pose import plots as pose_plots

#analysis packages
from Bio.Align import PairwiseAligner
import gseapy as gp
import networkx as nx
import re

#custom stat functions
from ptm_pose import stat_utils, pose_config, annotate, helpers

package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def get_modification_counts(ptms): """ Given PTM data (either spliced ptms, altered flanks, or combined data), return the counts of each modification class Parameters ---------- ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs projected onto splicing events or with altered flanking sequences Returns ------- modification_counts: pd.Series Series with the counts of each modification class """ ptms['Modification Class'] = ptms['Modification Class'].apply(lambda x: x.split(';')) ptms = ptms.explode('Modification Class') modification_counts = ptms.groupby('Modification Class').size() modification_counts = modification_counts.sort_values(ascending = True) return modification_counts
[docs]def get_annotation_col(spliced_ptms, annotation_type = 'Function', database = 'PhosphoSitePlus'): """ Given the database of interest and annotation type, return the annotation column that will be found in a annotated spliced_ptm dataframe Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTM annotations added from annotate module annotation_type: str Type of annotation to pull from spliced_ptms dataframe. Available information depends on the selected database. Default is 'Function'. database: str database from which PTMs are pulled. Options include 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'ELM', 'PTMInt', 'PTMcode', 'DEPOD', and 'RegPhos'. Default is 'PhosphoSitePlus'. Returns ------- annotation_col: str Column name in spliced_ptms dataframe that contains the requested annotation """ if database == 'Combined': if f'Combined:{annotation_type}' not in spliced_ptms.columns: raise ValueError(f'Requested annotation data has not yet been added to spliced_ptms dataframe. Please run the annotate.{pose_config.annotation_function_dict[database]} function to append this information.') return f'Combined:{annotation_type}' elif annotation_type in pose_config.annotation_col_dict[database].keys(): annotation_col = pose_config.annotation_col_dict[database][annotation_type] if annotation_col not in spliced_ptms.columns: raise ValueError(f'Requested annotation data has not yet been added to spliced_ptms dataframe. Please run the annotate.{pose_config.annotation_function_dict[database][annotation_type]} function to append this information.') return annotation_col else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid annotation type for {database}. Available annotation data for {database} includes: {', '.join(pose_config.annotation_col_dict[database].keys())}")
[docs]def combine_outputs(spliced_ptms, altered_flanks, mod_class = None, include_stop_codon_introduction = False, remove_conflicting = True): """ Given the spliced_ptms (differentially included) and altered_flanks (altered flanking sequences) dataframes obtained from project and flanking_sequences modules, combine the two into a single dataframe that categorizes each PTM by the impact on the PTM site Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs projected onto splicing events and with annotations appended from various databases altered_flanks: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs associated with altered flanking sequences and with annotations appended from various databases mod_class: str modification class to subset, if any include_stop_codon_introduction: bool Whether to include PTMs that introduce stop codons in the altered flanks. Default is False. remove_conflicting: bool Whether to remove PTMs that are both included and excluded across different splicing events. Default is True. """ #process differentially included PTMs and altered flanking sequences if mod_class is not None: spliced_ptms = get_modification_class_data(spliced_ptms, mod_class) altered_flanks = get_modification_class_data(altered_flanks, mod_class) #extract specific direction of splicing change and add to dataframe spliced_ptms['Impact'] = spliced_ptms['dPSI'].apply(lambda x: 'Included' if x > 0 else 'Excluded') #restrict altered flanks to those that are changed and are not disrupted by stop codons if altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced'].dtypes != bool: altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced'] = altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced'].astype(bool) if include_stop_codon_introduction: altered_flanks['Impact'] = altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced'].apply(lambda x: 'Stop Codon Introduced' if x else 'Altered Flank') else: altered_flanks = altered_flanks[~altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced']].copy() altered_flanks['Impact'] = 'Altered Flank' #identify annotations that are found in both datasets annotation_columns_in_spliced_ptms = [col for col in spliced_ptms.columns if ':' in col] annotation_columns_in_altered_flanks = [col for col in altered_flanks.columns if ':' in col] annotation_columns = list(set(annotation_columns_in_spliced_ptms).intersection(annotation_columns_in_altered_flanks)) if len(annotation_columns) != annotation_columns_in_spliced_ptms: annotation_columns_only_in_spliced = list(set(annotation_columns_in_spliced_ptms) - set(annotation_columns_in_altered_flanks)) annotation_columns_only_in_altered = list(set(annotation_columns_in_altered_flanks) - set(annotation_columns_in_spliced_ptms)) if len(annotation_columns_only_in_spliced) > 0: print(f'Warning: some annotations in spliced ptms dataframe not found in altered flanks dataframe: {", ".join(annotation_columns_only_in_spliced)}. These annotations will be ignored. To avoid this, make sure to add annotations to both dataframes, or annotate the combined dataframe.') if len(annotation_columns_only_in_altered) > 0: print(f'Warning: some annotations in altered flanks dataframe not found in spliced ptms dataframe: {", ".join(annotation_columns_only_in_altered)}. These annotations will be ignored. To avoid this, make sure to add annotations to both dataframes, or annotate the combined dataframe.') #check if dPSI or sig columns are in both dataframes sig_cols = [] if 'dPSI' in spliced_ptms.columns and 'dPSI' in altered_flanks.columns: sig_cols.append('dPSI') if 'Significance' in spliced_ptms.columns and 'Significance' in altered_flanks.columns: sig_cols.append('Significance') shared_columns = ['Impact', 'Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class'] + sig_cols + annotation_columns combined = pd.concat([spliced_ptms[shared_columns], altered_flanks[shared_columns]]) combined = combined.groupby([col for col in combined.columns if col != 'Impact'], as_index = False, dropna = False)['Impact'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x))) #remove ptms that are both included and excluded across different events if remove_conflicting: combined = combined[~((combined['Impact'].str.contains('Included')) & (combined['Impact'].str.contains('Excluded')))] return combined
[docs]def simplify_annotation(annotation, sep = ','): """ Given an annotation, remove additional information such as whether or not a function is increasing or decreasing. For example, 'cell growth, induced' would be simplified to 'cell growth' Parameters ---------- annotation: str Annotation to simplify sep: str Separator that splits the core annotation from additional detail. Default is ','. Assumes the first element is the core annotation. Returns ------- annotation: str Simplified annotation """ annotation = annotation.split(sep)[0].strip(' ') if annotation == annotation else annotation return annotation
def collapse_annotations(annotations, database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', annotation_type = 'Function'): sep_dict = {'PhosphoSitePlus':{'Function':',', 'Process':',','Interactions':'(', 'Disease':'->', 'Perturbation':'->'}, 'ELM': {'Interactions': ' ', 'Motif Match': ' '}, 'PTMInt':{'Interactions':'->'}, 'PTMcode':{'Interactions':'_', 'Intraprotein':' '}, 'RegPhos':{'Kinase':' '}, 'DEPOD':{'Phosphatase':' '}, 'Combined':{'Kinase':' ', 'Interactions':'->'}, 'PTMsigDB': {'WikiPathway':'->', 'NetPath':'->','mSigDB':'->', 'Perturbation (DIA2)':'->', 'Perturbation (DIA)': '->', 'Perturbation (PRM)':'->','Kinase':'->'}} if annotation_type == 'Kinase' and database != 'PTMsigDB': collapsed = annotations else: sep = sep_dict[database][annotation_type] collapsed = [] for annot in annotations: if annot == annot: collapsed.append(simplify_annotation(annot, sep = sep)) else: collapsed.append(annot) return collapsed def get_modification_class_data(spliced_ptms, mod_class): #check if specific modification class was provided and subset data by modification if so if mod_class in spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].values: ptms_of_interest = spliced_ptms[spliced_ptms['Modification Class'].str.contains(mod_class)].copy() else: ptms_of_interest['Modification Class'] = ptms_of_interest['Modification Class'].apply(lambda x: x.split(';') if x == x else np.nan) ptms_of_interest = ptms_of_interest.explode('Modification Class').dropna(subset = 'Modification Class') available_ptms = ptms_of_interest['Modification Class'].unique() raise ValueError(f"Requested modification class not present in the data. The available modifications include {', '.join(available_ptms)}") return ptms_of_interest
[docs]def get_ptm_annotations(spliced_ptms, annotation_type = 'Function', database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', mod_class = None, collapse_on_similar = False, dPSI_col = None, sig_col = None): """ Given spliced ptm information obtained from project and annotate modules, grab PTMs in spliced ptms associated with specific PTM modules Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame PTMs projected onto splicing events and with annotations appended from various databases annotation_type: str Type of annotation to pull from spliced_ptms dataframe. Available information depends on the selected database. Default is 'Function'. database: str database from which PTMs are pulled. Options include 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'ELM', or 'PTMInt'. ELM and PTMInt data will automatically be downloaded, but due to download restrictions, PhosphoSitePlus data must be manually downloaded and annotated in the spliced_ptms data using functions from the annotate module. Default is 'PhosphoSitePlus'. mod_class: str modification class to subset """ #check to make sure requested annotation is available if database != 'Combined': annotation_col = get_annotation_col(spliced_ptms, database = database, annotation_type = annotation_type) else: annotation_col = f'Combined:{annotation_type}' #check if specific modification class was provided and subset data by modification if so if mod_class is not None: ptms_of_interest = get_modification_class_data(spliced_ptms, mod_class) else: ptms_of_interest = spliced_ptms.copy() #extract relevant annotation and remove PTMs without an annotation optional_cols = [col for col in ptms_of_interest.columns if col in ['Impact', 'dPSI', 'Significance'] or col == dPSI_col or col == sig_col ] annotations = ptms_of_interest[['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class'] + [annotation_col] + optional_cols].copy() annotations = annotations.dropna(subset = annotation_col).drop_duplicates() if annotations.empty: print("No PTMs with associated annotation") return None, None #combine repeat entries for same PTM (with multiple impacts) annotations = annotations.groupby(['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], as_index = False).agg(lambda x: ';'.join(set([str(i) for i in x if i == i]))) #separate distinct modification annotations in unique rows annotations_exploded = annotations.copy() annotations_exploded[annotation_col] = annotations_exploded[annotation_col].apply(lambda x: x.split(';') if isinstance(x, str) else np.nan) annotations_exploded = annotations_exploded.explode(annotation_col) annotations_exploded[annotation_col] = annotations_exploded[annotation_col].apply(lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else np.nan) #if desired collapse similar annotations (for example, same function but increasing or decreasing) if collapse_on_similar: annotations_exploded[annotation_col] = collapse_annotations(annotations_exploded[annotation_col].values, database = database, annotation_type = annotation_type) annotations_exploded.drop_duplicates(inplace = True) annotations = annotations_exploded.groupby([col for col in annotations_exploded.columns if col != annotation_col], as_index = False, dropna = False)[annotation_col].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x))) #get the number of annotations found annotation_counts = annotations_exploded.drop_duplicates(subset = ['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] + [annotation_col])[annotation_col].value_counts() #additional_counts sub_counts = [] if 'Impact' in annotations_exploded.columns: for imp in ['Included', 'Excluded', 'Altered Flank']: tmp_annotations = annotations_exploded[annotations_exploded['Impact'] == imp].copy() tmp_annotations = tmp_annotations.drop_duplicates(subset = ['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'] + [annotation_col]) sub_counts.append(tmp_annotations[annotation_col].value_counts()) annotation_counts = pd.concat([annotation_counts] + sub_counts, axis = 1) annotation_counts.columns = ['All Impacted', 'Included', 'Excluded', 'Altered Flank'] annotation_counts = annotation_counts.replace(np.nan, 0) #combine repeat entries for same PTM (with multiple impacts) annotations = annotations.groupby(['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'], as_index = False).agg(lambda x: ';'.join(set([str(i) for i in x if i == i]))) return annotations, annotation_counts
[docs]def get_annotation_categories(spliced_ptms): """ Given spliced ptm information, return the available annotation categories that have been appended to dataframe Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame PTMs projected onto splicing events and with annotations appended from various databases Returns ------- annot_categories: pd.DataFrame Dataframe that indicates the available databases, annotations from each database, and column associated with that annotation """ database_list = [] type_list = [] column_list = [] #get available phosphositeplus annotations for col in spliced_ptms.columns: if ':' in col: database = col.split(':')[0] if 'PSP' not in col else 'PhosphoSitePlus' if database != 'Combined' and database != 'Unnamed': col_dict = pose_config.annotation_col_dict[database] #flip through annotation types in col_dict and add the one that matches the column for key, value in col_dict.items(): if value == col: type_list.append(key) database_list.append(database) column_list.append(col) elif database == 'Combined': type_list.append(col.split(':')[1]) database_list.append('Combined') column_list.append(col) else: continue if len(type_list) > 0: annot_categories = pd.DataFrame({'database':database_list, 'annotation_type':type_list, 'column': column_list}).sort_values(by = 'database') return annot_categories else: print('No annotation information found. Please run functions from annotate module to append annotation information') return None
def construct_background(file = None, annotation_type = 'Function', database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', modification = None, collapse_on_similar = False, save = False): ptm_coordinates = pose_config.ptm_coordinates.copy() ptm_coordinates = ptm_coordinates.rename({'Gene name':'Gene'}, axis = 1) if modification is not None: ptm_coordinates = ptm_coordinates[ptm_coordinates['Modification Class'].str.contains(modification)].copy() if ptm_coordinates.empty: raise ValueError(f'No PTMs found with modification class {modification}. Please provide a valid modification class. Examples include Phosphorylation, Glycosylation, Ubiquitination, etc.') if database == 'PhosphoSitePlus': if file is None: raise ValueError('Please provide PhosphoSitePlus source file to construct the background dataframe') elif annotation_type in ['Function', 'Process', 'Interactions']: ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PSP_regulatory_site_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) elif annotation_type == 'Kinase': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PSP_kinase_substrate_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) elif annotation_type == 'Disease': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PSP_disease_association(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) elif annotation_type == 'Perturbation': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PTMsigDB_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) if database == 'ELM': if annotation_type == 'Interactions': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_ELM_interactions(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success = False) elif annotation_type == 'Motif Match': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_ELM_matched_motifs(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success = False) if database == 'PTMInt': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PTMInt_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) if database == 'PTMcode': if annotation_type == 'Intraprotein': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PTMcode_intraprotein(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) elif annotation_type == 'Interactions': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PTMcode_interprotein(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) if database == 'RegPhos': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_RegPhos_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) if database == 'DEPOD': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_DEPOD_phosphatase_data(ptm_coordinates, report_success=False) if database == 'PTMsigDB': ptm_coordinates = annotate.add_PTMsigDB_data(ptm_coordinates, file = file, report_success=False) if database == 'Combined': raise ValueError('Combined information is not supported for constructing background data from entire proteome at this time. Please provide a specific database to construct background data.') _, annotation_counts = get_ptm_annotations(ptm_coordinates, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar = collapse_on_similar) if save: package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if collapse_on_similar and modification is not None: annotation_counts.to_csv(package_dir + f'/Resource_Files/background_annotations/{database}_{annotation_type}_{modification}_collapsed.csv') elif collapse_on_similar: annotation_counts.to_csv(package_dir + f'/Resource_Files/background_annotations/{database}_{annotation_type}_collapsed.csv') elif modification is not None: annotation_counts.to_csv(package_dir + f'/Resource_Files/background_annotations/{database}_{annotation_type}_{modification}.csv') else: annotation_counts.to_csv(package_dir + f'/Resource_Files/background_annotations/{database}_{annotation_type}.csv') return annotation_counts
[docs]def get_enrichment_inputs(spliced_ptms, annotation_type = 'Function', database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', background_type = 'pregenerated', background = None, collapse_on_similar = False, mod_class = None, alpha = 0.05, min_dPSI = 0, annotation_file = None, save_background = False): """ Given the spliced ptms, altered_flanks, or combined PTMs dataframe, identify the number of PTMs corresponding to specific annotations in the foreground (PTMs impacted by splicing) and the background (all PTMs in the proteome or all PTMs in dataset not impacted by splicing). This information can be used to calculate the enrichment of specific annotations among PTMs impacted by splicing. Several options are provided for constructing the background data: pregenerated (based on entire proteome in the ptm_coordinates dataframe) or significance (foreground PTMs are extracted from provided spliced PTMs based on significance and minimum delta PSI) Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame """ if background_type == 'pregenerated': print('Using pregenerated background information on all PTMs in the proteome.') #first look for pregenerated background data try: background_annotation_count = pose_config.download_background(annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, mod_class = mod_class, collapsed=collapse_on_similar) except: if annotation_file is None: print('Note: To avoid having to constructing background each time (which is slower), you can choose to set save_background = True to save the background data to Resource Files in package directory.') background_annotation_count = construct_background(file = annotation_file, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar = collapse_on_similar, save = save_background) if mod_class is None: background_size = pose_config.ptm_coordinates.drop_duplicates(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).shape[0] else: background_size = pose_config.ptm_coordinates[pose_config.ptm_coordinates['Modification Class'].str.contains(mod_class)].drop_duplicates(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).shape[0] elif background_type == 'significance': if 'Significance' not in spliced_ptms.columns or 'dPSI' not in spliced_ptms.columns: raise ValueError('Significance and dPSI columns must be present in spliced_ptms dataframe to construct a background based on significance (these columns must be provided during projection).') background = spliced_ptms.copy() #restrict sample to significantly spliced ptms spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms[(spliced_ptms['Significance'] <= alpha) & (spliced_ptms['dPSI'].abs() >= min_dPSI)].copy() #check to make sure there are significant PTMs in the data and that there is a difference in the number of significant and background PTMs if spliced_ptms.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError('No significantly spliced PTMs found in the data') elif spliced_ptms.shape[0] == background.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f'The foreground and background PTM sets are the same size when considering significance. Please provide a different background set with the background_ptms parameter, or make sure spliced_ptms also includes non-significant PTMs. Instead using pregenerated background sets of the whole proteome.') else: if mod_class is not None: background = get_modification_class_data(background, mod_class) #get background counts background_size = background.shape[0] _, background_annotation_count = get_ptm_annotations(background, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar = collapse_on_similar) #elif background is not None: #if custom background is provided # print('Using the provided custom background') # if isinstance(background, list) or isinstance(background, np.ndarray): # #from list of PTM strings, separate into uniprot id, residue, and position # uniprot_id = [ptm.split('_')[0] for ptm in background] # residue = [ptm.split('_')[1][0] for ptm in background] # position = [int(ptm.split('_')[1][1:]) for ptm in background] # background = pd.DataFrame({'UniProtKB Accession':uniprot_id, 'Residue':residue, 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform':position, 'Modification Class':mod_class}) # if isinstance(background, pd.DataFrame): # #check to make sure ptm data has key columns to identify ptms # if 'UniProtKB Accession' not in background.columns or 'Residue' not in background.columns or 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform' not in background.columns or #'Modification Class' not in background.columns: # raise ValueError('Background dataframe must have UniProtKB Accession, Residue, PTM Position in Canonical Isoform, and Modification Class columns to identify PTMs') # #restrict to specific modification class # if mod_class is not None and 'Modification Class' in background.columns: # background = get_modification_class_data(background, mod_class) # elif mod_class is not None: # raise ValueError('Custom background dataframe must have a Modification Class column to subset by modification class.') # else: # raise ValueError('Custom backgrounds must be provided as a list/array of PTMs in the form of "P00533_Y1068" (Uniprot ID followed by site number) or as a custom background dataframe with UniProtKB Accession, Residue, PTM Position in Canonical Isoform, and Modification Class columns.') # background = annotate.add_annotation(background, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, check_existing = True, file = annotation_file) # background_size = background.drop_duplicates(['UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']).shape[0] #get background counts # _, background_annotation_count = get_ptm_annotations(background, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar = collapse_on_similar) #elif background_type == 'custom': # raise ValueError('Please provide a custom background dataframe or list of PTMs to use as the background if wanting to use custom background data.') else: raise ValueError('Invalid background type. Must be pregenerated (default) or significance') #get counts foreground_size = spliced_ptms.shape[0] annotation_details, foreground_annotation_count = get_ptm_annotations(spliced_ptms, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar=collapse_on_similar) #process annotation details into usable format if annotation_details is None: print('No PTMs with requested annotation type, so could not perform enrichment analysis') return np.repeat(None, 5) else: annotation_col = get_annotation_col(spliced_ptms, database = database, annotation_type = annotation_type) annotation_details[annotation_col] = annotation_details[annotation_col].str.split(';') annotation_details = annotation_details.explode(annotation_col) annotation_details[annotation_col] = annotation_details[annotation_col].str.strip() annotation_details['PTM'] = annotation_details['Gene'] + '_' + annotation_details['Residue'] + annotation_details['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'].astype(int).astype(str) annotation_details = annotation_details.groupby(annotation_col)['PTM'].agg(';'.join) return foreground_annotation_count, foreground_size, background_annotation_count, background_size, annotation_details
[docs]def annotation_enrichment(spliced_ptms, database = 'PhosphoSitePlus', annotation_type = 'Function', background_type = 'pregenerated', collapse_on_similar = False, mod_class = None, alpha = None, min_dPSI = None, annotation_file = None, save_background = False):# """ In progress, needs to be tested Given spliced ptm information (differential inclusion, altered flanking sequences, or both), calculate the enrichment of specific annotations in the dataset using a hypergeometric test. Background data can be provided/constructed in a few ways: 1. Use preconstructed background data for the annotation of interest, which considers the entire proteome present in the ptm_coordinates dataframe. While this is the default, it may not be the most accurate representation of your data, so you may alternative decide to use the other options which will be more specific to your context. 2. Use the alpha and min_dPSI parameter to construct a foreground that only includes significantly spliced PTMs, and use the entire provided spliced_ptms dataframe as the background. This will allow you to compare the enrichment of specific annotations in the significantly spliced PTMs compared to the entire dataset. Will do this automatically if alpha or min_dPSI is provided. Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs projected onto splicing events and with annotations appended from various databases database: str database from which PTMs are pulled. Options include 'PhosphoSitePlus', 'ELM', 'PTMInt', 'PTMcode', 'DEPOD', 'RegPhos', 'PTMsigDB'. Default is 'PhosphoSitePlus'. annotation_type: str Type of annotation to pull from spliced_ptms dataframe. Available information depends on the selected database. Default is 'Function'. background_type: str how to construct the background data. Options include 'pregenerated' (default) and 'significance'. If 'significance' is selected, the alpha and min_dPSI parameters must be provided. Otherwise, will use whole proteome in the ptm_coordinates dataframe as the background. collapse_on_similar: bool Whether to collapse similar annotations (for example, increasing and decreasing functions) into a single category. Default is False. mod_class: str modification class to subset, if any alpha: float significance threshold to use to subset foreground PTMs. Default is None. min_dPSI: float minimum delta PSI value to use to subset foreground PTMs. Default is None. annotation_file: str file to use to annotate custom background data. Default is None. save_background: bool Whether to save the background data constructed from the ptm_coordinates dataframe into Resource_Files within package. Default is False. """ foreground_annotation_count, foreground_size, background_annotations, background_size, annotation_details = get_enrichment_inputs(spliced_ptms, background_type = background_type, annotation_type = annotation_type, database = database, collapse_on_similar = collapse_on_similar, mod_class = mod_class, alpha = alpha, min_dPSI = min_dPSI, annotation_file = annotation_file, save_background = save_background) if foreground_annotation_count is not None: #iterate through all annotations and calculate enrichment with a hypergeometric test results = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Fraction Impacted', 'p-value'], index = foreground_annotation_count.index) for i, n in background_annotations.items(): #number of PTMs in the foreground with the annotation if i in foreground_annotation_count.index.values: if foreground_annotation_count.shape[1] == 1: k = foreground_annotation_count.loc[i, 'count'] elif foreground_annotation_count.shape[1] > 1: k = foreground_annotation_count.loc[i, 'All Impacted'] p = stat_utils.getEnrichment(background_size, n, foreground_size, k, fishers = False) results.loc[i, 'Fraction Impacted'] = f"{k}/{n}" results.loc[i, 'p-value'] = p results = results.sort_values('p-value') results['Adjusted p-value'] = stat_utils.adjustP(results['p-value'].values) results = pd.concat([results, annotation_details], axis = 1) else: results = None return results
[docs]def gene_set_enrichment(spliced_ptms = None, altered_flanks = None, combined = None, alpha = 0.05, min_dPSI = None, gene_sets = ['KEGG_2021_Human', 'GO_Biological_Process_2023', 'GO_Cellular_Component_2023', 'GO_Molecular_Function_2023','Reactome_2022'], background = None, return_sig_only = True, max_retries = 5, delay = 10): """ Given spliced_ptms and/or altered_flanks dataframes (or the dataframes combined from combine_outputs()), perform gene set enrichment analysis using the enrichr API Parameters ---------- spliced_ptms: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with differentially included PTMs projected onto splicing events and with annotations appended from various databases. Default is None (will not be considered in analysis). If combined dataframe is provided, this dataframe will be ignored. altered_flanks: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs associated with altered flanking sequences and with annotations appended from various databases. Default is None (will not be considered). If combined dataframe is provided, this dataframe will be ignored. combined: pd.DataFrame Combined dataframe with spliced_ptms and altered_flanks dataframes. Default is None. If provided, spliced_ptms and altered_flanks dataframes will be ignored. gene_sets: list List of gene sets to use in enrichment analysis. Default is ['KEGG_2021_Human', 'GO_Biological_Process_2023', 'GO_Cellular_Component_2023', 'GO_Molecular_Function_2023','Reactome_2022']. Look at gseapy and enrichr documentation for other available gene sets background: list List of genes to use as background in enrichment analysis. Default is None (all genes in the gene set database will be used). return_sig_only: bool Whether to return only significantly enriched gene sets. Default is True. max_retries: int Number of times to retry downloading gene set enrichment data from enrichr API. Default is 5. delay: int Number of seconds to wait between retries. Default is 10. Returns ------- results: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with gene set enrichment results from enrichr API """ if combined is not None: if spliced_ptms is not None or altered_flanks is not None: print('If combined dataframe is provided, you do not need to include spliced_ptms or altered_flanks dataframes. Ignoring these inputs.') foreground = combined.copy() type = 'Differentially Included + Altered Flanking Sequences' #isolate the type of impact on the gene combined_on_gene = combined.groupby('Gene')['Impact'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x))) included = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Included') excluded = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Excluded') differential = included | excluded altered_flank = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Altered Flank') altered_flank_only = altered_flank & ~differential differential_only = differential & ~altered_flank both = differential & altered_flank altered_flank_only = combined_on_gene[altered_flank_only].index.tolist() differential_only = combined_on_gene[differential_only].index.tolist() both = combined_on_gene[both].index.tolist() elif spliced_ptms is not None and altered_flanks is not None: #gene information (total and spliced genes) combined = combine_outputs(spliced_ptms, altered_flanks) foreground = combined.copy() type = 'Differentially Included + Altered Flanking Sequences' #isolate the type of impact on the gene combined_on_gene = combined.groupby('Gene')['Impact'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x))) included = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Included') excluded = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Excluded') differential = included | excluded altered_flank = combined_on_gene.str.contains('Altered Flank') altered_flank_only = altered_flank & ~differential differential_only = differential & ~altered_flank both = differential & altered_flank altered_flank_only = combined_on_gene[altered_flank_only].index.tolist() differential_only = combined_on_gene[differential_only].index.tolist() both = combined_on_gene[both].index.tolist() elif spliced_ptms is not None: foreground = spliced_ptms.copy() type = 'Differentially Included' #isolate the type of impact on the gene altered_flank_only = [] differential_only = spliced_ptms['Gene'].unique().tolist() both = [] elif altered_flanks is not None: foreground = altered_flanks.copy() type = 'Altered Flanking Sequences' #isolate the type of impact on the gene altered_flank_only = altered_flanks['Gene'].unique().tolist() differential_only = [] both = [] else: raise ValueError('No dataframes provided. Please provide spliced_ptms, altered_flanks, or the combined dataframe.') #restrict to significant ptms, if available if 'Significance' in combined.columns and (min_dPSI is not None and 'dPSI' in foreground.columns): foreground = combined[combined['Significance'] <= alpha].copy() foreground = foreground[foreground['dPSI'].abs() >= min_dPSI] elif 'Significance' in combined.columns: foreground = combined[combined['Significance'] <= alpha].copy() elif min_dPSI is not None and 'dPSI' in combined.columns: foreground = combined[combined['dPSI'].abs() >= min_dPSI].copy() else: print('Significance column not found and min_dPSI not provided. All PTMs in dataframe will be considered as the foreground') foreground = foreground['Gene'].unique().tolist() #construct background if isinstance(background, list): pass elif isinstance(background, np.ndarray): background = list(background) elif background == 'Significance' and 'Significance' in foreground.columns: background = combined.copy() background = background['Gene'].unique().tolist() #perform gene set enrichment analysis and save data for i in range(max_retries): try: enr = gp.enrichr(foreground, background = background, gene_sets = gene_sets, organism='human') break except: time.sleep(delay) else: raise Exception('Failed to run enrichr analysis after ' + str(max_retries) + ' attempts. Please try again later.') results = enr.results.copy() results['Type'] = type #indicate the genes in each gene set associated with each type of impact results['Genes with Differentially Included PTMs only'] = results['Genes'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x.split(';')) & (set(differential_only)))) results['Genes with PTM with Altered Flanking Sequence only'] = results['Genes'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x.split(';')) & (set(altered_flank_only)))) results['Genes with Both'] = results['Genes'].apply(lambda x: ';'.join(set(x.split(';')) & (set(both)))) if return_sig_only: return results[results['Adjusted P-value'] <= 0.05] else: return results
def compare_flanking_sequences(altered_flanks, flank_size = 5): sequence_identity_list = [] altered_positions_list = [] residue_change_list = [] flank_side_list = [] for i, row in altered_flanks.iterrows(): #if there is sequence info for both and does not introduce stop codons, compare sequence identity if not row['Stop Codon Introduced'] and row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'] == row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'] and row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'] == row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence']: #compare sequence identity sequence_identity = getSequenceIdentity(row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'], row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence']) #identify where flanking sequence changes altered_positions, residue_change, flank_side = findAlteredPositions(row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'], row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'], flank_size = flank_size) else: sequence_identity = np.nan altered_positions = np.nan residue_change = np.nan flank_side = np.nan #add to lists sequence_identity_list.append(sequence_identity) altered_positions_list.append(altered_positions) residue_change_list.append(residue_change) flank_side_list.append(flank_side) altered_flanks['Sequence Identity'] = sequence_identity_list altered_flanks['Altered Positions'] = altered_positions_list altered_flanks['Residue Change'] = residue_change_list altered_flanks['Altered Flank Side'] = flank_side_list return altered_flanks
[docs]def compare_inclusion_motifs(flanking_sequences, elm_classes = None): """ Given a DataFrame containing flanking sequences with changes and a DataFrame containing ELM class information, identify motifs that are found in the inclusion and exclusion events, identifying motifs unique to each case. This does not take into account the position of the motif in the sequence or additional information that might validate any potential interaction (i.e. structural information that would indicate whether the motif is accessible or not). ELM class information can be downloaded from the download page of elm ( Parameters ---------- flanking_sequences: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing flanking sequences with changes, obtained from get_flanking_changes_from_splice_data() elm_classes: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing ELM class information (ELMIdentifier, Regex, etc.), downloaded directly from ELM ( Recommended to download this file and input it manually, but will download from ELM otherwise Returns ------- flanking_sequences: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing flanking sequences with changes and motifs found in the inclusion and exclusion events """ if elm_classes is None: elm_classes = pd.read_csv('', sep = '\t', header = 5) only_in_inclusion = [] only_in_exclusion = [] for _, row in flanking_sequences.iterrows(): #check if there is a stop codon introduced and both flanking sequences are present if not row['Stop Codon Introduced'] and row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'] == row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'] and row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'] == row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence']: #get elm motifs that match inclusion or Exclusion Flanking Sequences inclusion_matches = find_motifs(row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'], elm_classes) exclusion_matches = find_motifs(row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'], elm_classes) #get motifs that are unique to each case only_in_inclusion.append(';'.join(set(inclusion_matches) - set(exclusion_matches))) only_in_exclusion.append(';'.join(set(exclusion_matches) - set(inclusion_matches))) else: only_in_inclusion.append(np.nan) only_in_exclusion.append(np.nan) #save data flanking_sequences["Motif only in Inclusion"] = only_in_inclusion flanking_sequences["Motif only in Exclusion"] = only_in_exclusion return flanking_sequences
def identify_change_to_specific_motif(altered_flanks, elm_motif_name, elm_classes = None, modification_class = None, residues = None, dPSI_col = None): if 'Altered Positions' not in altered_flanks.columns: altered_flanks = compare_flanking_sequences(altered_flanks) #grab elm motifs that match inclusion or Exclusion Flanking Sequences if 'Motif only in Inclusion' not in altered_flanks.columns: altered_flanks = compare_inclusion_motifs(altered_flanks, elm_classes = elm_classes) #grab only needed info motif_data = altered_flanks.dropna(subset = ['Inclusion Flanking Sequence', 'Exclusion Flanking Sequence'], how = 'all').copy() cols_to_keep = ['Gene', 'UniProtKB Accession', 'Residue', 'PTM Position in Canonical Isoform', 'Modification Class', 'Inclusion Flanking Sequence', 'Exclusion Flanking Sequence', 'Motif only in Inclusion', 'Motif only in Exclusion', 'Altered Positions', 'Residue Change'] if dPSI_col is not None: cols_to_keep.append(dPSI_col) #go through motif data and identify motifs matching elm motif of interest motif_data = motif_data[cols_to_keep] for i, row in motif_data.iterrows(): if row['Motif only in Inclusion'] == row['Motif only in Inclusion']: if elm_motif_name in row['Motif only in Inclusion']: motif_data.loc[i, 'Motif only in Inclusion'] = ';'.join([motif for motif in row['Motif only in Inclusion'].split(';') if elm_motif_name in motif]) else: motif_data.loc[i, 'Motif only in Inclusion'] = np.nan if row['Motif only in Exclusion'] == row['Motif only in Exclusion']: if elm_motif_name in row['Motif only in Exclusion']: motif_data.loc[i, 'Motif only in Exclusion'] = ';'.join([motif for motif in row['Motif only in Exclusion'].split(';') if elm_motif_name in motif]) else: motif_data.loc[i, 'Motif only in Exclusion'] = np.nan #restrict to events that are specific modification types or residues (for example, SH2 domain motifs should be phosphotyrosine) motif_data = motif_data.dropna(subset = ['Motif only in Inclusion', 'Motif only in Exclusion'], how = 'all') if modification_class is not None: motif_data = motif_data[motif_data['Modification Class'].str.contains(modification_class)] if residues is not None and isinstance(residues, str): motif_data = motif_data[motif_data['Residue'] == residues] elif residues is not None and isinstance(residues, list): motif_data = motif_data[motif_data['Residue'].isin(residues)] elif residues is not None: raise ValueError('residues parameter must be a string or list of strings') return motif_data
[docs]def findAlteredPositions(seq1, seq2, flank_size = 5): """ Given two sequences, identify the location of positions that have changed Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2: str sequences to compare (order does not matter) flank_size: int size of the flanking sequences (default is 5). This is used to make sure the provided sequences are the correct length Returns ------- altered_positions: list list of positions that have changed residue_change: list list of residues that have changed associated with that position flank_side: str indicates which side of the flanking sequence the change has occurred (N-term, C-term, or Both) """ desired_seq_size = flank_size*2+1 altered_positions = [] residue_change = [] flank_side = [] seq_size = len(seq1) flank_size = (seq_size -1)/2 if seq_size == len(seq2) and seq_size == desired_seq_size: for i in range(seq_size): if seq1[i] != seq2[i]: altered_positions.append(i-(flank_size)) residue_change.append(f'{seq1[i]}->{seq2[i]}') #check to see which side flanking sequence altered_positions = np.array(altered_positions) n_term = any(altered_positions < 0) c_term = any(altered_positions > 0) if n_term and c_term: flank_side = 'Both' elif n_term: flank_side = 'N-term only' elif c_term: flank_side = 'C-term only' else: flank_side = 'Unclear' return altered_positions, residue_change, flank_side else: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
[docs]def getSequenceIdentity(seq1, seq2): """ Given two flanking sequences, calculate the sequence identity between them using Biopython and parameters definded by Pillman et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2011 Parameters ---------- seq1, seq2: str flanking sequence Returns ------- normalized_score: float normalized score of sequence similarity between flanking sequences (calculated similarity/max possible similarity) """ #make pairwise aligner object aligner = PairwiseAligner() #set parameters, with match score of 10 and mismatch score of -2 aligner.mode = 'global' aligner.match_score = 10 aligner.mismatch_score = -2 #calculate sequence alignment score between two sequences actual_similarity = aligner.align(seq1, seq2)[0].score #calculate sequence alignment score between the same sequence control_similarity = aligner.align(seq1, seq1)[0].score #normalize score normalized_score = actual_similarity/control_similarity return normalized_score
[docs]def find_motifs(seq, elm_classes): """ Given a sequence and a dataframe containinn ELM class information, identify motifs that can be found in the provided sequence using the RegEx expression provided by ELM (PTMs not considered). This does not take into account the position of the motif in the sequence or additional information that might validate any potential interaction (i.e. structural information that would indicate whether the motif is accessible or not). ELM class information can be downloaded from the download page of elm ( Parameters ---------- seq: str sequence to search for motifs elm_classes: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing ELM class information (ELMIdentifier, Regex, etc.), downloaded directly from ELM ( """ matches = [] for j, elm_row in elm_classes.iterrows(): reg_ex = elm_row['Regex'] if, seq) is not None: matches.append(elm_row['ELMIdentifier']) return matches
class protein_interactions: def __init__(self, spliced_ptms): self.spliced_ptms = spliced_ptms def get_interaction_network(self, node_type = 'Gene'): if node_type not in ['Gene', 'PTM']: raise ValueError("node_type parameter (which dictates whether to consider interactions at PTM or gene level) can be either Gene or PTM") #extract interaction information in provided data interactions = annotate.combine_interaction_data(self.spliced_ptms) interactions['Residue'] = interactions['Residue'] + interactions['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'].astype(int).astype(str) interactions = interactions.drop(columns = ['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform']) #add regulation change information if 'dPSI' in self.spliced_ptms.columns: interactions['Regulation Change'] = interactions.apply(lambda x: '+' if x['Type'] != 'DISRUPTS' and x['dPSI'] > 0 else '+' if x['Type'] == 'DISRUPTS' and x['dPSI'] < 0 else '-', axis = 1) grouping_cols = ['Residue', 'Type', 'Source', 'dPSI', 'Regulation Change'] interactions['dPSI'] = interactions['dPSI'].apply(str) else: grouping_cols = ['Residue', 'Type', 'Source'] #extract gene_specific network information if node_type == 'Gene': network_data = interactions.groupby(['Modified Gene', 'Interacting Gene'], as_index = False)[grouping_cols].agg(helpers.join_unique_entries) #generate network with all possible PTM-associated interactions interaction_graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(network_data, source = 'Modified Gene', target = 'Interacting Gene') else: interactions['Spliced PTM'] = interactions['Modified Gene'] + '_' + interactions['Residue'] network_data = interactions.groupby(['Spliced PTM', 'Interacting Gene'], as_index = False)[grouping_cols].agg(helpers.join_unique_entries) network_data = network_data.drop(columns = ['Residue']) #generate network with all possible PTM-associated interactions interaction_graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(network_data, source = 'Spliced PTM', target = 'Interacting Gene') self.network_data = network_data self.interaction_graph = interaction_graph def get_interaction_stats(self): """ Given the networkx interaction graph, calculate various network centrality measures to identify the most relevant PTMs or genes in the network """ #calculate network centrality measures degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(self.interaction_graph) closeness_centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(self.interaction_graph) betweenness_centrality = nx.betweenness_centrality(self.interaction_graph) network_stats = pd.DataFrame({'Degree': dict(, 'Degree Centrality':degree_centrality, 'Closeness':closeness_centrality,'Betweenness':betweenness_centrality}) self.network_stats = network_stats def get_protein_interaction_network(self, protein): """ Given a specific protein, return the network data for that protein Parameters ---------- protein: str Gene name of the protein of interest Returns ------- protein_network: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing network data for the protein of interest """ if not hasattr(self, 'network_data'): self.get_interaction_network() if protein not in self.network_data['Modified Gene'].unique(): print(f'{protein} is not found in the network data. Please provide a valid gene name.') return None protein_network = self.network_data[self.network_data['Modified Gene'] == protein] protein_network = protein_network.drop(columns = ['Modified Gene']) protein_network = protein_network.rename(columns = {'Residue': 'Spliced PTMs facilitating Interacting'}) return protein_network def summarize_protein_network(self, protein): """ Given a protein of interest, summarize the network data for that protein """ if not hasattr(self, 'network_data'): self.get_interaction_network() if not hasattr(self, 'network_stats'): self.get_interaction_stats() protein_network = self.network_data[self.network_data['Modified Gene'] == protein] increased_interactions = protein_network.loc[protein_network['Regulation Change'] == '+', 'Interacting Gene'].values decreased_interactions = protein_network.loc[protein_network['Regulation Change'] == '-', 'Interacting Gene'].values ambiguous_interactions = protein_network.loc[protein_network['Regulation Change'].str.contains(';'), 'Interacting Gene'].values #print interactions if len(increased_interactions) > 0: print(f"Increased interaction likelihoods: {', '.join(increased_interactions)}") if len(decreased_interactions) > 0: print(f"Decreased interaction likelihoods: {', '.join(decreased_interactions)}") if len(ambiguous_interactions) > 0: print(f"Ambiguous interaction impact: {', '.join(ambiguous_interactions)}") network_ranks = self.network_stats.rank(ascending = False).astype(int) print(f'Number of interactions: {self.network_stats.loc[protein, "Degree"]} (Rank: {network_ranks.loc[protein, "Degree"]})') print(f'Centrality measures - \t Degree = {self.network_stats.loc[protein, "Degree Centrality"]} (Rank: {network_ranks.loc[protein, "Degree Centrality"]})') print(f' \t Betweenness = {self.network_stats.loc[protein, "Betweenness"]} (Rank: {network_ranks.loc[protein, "Betweenness"]})') print(f' \t Closeness = {self.network_stats.loc[protein, "Closeness"]} (Rank: {network_ranks.loc[protein, "Closeness"]})') def plot_interaction_network(self, modified_color = 'red', modified_node_size = 10, interacting_color = 'lightblue', interacting_node_size = 1, edgecolor = 'gray', seed = 200, ax = None, proteins_to_label = None, labelcolor = 'black'): """ Given the interactiong graph and network data outputted from analyze.get_interaction_network, plot the interaction network, signifying which proteins or ptms are altered by splicing and the specific regulation change that occurs. by default, will only label proteins Parameters ---------- interaction_graph: nx.Graph NetworkX graph object representing the interaction network, created from analyze.get_interaction_network network_data: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing details about specifici protein interactions (including which protein contains the spliced PTMs) network_stats: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing network statistics for each protein in the interaction network, obtained from analyze.get_interaction_stats(). Default is None, which will not label any proteins in the network. """ if not hasattr(self, 'interaction_graph'): self.get_interaction_network() if not hasattr(self, 'network_stats'): self.get_interaction_stats() pose_plots.plot_interaction_network(self.interaction_graph, self.network_data, self.network_stats, modified_color = modified_color, modified_node_size = modified_node_size, interacting_color = interacting_color, interacting_node_size = interacting_node_size, edgecolor = edgecolor, seed = seed, ax = ax, proteins_to_label = proteins_to_label, labelcolor = labelcolor) def plot_network_centrality(self, centrality_measure = 'Degree', top_N = 10, modified_color = 'red', interacting_color = 'black', ax = None): if not hasattr(self, 'interaction_graph'): self.get_interaction_network() if not hasattr(self, 'network_stats'): self.get_interaction_stats() pose_plots.plot_network_centrality(self.network_stats, self.network_data, centrality_measure=centrality_measure,top_N = top_N, modified_color = modified_color, interacting_color = interacting_color, ax = ax)
[docs]def edit_sequence_for_kinase_library(seq): """ Convert flanking sequence to version accepted by kinase library (modified residue denoted by asterick) """ if seq == seq: seq = seq.replace('t','t*') seq = seq.replace('s','s*') seq = seq.replace('y','y*') else: return np.nan return seq
class KL_flank_analysis: def __init__(self, altered_flanks, odir): self.altered_flanks = altered_flanks self.odir = odir def identify_sequences_of_interest(self): self.sequences_of_interest = self.altered_flanks[(~self.altered_flanks['Matched']) & (~self.altered_flanks['Stop Codon Introduced']) & (self.altered_flanks['Modification Class'].str.contains('Phosphorylation'))].copy() def process_data_for_kinase_library(self): """ Extract flanking sequence information for """ #restrict to events with changed flanking sequences, no introduced stop codons, and phosphorylation modifications if not hasattr(self, 'sequences_of_interest'): self.identify_sequences_of_interest() #generate files to input into Kinase Library (inclusion first then exclusion) inclusion_sequences = self.sequences_of_interest[['PTM', 'Inclusion Flanking Sequence']].drop_duplicates() inclusion_sequences['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'] = inclusion_sequences['Inclusion Flanking Sequence'].apply(edit_sequence_for_kinase_library) inclusion_sequences = inclusion_sequences.dropna(subset = 'Inclusion Flanking Sequence') #write sequences to text file with open(self.odir + 'inclusion_sequences_input.txt', 'w') as f: for _, row in inclusion_sequences.iterrows(): f.write(row['Inclusion Flanking Sequence']+'\n') exclusion_sequences = self.sequences_of_interest[['PTM', 'Exclusion Flanking Sequence']].drop_duplicates() exclusion_sequences['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'] = exclusion_sequences['Exclusion Flanking Sequence'].apply(edit_sequence_for_kinase_library) exclusion_sequences = exclusion_sequences.dropna(subset = 'Exclusion Flanking Sequence') #write sequences to text file with open(self.odir + 'exclusion_sequences_input.txt', 'w') as f: for _, row in exclusion_sequences.iterrows(): f.write(row['Exclusion Flanking Sequence']+'\n') print('Input files for Kinase Library generated. Please run upload the file to the "score sites" tab of Kinase Library ( and download the full results.') def format_sequences_to_match_output(self, sequence_type = 'Inclusion'): if not hasattr(self, 'sequences_of_interest'): self.identify_sequences_of_interest() sequences = self.sequences_of_interest[['Region ID','PTM', f'{sequence_type} Flanking Sequence']].drop_duplicates().copy() sequences = sequences.dropna(subset = 'Inclusion Flanking Sequence') sequences['Label'] = sequences['Region ID'] + ';' + sequences['PTM'] sequences[f'{sequence_type} Flanking Sequence'] = sequences[f'{sequence_type} Flanking Sequence'].apply(lambda x: x.upper().replace(' ', '_')+'_') return sequences def process_kinase_library_output(self, scores, sequence_type = 'Inclusion'): """ Process output from Kinase Library to connect kinase library scores back to the PTMs in the altered flanks dataframe Parameters ---------- altered_flanks: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs associated with altered flanking sequences scores: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with kinase library scores for flanking sequences (loaded from downloaded .tsv outputs from kinase library) flanking_sequence_col: str Column in altered_flanks dataframe that contains the flanking sequence to match with the kinase library scores. Default is 'Inclusion Flanking Sequence'. Can also be 'Exclusion Flanking Sequence' Returns ------- percentiles_y: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with kinase library scores for tyrosine sites percentiles_st: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with kinase library scores for serine/threonine sites """ #restrict to events with changed flanking sequences, no introduced stop codons, and phosphorylation modifications if not hasattr(self, 'sequences_of_interest'): self.identify_sequences_of_interest() sequences = self.format_sequences_to_match_output(sequence_type = sequence_type) sequences = sequences.merge(scores, left_on = f'{sequence_type} Flanking Sequence', right_on = 'sequence', how = 'left') #split info into tyrosine vs. serine/threonine sequences_y = sequences[sequences['Label'].str.contains('_Y')] sequences_st = sequences[(sequences['Label'].str.contains('_S')) | (sequences['Label'].str.contains('_T'))] #pivot table to get scores for each kinase percentiles_y = sequences_y.pivot_table(index = 'Label', columns = 'kinase', values = 'site_percentile') percentiles_st = sequences_st.pivot_table(index = 'Label', columns = 'kinase', values = 'site_percentile') return percentiles_y, percentiles_st def get_kinase_library_differences(self, inclusion_scores_file, exclusion_scores_file): """ Given altered flanking sequences and kinase library scores for inclusion and Exclusion Flanking Sequences, calculate the difference in kinase library site percentiles between the two Parameters ---------- altered_flanks: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with PTMs associated with altered flanking sequences inclusion_scores: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with kinase library scores for Inclusion Flanking Sequences (loaded from downloaded .tsv outputs from kinase library) exclusion_scores: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with kinase library scores for Exclusion Flanking Sequences (loaded from downloaded .tsv outputs from kinase library) Returns ------- percentiles_diff_y: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with the difference in kinase library scores for tyrosine sites percentiles_diff_st: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with the difference in kinase library scores for serine/threonine sites """ inclusion_scores = pd.read_csv(inclusion_scores_file, sep = '\t') inclusion_percentiles_y, inclusion_percentiles_st = self.process_kinase_library_output(inclusion_scores, sequence_type = 'Inclusion') exclusion_scores = pd.read_csv(exclusion_scores_file, sep = '\t') exclusion_percentiles_y, exclusion_percentiles_st = self.process_kinase_library_output(exclusion_scores, sequence_type = 'Exclusion') #calculate the difference in percentiles labels= list(set(inclusion_percentiles_y.index).intersection(exclusion_percentiles_y.index)) percentiles_diff_y = inclusion_percentiles_y.loc[labels].copy() percentiles_diff_y = percentiles_diff_y[exclusion_percentiles_y.columns] for i, row in percentiles_diff_y.iterrows(): percentiles_diff_y.loc[i] = row - exclusion_percentiles_y.loc[i] labels= list(set(inclusion_percentiles_st.index).intersection(exclusion_percentiles_st.index)) percentiles_diff_st = inclusion_percentiles_st.loc[labels].copy() percentiles_diff_st = percentiles_diff_st[exclusion_percentiles_st.columns] for i, row in percentiles_diff_st.iterrows(): percentiles_diff_st.loc[i] = row - exclusion_percentiles_st.loc[i] #save all data self.inclusion_percentiles = {} self.inclusion_percentiles['Y'] = inclusion_percentiles_y self.inclusion_percentiles['ST'] = inclusion_percentiles_st self.exclusion_percentiles = {} self.exclusion_percentiles['Y'] = exclusion_percentiles_y self.exclusion_percentiles['ST'] = exclusion_percentiles_st self.percentile_difference = {} self.percentile_difference['Y'] = percentiles_diff_y self.percentile_difference['ST'] = percentiles_diff_st #def process_data_for_exon_ontology(odir, spliced_ptms = None, altered_flanks = None): # pass class kstar_enrichment: def __init__(self, significant_ptms, network_dir, background_ptms = None, phospho_type = 'Y'): """ Given spliced ptm or PTMs with altered flanks and a single kstar network, get enrichment for each kinase in the network using a hypergeometric. Assumes the data has already been reduced to the modification of interest (phosphotyrosine or phoshoserine/threonine) Parameters ---------- network_dir : dict dictionary of networks with kinase-substrate information spliced_ptms : pandas dataframe all PTMs of interest background_ptms: pd.DataFrame PTMs to consider as the background for enrichment purposes, which should overlap with the spliced ptms information provided (an example might be all identified events, whether or not they are significant). If not provided, will use all ptms in the phosphoproteome. phospho_type : str type of phosphorylation event to extract. Can either by phosphotyrosine ('Y') or phosphoserine/threonine ('ST'). Default is 'Y'. """ #process ptms to only include specific phosphorylation data needed self.significant_ptms = self.process_ptms(significant_ptms, phospho_type = phospho_type) if background_ptms is not None: self.background_ptms = self.process_ptms(background_ptms, phospho_type=phospho_type) else: background_ptms = pose_config.ptm_coordinates.copy() self.background_ptms = self.process_ptms(background_ptms, phospho_type = phospho_type) #check if file exists and whether a pickle has been generated: if not, load each network file individually if not os.path.exists(network_dir): raise ValueError('Network directory not found') elif os.path.exists(f"{network_dir}/*.p"): networks = pickle.load(open(f"{network_dir}/network_{phospho_type}.p", "rb" ) ) else: network_directory = network_dir + f'/{phospho_type}/INDIVIDUAL_NETWORKS/' networks = {} for file in os.listdir(network_directory): if file.endswith('.tsv'): #get the value of the network number file_noext = file.strip(".tsv").split('_') key_name = 'nkin'+str(file_noext[1]) #print("Debug: key name is %s"%(key_name)) networks[key_name] = pd.read_csv(f"{network_directory}{file}", sep='\t') #save info self.networks = networks self.phospho_type = phospho_type self.median_enrichment = None def process_ptms(self, ptms, phospho_type = 'Y'): """ Given ptm information, restrict data to include only the phosphorylation type of interest and add a PTM column for matching information from KSTAR Parameters ---------- ptms: pd.DataFrame ptm information containing modification type and ptm locatin information, such as the output from projection or altered flanking sequence analysis phospho_type: str type of phosphorylation event to extract. Can either by phosphotyrosine ('Y') or phosphoserine/threonine ('ST') Returns ptms: pd.DataFrame trimmed dataframe containing only modifications of interest and new 'PTM' column """ #restrict to ptms to phosphorylation type of interest if phospho_type == 'Y': ptms = ptms[ptms['Modification'].str.contains('Phosphotyrosine')].copy() elif phospho_type == 'ST': ptms = ptms[(ptms["Modification"].str.contains('Phosphoserine')) | (ptms['Modification'].str.contains('Phosphothreonine'))].copy() #construct PTM column that matches KSTAR information ptms['PTM'] = ptms['UniProtKB Accession'] + '_' + ptms['Residue'] + ptms['PTM Position in Canonical Isoform'].astype(int).astype(str) #filter out any PTMs that come from alternative isoforms ptms = ptms[~ptms['UniProtKB Accession'].str.contains('-')] return ptms def get_enrichment_single_network(self, network_key): """ in progress """ network = self.networks[network_key] network['PTM'] = network['KSTAR_ACCESSION'] + '_' + network['KSTAR_SITE'] #add network information to all significant data sig_ptms = self.significant_ptms[['PTM']].drop_duplicates() sig_ptms_kstar = sig_ptms.merge(network[['KSTAR_KINASE','PTM']], on = 'PTM') #repeat for background data bg_ptms = self.background_ptms[['PTM']].drop_duplicates() bg_ptms_kstar = bg_ptms.merge(network[['KSTAR_KINASE','PTM']], on = 'PTM') results = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index = sig_ptms_kstar['KSTAR_KINASE'].unique(), columns = ['k','n','M','N','p']) for kinase in sig_ptms_kstar['KSTAR_KINASE'].unique(): #get numbers for a hypergeometric test to look for enrichment of kinase substrates k = sig_ptms_kstar.loc[sig_ptms_kstar['KSTAR_KINASE'] == kinase, 'PTM'].nunique() n = bg_ptms_kstar.loc[bg_ptms_kstar['KSTAR_KINASE'] == kinase, 'PTM'].nunique() M = bg_ptms['PTM'].nunique() N = sig_ptms_kstar['PTM'].nunique() #run hypergeometric test results.loc[kinase,'p'] = stat_utils.hypergeom(M,n,N,k) results.loc[kinase, 'M'] = M results.loc[kinase, 'N'] = N results.loc[kinase, 'k'] = k results.loc[kinase, 'n'] = n return results def get_enrichment_all_networks(self): """ Given prostate data and a dictionary of kstar networks, get enrichment for each kinase in each network in the prostate data. Assumes the prostate data has already been reduced to the modification of interest (phosphotyrosine or phoshoserine/threonine) Parameters ---------- networks : dict dictionary of kstar networks prostate : pandas dataframe all PTMs identified in tCGA prostate data, regardless of significance (reduced to only include mods of interest) sig_prostate : pandas dataframe significant PTMs identified in tCGA prostate data, p < 0.05 and effect size > 0.25 (reduced to only include mods of interest) """ results = {} for network in self.networks: results[network] = self.get_enrichment_single_network(network_key=network) return results def extract_enrichment(self, results): """ Given a dictionary of results from get_enrichment_all_networks, extract the p-values for each network and kinase, and then calculate the median p-value across all networks for each kinase Parameters ---------- results : dict dictionary of results from get_enrichment_all_networks """ enrichment = pd.DataFrame(index = results['nkin0'].index, columns = results.keys()) for network in results: enrichment[network] = results[network]['p'] enrichment['median'] = enrichment.median(axis = 1) return enrichment def run_kstar_enrichment(self): """ Run full kstar analysis to generate substrate enrichment across each of the 50 KSTAR networks and calculate the median p-value for each kinase across all networks """ results = self.get_enrichment_all_networks() enrichment = self.extract_enrichment(results) self.enrichment_all = enrichment self.median_enrichment = enrichment['median'] def return_enriched_kinases(self, alpha = 0.05): """ Return kinases with a median p-value less than the provided alpha value (substrates are enriched among the significant PTMs) Parameters ---------- alpha : float significance threshold to use to subset kinases. Default is 0.05. """ if self.median_enrichment is None: self.run_kstar_enrichment() return self.median_enrichment[self.median_enrichment < alpha].index.values