Source code for openensembles.cooccurrence

OpenEnsembles is a resource for performing and analyzing ensemble clustering

Copyright (C) 2017 Naegle Lab

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pylab
import pandas as pd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
from scipy.spatial import distance as ssd

class coMat:
    A class that allows you to create and operate on a co-occurrence matrix

    cObj: openensembles.cluster object
        The clustering object and all contained solutions of interest
    data_source_name: string
        The name of the data source of interest 

    parg: array of ints
        An array reshaped from all contained clustering solutions
    N: int
        Number of objects
    nEnsembles: int
        Number of clustering solutions
    co_matrix: pandas dataframe
        The co-occurrence matrix (square). An entry indicates the fraction of times any pair of objects co-clusters across the ensemble
    avg_dist: float
        The mean of all co-occurrences (not including self distances)

    See Also


    def __init__(self, cObj, data_source_name):
        self.cObj = cObj
        self.data_source_name = data_source_name
        parg = []
        for solution in cObj.labels:
        self.parg = parg = cObj.dataObj.D[data_source_name]
        self.N =[0]
        self.nEnsembles = len(self.parg)
        co_matrix = self.gather_partitions()
        self.co_matrix = co_matrix
        self.avg_dist = np.mean(ssd.squareform(1-self.co_matrix))

    def gather_partitions(self):
        Gather partitions sums the number of times all pairs of objects fall within the same cluster
        across the ensemble.  

        co_matrix_df: pandas dataframe
            a dataframe of object names in column and header, wrapped around the co-occurrence matrix

        todo:: Check that the solution dimensionality and the data matrix dimensions are the same

        dim = self.N
        co_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(dim,dim))
        for solution in self.parg:
            co_bin = self.gather_single_partition(solution)
            co_matrix += co_bin
        co_matrixF = co_matrix/self.nEnsembles
        header = self.cObj.dataObj.df.index.get_values()
        co_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(index=header, data=co_matrixF,
        return co_matrix_df

    def gather_single_partition(self, solution):
        For an individual solution (set of labels), create a binary cooccurrence matrix that has an entry of 1 if 
        both objects are in the same cluster and 0 if not. 

        Solution: list of ints
            A single solution vector of clustering labels
        co_matrix: matrix
            a square matrix the size of the length of solution with boolean values (0,1)

        dim = len(solution)
        co_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(dim,dim))
        clusterid_list = np.unique(solution)
        #print clusterid_list
        for clusterid in clusterid_list:
            itemindex = np.where(solution==clusterid)
            for i,x in enumerate(itemindex[0][0:]):
                co_matrix[x,x] += 1           
                for j,y in enumerate(itemindex[0][i+1:]):
        return co_matrix
    def pairwise_list(self):
        Reshapes the co-occurrence dataframe matrix into a list, so it can easily be ordered and explored
        df: pandas dataframe 
            with a row entry index of object1_object2 and a co-occurrence column labled 'pairwise'

        #return a new dataframe in list with index equal to the pairs being
        coMat = self.co_matrix
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['site_1', 'site_2', 'pairwise'])
        headerList = list(coMat)

        for i in range(0, len(headerList)-1):
            for x in range(i+1, len(headerList)):
                s = pd.Series()
                h = headerList[i]
                j = headerList[x]
                s['pairwise'] = coMat.loc[h,j]
                s['site_1'] = h
                s['site_2'] = j
       = '%s; %s'%(h,j)
                df = df.append(s)
        return df

    def link(self, linkage='average'):
        Link a co-occurrence matrix. This is required so that co-occurrence is properly treated as a distance matrix
        during scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage

        linkage: string
            type of linkage to use, see scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage for options

        lnk: scipy.cluster.hierarch.linkage object
        #arr = self.co_matrix
        #set diagonal to zero
        arr = 1 - self.co_matrix
        lnk = sch.linkage(ssd.squareform(arr), method=linkage, metric='euclidean')
        return lnk

    def cut(self, lnk, threshold):
        **A finishing technique**

        Given the calculation of a linkage (e.g. self.lnk(linkage='average')), cut the resulting linkage
        at the given threshold and return the labels from the resulting cut on the hierarchically 
            :param lnk: a linkage object, that can be generated by 
            :type lnk: scipy.cluster.hierarch.linkage object
            :param threshold: the threshold to cut the groups into. See self.plot() to visually explore the cuts at different thresholds.
            :type threshold: float
            :returns: labels - vector of ints assigning each object into a group. This is a type of finishing for deterministic clustering from an ensemble. 
        ind = sch.fcluster(lnk, threshold, 'distance')
        return ind

    def plot(self, threshold='avg', linkage='average', add_labels= True, **kwargs):#dist_thresh=self.avg_dist):
        Plot the co_occurrence matrix with a dendrogram and heatmap 
        By Default labels=True, set to false to suppress labels in graph
        By default label_vec equal to the index list of the dataObj dataframe. Otherwise, you can pass in an alternate naming scheme, 
        vector length should be the same as 

        threshold: float
            Use threshold to color the dendrogram
            This is useful for identifying visually how to call .cut()
            Default is the average value in the co-occurrence matrix, which is updated to float when 'avg' is passed
        add_labels: bool
            If you wish to shut off printing of labels pass False, else this will print labels according to the co-matrix data frame headers
        linkage: string
            Linkage type to use for dendrogram. Default is average

        Other Parameters

        label_vec: list
            If you want to add labels, but not the same in co-occurrence matrix dataframe, then pass those here

                if label_vec in **kwargs is different size then number of objects

        >>> coMat = c.co_occurrence_matrix()
        >>> coMat.plot(threshold=1, linkage='average', labels=False)

        if isinstance(threshold, str):
            threshold = self.avg_dist
        if add_labels:
            if "label_vec" in kwargs: # use this if you have different labels than in c.dataObj.df.index.values
                label_vec = kwargs['label_vec']
                if len(label_vec) != len(self.co_matrix):
                    raise ValueError("ERROR: the length of label vector does not equal the number of objects in the co_occurrence matrix")
                label_vec = self.cObj.dataObj.df.index.values.tolist() #using parent just to get column names
            label_vec = []

        fig = plot_matrix_sorted(self.co_matrix, label_vec, threshold,
        return fig

[docs]def plot_matrix_sorted(matrix, label_vec, threshold, lnk1): """ A heatmap plotting function, for both co-occurrence and mutual information Parameters ---------- matrix: np.array An array of values to plot as a heatmap label_vec: list of strings A label_vec to label the row-wise objects. Empty if labels not requested threshold: float Threshold to use for coloring of dendrogram lnk1: linkage object A pre-calcluated linkage object to use to sort. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.pyplot figure The figure handle """ fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,10)) panel3 = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) panel3.axis('off') # Add dendrogram if label_vec: add_labels = True else: add_labels = False if add_labels: ax1 = add_subplot_axes(panel3,[0.0,0.3,0.11,.6]) Z_pp = sch.dendrogram(lnk1, orientation='left', color_threshold=threshold, labels=label_vec) else: ax1 = add_subplot_axes(panel3,[0.16,0.3,0.11,.6]) Z_pp = sch.dendrogram(lnk1, orientation='left', color_threshold=threshold) ax1.set_yticks([]) idx_pp = Z_pp['leaves'] # fig.gca().invert_yaxis() # must couple with matshow origin='upper', ax1.set_xticks([]) for side in ['top','right','bottom','left']: ax1.spines[side].set_visible(False) # plot heatmap axmatrix = add_subplot_axes(panel3,[0.28,0.3,0.7,.6]) hm = matrix hm = hm.ix[idx_pp,idx_pp] im = axmatrix.matshow(hm, aspect='auto', origin='upper', cmap='afmhot') axmatrix.axis('off') # Plot colorbar indicating scale axcolor = add_subplot_axes(panel3,[0.28,0.2,0.7,.02]) # [xmin, ymin, dx, and dy] h=pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor,orientation='horizontal') h.set_ticks([0.0,.25,.50,.75,1]) #h.set_ticklabels(['0%','25%','50%','75%','100%']) return fig
[docs]def add_subplot_axes(ax,rect,facecolor='w'): """ A non-class function to handle subaxes """ fig = plt.gcf() box = ax.get_position() width = box.width height = box.height inax_position = ax.transAxes.transform(rect[0:2]) transFigure = fig.transFigure.inverted() infig_position = transFigure.transform(inax_position) x = infig_position[0] y = infig_position[1] width *= rect[2] height *= rect[3] subax = fig.add_axes([x,y,width,height],facecolor=facecolor) return subax