Source code for openensembles.openensembles

OpenEnsembles is a resource for performing and analyzing ensemble clustering

Copyright (C) 2017 Naegle Lab

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import sklearn.cluster as skc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
from sklearn import preprocessing
import openensembles.transforms as tx
import openensembles.clustering_algorithms as ca 
import openensembles.finishing as finish
import openensembles.cooccurrence as co
import openensembles.mutualinformation as mi
import openensembles.validation as val
import warnings
from random import randint
import numpy.random as random
import openensembles as oe
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

[docs]class data: """ df is a dataframe and x is the x_axis values (or numbers indicating the number entry). Behavior: Only numerical data in df will be carried into a numpy array Parameters ----------- df : a pandas dataframe Dataframe with objects in rows and columns representing the feature dimensions x : list The x-axis elements. If x is a list of strings, it will be converted here to a list of ints (range 0 to len(x)) Attributes ----------- df : pandas dataframe the original dataframe D : dictionary A dictionary of numpy data matrices, callable by 'source_name'. x : list a list of integer or float values x_labels : list a list of strings (if that was passed in) or the int and float. So that xticklabels could be updated or referenced params: dict A dictionary of parameter labels and their values that were used during transformations Raises -------- ValueError of the size of x and dimensionality of df do not match """ def __init__(self, df, x): self.df = df self.D = {} self.x = {} self.params = {} #drop any non-numerical data from the dataframe before forming the D array numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'] newdf = df.select_dtypes(include=numerics) self.D['parent'] = np.asarray(newdf) #check that the number of x-values matches the array if(len(x) != self.D['parent'].shape[1]): raise ValueError("ERROR: Size of x-values (%d) does not match that of of the dataframe dimensions (%d), replacing with an vector of integers of correct size"%(len(x), self.D['parent'].shape[1])) errors = False for val in x: if not isinstance(val, int) and not isinstance(val, float): errors = True if errors: #warnings.warn("Changing string list of x into an integer in the same order as string list, starting with 0") xVals = list(range(0,len(x))) self.x_labels = x else: xVals = x self.x_labels = x self.x['parent'] = xVals self.params['parent'] = []
[docs] def transforms_available(self): """ Returns a list of all transformations available """ txfm = tx.transforms(self.x, self.D, {}) TXFM_FCN_DICT = txfm.transforms_available() return TXFM_FCN_DICT
[docs] def plot_data(self, source_name, fig_num=1, **kwargs): """ Plot the data matrix that belongs to source_name Parameters ----------- source_name : string name of data source to plot, e.g. 'parent' fig_num: int Set to a different figure number to plot on existing figure. Default fig_num=1 **class_labels : list of ints this is a vector that assigns points to classes, and will be used to color the points according to assigned class type **clusters_to_plot: list of ints If you wish to plot a subset of cluster types (classes), pass that as a list of ints **title : string Title for plot Raises ------ ValueError: If clusters_to_plot not a set in cluster labels """ m = self.D[source_name].shape[0] n = self.D[source_name].shape[1] if 'title' in kwargs: title = kwargs['title'] else: title = '' if 'class_labels' not in kwargs: class_labels = np.ones(m) else: class_labels = kwargs['class_labels'] if 'clusters_to_plot' not in kwargs: clusters = np.unique(class_labels) else: #check, this argument should be a list with a direct set match clustersPossible = np.unique(class_labels) clusters = kwargs['clusters_to_plot'] if not set(clusters) < set(clustersPossible): raise ValueError("ERROR: the clusters to plot are not a direct match to possible clusters in plot_data") #clusters = np.unique(class_labels) color=iter(,1,len(clusters)))) fig = plt.figure(fig_num, figsize=(6, 6)) plt.cla() #plt.hold(True) #SETUP axes, as either 2D or 3D if n==3: ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.hold(True) if n <= 3: #scatter plots for less than 4-dimensions for clusterNum in clusters: indexes = np.where(class_labels==clusterNum) if n==2: plt.scatter(self.D[source_name][indexes,0], self.D[source_name][indexes,1], c=next(color)) elif n==3: ax.scatter(self.D[source_name][indexes,0], self.D[source_name][indexes,1], self.D[source_name][indexes,2], c=next(color), s=10) plt.xlabel(self.x[source_name][0]) plt.ylabel(self.x[source_name][1]) if n==3: ax.set_zlabel(self.x[source_name][2]) else: for clusterNum in clusters: indexes = np.where(class_labels==clusterNum) plt.plot(self.x[source_name], self.D[source_name][indexes].transpose(), c=next(color)) plt.title(title) return fig
[docs] def transform(self, source_name, txfm_fcn, txfm_name, **kwargs): """ This runs transform (txfm_fcn) on the data matrix defined by source_name with parameters that are variable for each transform. For example,'parent', 'zscore','zscore_parent', axis=0) will run the zscore in a vector-wise manner across the matrix (column-wise) and the new data dictionary access to the transformed data is['zscore_parent'] Successful completion results in the addition of a new entry in the data dictionary with a key according to txfm_name. Parameters ---------- source_name: string the name of the source data, for example 'parent', or 'log2' txfm_fcn: string the name of the transform function. See or run for list txfm_name: string the name you want to use in the data object dictionary['name'] to access transformed data Other Parameters ---------------- **Keep_NaN: boolean Set to True in order to prevent transformations from being added that produce NaNs. Default Keep_NaN=True this will add transformed data even if NaNs are produced. Set to 0 to prevent addition of data transforms containing NaNs. **Keep_Inf: boolean Set to True in order to prevent transformations from being added that produce infinite values Default: Keep_Inf = True (this will add transformed data even if infinite values are produced. Set to 0 to prevent addition of data transforms conta Warnings -------- NaNs or infinite values are produced Raises ------ ValueError if the transform function does not exist OR if the data source does not exist by source_name Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import openensembles as oe >>> df = pd.read_csv(file) >>> d =, df.columns >>> d.transform('parent', 'zscore', 'zscore') >>> d.transform('zscore', 'PCA', 'pca', n_components=3) """ #CHECK that the source exists if source_name not in self.D: raise ValueError("ERROR: the source you requested for transformation does not exist by that name %s"%(source_name)) TXFM_FCN_DICT = self.transforms_available() Keep_NaN_txfm = 1 #default value is to keep a transform, even if NaN values are created Keep_Inf_txfm = 1 #default value is to keep a transform, even if NaN values are created paramDict = {} if not kwargs: var_params = [] else: var_params = kwargs if 'Keep_NaN' in kwargs: Keep_NaN_txfm = kwargs['Keep_NaN'] if 'Keep_Inf' in kwargs: Keep_Inf_txfm = kwargs['Keep_Inf'] ######BEGIN TXFM BLOCK ###### if txfm_fcn not in TXFM_FCN_DICT: raise ValueError( "The transform function you requested does not exist, currently the following are supported %s"%(list(TXFM_FCN_DICT.keys()))) txfm = tx.transforms(self.x[source_name], self.D[source_name], kwargs) func = getattr(txfm,txfm_fcn) outputs = func() #### FINAL staging, X, D and var_params have been set in transform block, now add each #check and print a warning if NaN values were created in the transformation boolCheck = np.isnan(txfm.data_out) numNaNs = sum(sum(boolCheck)) if numNaNs.any(): warnings.warn("WARNING: transformation %s resulted in %d NaN values"%(txfm_fcn, numNaNs), UserWarning) if not Keep_NaN_txfm: print("Transformation %s resulted in %d NaN values, and you requested not to keep a transformation with NaNs"%(txfm_fcn, numNaNs)) return infCheck = np.isinf(txfm.data_out) numInf = sum(sum(infCheck)) if numInf.any() > 0: warnings.warn("WARNING: transformation %s resulted in %d Inf values"%(txfm_fcn, numInf), UserWarning) if not Keep_Inf_txfm: #print("Transformation %s resulted in %d Inf values, and you requested not to keep a transformation with infinite values"%(txfm_fcn, numInf)) return self.x[txfm_name] = txfm.x_out self.params[txfm_name] = txfm.var_params self.D[txfm_name] = txfm.data_out return outputs
[docs] def slice(self, names): """ Returns a new data object containing a slice indicated by the list of names given (dictionary keys shared amongst D, params, etc.). Cannot remove 'parent' as that is the default dataframe matrix that established data object. To replace parent, instead instantiate a new object on a dataframe created from transformation of interest. Parameters ---------- names: list A list of strings matching the names to keep in the new slice Returns -------- d: an openensembles data object A object that contains only those names passed in Examples -------- Remove 'zscore' from the list, keeping everything else >>> names = d.D.keys() #get all the keys >>> names = names.remove(['zscore']) >>> dNew = d.slice(names) Raises ------ ValueError If a name in the list of names does not exist in data object """ d =, self.x) names_existing = list(self.D.keys()) for name in names: if name not in names_existing: raise ValueError("ERROR: the source you requested for slicing does not exist in data object %s"%(name)) d.D[name] = self.D[name] d.x[name] = self.x[name] d.params[name] = self.params[name] return d
[docs] def merge(self, d_list): """ Returns an appended object -- a merge of the data object (self) and all data objects inside a passed list. Parameters ---------- d_list: list A list of data objects Returns -------- transDictArr: list of dicts A list of dictionary translation of new labels in merged object, with original labels. List order is same as those passed in Examples -------- Merge two sets of data objects. Keeps the same dataframe (self.df), i.e. use this when it makes sense to always use that reference dataframe FINISH EXAMPLES here Raises ------ ValueError If objects in d_list are not well formed openenembles data objects """ existing = list(self.D.keys()) transDictArr = [] i = 1 for d in d_list: transDict = {} if not isinstance(d, raise ValueError("Object in list for merge is not type") for l in d.D.keys(): label = l if label in existing: #test if label with number appended also exists label += '_'+str(i) if label in existing: #even after adding number while label in existing: #keep appending random numbers if needed. label = "%s_%d"%(label, randint(0,10000)) #nowt that there is a new label can append all data types existing.append(label) transDict[l] = label self.D[label] = d.D[l] self.params[label] = d.params[l] self.x[label] = d.x[l] i+=1 transDictArr.append(transDict) return transDictArr
[docs]class cluster: """ Initialize a clustering object, which is instantiated with a data object class from OpenEnsembles When clustering is performed, the dictionaries of all attributes are extended using the key given as output_name Parameters ---------- dataObj class -- consists at least of one data matrix called 'parent' Returns ------- clusterObject empty openensembles.cluster object Attributes ---------- dataObj: class class that was used to instantiate cluster object labels: dict of lists A dictionary of lists of clustering solutions (ints). Referred to as output_name in .cluster method data_source: dict of strings Name of data source in dataObj params: dict of dicts A dictionary of all parameters passed during clustering clusterNumbers: dict of lists A listing of the unique set of cluster numbers produced in a clustering random_state: dict of objects A listing of the random state objects that can be used to reset the state and See also -------- clustering_algorithms Examples -------- Load data, zscore it, transform it into the first three principal components and cluster using KMeans with K=4 >>> import pandas as pd >>> import openensembles as oe >>> df = pd.read_csv(file) >>> d =, df.columns >>> d.transform('parent', 'zscore', 'zscore') >>> d.transform('zscore', 'PCA', 'pca', n_components=3) >>> c = oe.cluster(d) >>> c.cluster('pca', 'kmeans', 'kmeans_pca', 4) """ def __init__(self, dataObj): self.dataObj = dataObj self.labels= {} #key here is the name like HC_parent for hierarchically clustered parent self.data_source = {} # keep track of the key to the data source in object used self.params = {} # keep track of the parameters used (includes random seed) self.algorithms = {} #keep track of the algorithm used self.clusterNumbers = {} self.random_state = {}
[docs] def algorithms_available(self): """ Call this to list all algorithms currently available in """ algorithms = ca.clustering_algorithms(self.dataObj.D['parent'], {}) ALG_FCN_DICT = algorithms.clustering_algorithms_available() return ALG_FCN_DICT
[docs] def clustering_algorithm_parameters(self): """ This function returns a dictionary with keys equal to parameters of interest {K, linkage, affinity} whose entries indicate algorithms that take those as free parameters. For example K-means takes K as an argument, but Affinity Propagation does not, so you will find kmeans is listed in dict['K'], but not AffinityPropagation. This is not inclusive of all paramaters of every algorithm, but the common parameters one might want to vary. Returns ------- a: dictionary Keys equal to parameters {K, linkages, distances} and values as lists of algorithms that use that key as a variable Warning ------- This must be updated if clustering_algorithms is expanded. """ a = {} a['K'] = ['kmeans', 'agglomerative', 'spectral', 'Birch', 'GaussianMixture'] a['linkage'] = ['agglomerative'] a['distance'] = ['HDBSCAN', 'DBSCAN', 'spectral', 'AffinityPropagation', 'agglomerative'] return a
[docs] def cluster(self, source_name, algorithm, output_name, K=None, Require_Unique=False, random_seed=None, **kwargs): """ This runs clustering algorithms on the data matrix defined by source_name with parameters that are variable for each algorithm. Note that K is required for most algorithms. Parameters ---------- source_name: string the source data matrix name to operate on in clusterclass dataObj algorithm: string name of the algorithm to use, see or call oe.cluster.algorithms_available() output_name: string this is the dict key for interacting with the results of this clustering solution in any of the cluster class dictionary attributes K: int number of clusters to create (ignored for algorithms that define K during clustering). The var_params gets K after, either the parameter passed, or the number of clusters produced if the K was not passed. Require_Unique: bool If FALSE and you already have an output_name solution, this will append a number to create a unique name. If TRUE and a solution by that name exists, this will not add solution and raise ValueError. Default Require_Unique=False random_seed: int or random.getstate() Pass a random seed or random seed state (random.getstate()) in order to force the starting point of a clustering algorithm to that state. Default is None Warnings -------- This will warn if the number of clusters is differen than what was requested, typically when an algorithm does not accept K as an argument. Raises ------ ValueError if data source is not available by source_name Examples -------- Cluster using KMeans on parent data >>> c = oe.cluster >>> c.cluster('parent', 'kmeans','kmeans_parent', K=5) Form an iteration to build an ensemble using different values for K >>> for k in range(2,12): >>> name='kmeans_'+k >>> c.cluster('parent', 'kmeans', name, k) """ #CHECK that the source exists if source_name not in self.dataObj.D: raise ValueError("ERROR: the source you requested for clustering does not exist by that name %s"%(source_name)) ALG_FCN_DICT = self.algorithms_available() paramDict = {} if not kwargs: var_params = {} else: var_params = kwargs #Here if handle if random seed was passed, set it. Else, store the random seed. if 'random_seed': try: random.set_state(random_seed) state = random_seed except TypeError: random.seed(random_seed) state = random.get_state() var_params['random_state'] = state ##### Check to see if the same name exists for clustering solution name and decide what to do according to Require_Unique if output_name in list(self.labels.keys()): if Require_Unique: warnings.warn('The name of the clustering solution is redundant and you required unique, solution will not be added') return else: test_name = "%s_%d"%(output_name, randint(0,10000)) while test_name in self.labels: test_name = "%s_%d"%(output_name, randint(0,10000)) output_name = test_name warnings.warn('For uniqueness, altered output_name to be %s'%(output_name), UserWarning) ######BEGIN CLUSTERING BLOCK ###### if algorithm not in ALG_FCN_DICT: raise ValueError( "The algorithm you requested does not exist, currently the following are supported %s"%(list(ALG_FCN_DICT.keys()))) random.set_state(state) c = ca.clustering_algorithms(self.dataObj.D[source_name], var_params, K) func = getattr(c,algorithm) func() #### FINAL staging, c now contains a finished assignment and c.params has final parameters used. # CHECK that K is as requested uniqueClusters = np.unique(c.out) if K: #check if K was overwritten c.var_params['K'] = K if len(uniqueClusters) != K: warnings.warn("Number of unique clusters %d returned does not match number requested %d for solution: %s"%(len(uniqueClusters), K, output_name), UserWarning) else: c.var_params['K'] = len(uniqueClusters) self.labels[output_name] = c.out self.data_source[output_name] = source_name self.params[output_name] = c.var_params self.clusterNumbers[output_name] = uniqueClusters self.algorithms[output_name] = algorithm self.random_state[output_name] = state
[docs] def co_occurrence_matrix(self, data_source_name='parent'): """ Calculate the co-occurrence of all pairs of objects across the ensemble Parameters: data_source_name: string Name of the data source to link to co-occurrence object. Default is 'parent' Returns ------- coMat class coMat.co_matrix is the NxN matrix, whose entries indicate the number of times the pair of objects in positon (i,j) cluster across the ensemble of clustering solutions available in clustering object. Examples -------- >>> coMat = c.co_occurrence_matrix() >>> coMat.plot() """ coMat = co.coMat(self, data_source_name) return coMat
[docs] def MI(self, MI_type='standard'): """ Calculate the mutual information between all pairs of clustering solutions Parameters ---------- MI_type: string {'standard', 'adjusted', 'normalized'} The sklearn.metric mutual information to use, either mutual_info, adjusted_mutual_info, or normalized_mutual_info Returns ------- MI class mutualinformation.MI class, where MI.matrix is the claculated matrix of pairwise mutual information. The diagonal is not guaranteed to be 1 (it depends on the type of MI calculated) Examples -------- >>> MI = c.MI(MI_type='adjusted') >>> MI.plot(sorted=True) """ MI = mi.MI(self, MI_type) return MI
[docs] def mixture_model(self, K=2, iterations=10): """ Finishing Technique to assemble a final, hard parition of the data according to maximizing the likelihood according to the observed clustering solutions across the ensemble. This will operate on all clustering solutions contained in the container cluster class. Operates on entire ensemble of clustering solutions in self, to create a mixture model See finishing.mixture_model for more details. Parameters ---------- K: int number of clusters to create. Default K=2 iterations: int number of iterations of EM algorithm to perform. Default iterations=10 Returns ------- c: openensembles clustering object a new clustering object with c.labels['mixture_model'] set to the final solution. Raises ------ ValueError: If there are not at least two clustering solutions References ---------- Topchy, Jain, and Punch, "A mixture model for clustering ensembles Proc. SIAM Int. Conf. Data Mining (2004)" Examples -------- >>> cMM = c.mixture_model(4, 10) >>> d.plot_data('parent', cluster_labels=cMM.labels['mixture_model']) """ params = {} params['iterations'] = iterations params['K'] = K #check to make sure more than one solution exists in ensemble if len(self.params) < 2: raise ValueError("Mixture Model is a finsihing technique for an ensemble, the cluster object must contain more than one solution") N = self.dataObj.D['parent'].shape[0] parg = [] for solution in self.labels: parg.append(self.labels[solution]) mixtureObj = finish.mixture_model(parg, N, nEnsCluster=K, iterations=iterations) mixtureObj.emProcess() c = oe.cluster(self.dataObj) name = 'mixture_model' c.labels[name] = mixtureObj.labels c.data_source[name] = 'parent' c.clusterNumbers[name] = np.unique(c.labels[name]) c.params[name] = params c.algorithms[name] = 'mixture_model' return c
[docs] def finish_co_occ_linkage(self, threshold, linkage='average'): """ The finishing technique that calculates a co-occurrence matrix on all cluster solutions in the ensemble and then hierarchically clusters the co-occurrence, treating it as a similarity matrix. The clusters are defined by the threshold of the distance used to cut. Parameters ---------- threshold: float Linkage distance to use as a cutoff to create partitions linkage: string Linkage type. See `scipy.cluster.hierarchy <>`_ Returns ------- c: openensembles clustering object a new clustering object with c.labels['co_occ_linkage'] set to the final solution. Examples -------- To determine where the cut is visually, at threshold=0.5: >>> coMat = c.co_occurrence() >>> coMat.plot(threshold=0.5, linkage='ward') To create the cut at threshold=0.5 >>> cWard = c.co_occ_linkage(0.5, 'ward') >>> d.plot_data('parent', cluster_labels=cWard.labels['co_occ_linkage']) """ params={} params['linkage'] = linkage params['threshold'] = threshold coMatObj = self.co_occurrence_matrix('parent') coL = finish.co_occurrence_linkage(coMatObj, threshold, linkage=linkage) coL.finish() c = oe.cluster(self.dataObj) name = 'co_occ_linkage' c.labels[name] = coL.labels c.params[name] = params c.data_source[name] = 'parent' c.clusterNumbers[name] = np.unique(c.labels[name]) c.algorithms[name] = 'co_occ_linkage' return c
[docs] def finish_graph_closure(self, threshold, clique_size = 3): """ The finishing technique that treats the co-occurrence matrix as a graph, that is binarized by the threshold (>=threshold becomes an unweighted, undirected edge in an adjacency matrix). This graph object is then subjected to clique formation according to clique_size (such as triangles if clique_size=3). The cliques are then combined in the graph to create unique cluster formations. See also -------- Returns ------- c: openenembles clustering object New cluster object with final solution and name 'graph_closure' Examples -------- >>> cGraph = c.finish_graph_closure(0.5, 3) >>> d.plot_data('parent', cluster_labels=cGraph.labels['graph_closure']) """ params = {} params['threshold'] = threshold params['clique_size'] = clique_size coMatObj = self.co_occurrence_matrix('parent') c_G = finish.graph_closure(coMatObj.co_matrix, threshold, clique_size=clique_size) c_G.finish() c = oe.cluster(self.dataObj) name = 'graph_closure' c.labels[name] = c_G.labels c.params[name] = params c.data_source[name] = 'parent' c.clusterNumbers[name] = np.unique(c.labels[name]) c.algorithms[name] = 'graph_closure' return c
[docs] def finish_majority_vote(self, threshold=0.5): """ Based on Ana Fred's 2001 paper: Fred, Ana. Finding Consistent Clusters in Data Partitions. In Multiple Classifier Systems, edited by Josef Kittler and Fabio Roli, LNCS 2096, 309-18. Springer, 2001. This algorithm assingns clusters to the same class if they co-cluster at least 50 of the time. It greedily joins clusters with the evidence that at least one pair of items from two different clusters co-cluster a majority of the time. Outliers will get their own cluster. Parameters ---------- threshold: float the threshold, or fraction of times objects co-cluster to consider a 'majority'. Default is 0.5 (50% of the time) Returns ------- c: openensembles cluster object New cluster object with final solution and name 'majority_vote' Examples -------- >>> c_MV = c.majority_vote(threshold=0.7) >>> labels = c_MV.labels['majority_vote'] """ params = {} coMatObj = self.co_occurrence_matrix('parent') c_MV = finish.majority_vote(coMatObj.co_matrix, threshold) c_MV.finish() c = oe.cluster(self.dataObj) name = 'majority_vote' c.labels[name] = c_MV.labels c.params[name] = params c.data_source[name] = 'parent' c.clusterNumbers[name] = np.unique(c.labels[name]) c.algorithms[name] = 'majority_vote' return c
[docs] def get_cluster_members(self, solution_name, clusterNum): """ Return the dataframe row indexes of a cluster number in solution named by solution_name Parameters ---------- solution_name: string the name of the clustering solution of interest clusterNum: int The cluster number of interest Returns ------- indexes: list a list of indexes of objects with clusterNum in solution_name Examples -------- Get a list of objects that belong to each cluster type in a solution >>> name = 'zscore_agglomerative_ward' >>> c.cluster('zscore', 'agglomerative', name, K=4, linkage='ward') >>> labels = {} >>> for i in c.clusterNumbers[name]: >>> labels{i} = c.get_cluster_members(name, i) """ indexes = np.where(self.labels[solution_name]==clusterNum) return indexes
[docs] def search_field(self, field, value): """ Find solutions that were made with Parameters ---------- field: string {'algorithm', 'data_source', 'K', 'linkage', 'distance', 'clusterNumber', etc.} The name of field, either in algorithm used, data_source selected, or a parameter passed to search for an exact value value: string or int The value to search for (where ints are passed for K (desired clusters) or clusterNumber (actual returned clusters)) Returns ------- names: list of strings The names of dictionary entries in clustering solutions matching field, value criteria. Returns empty list if nothing was found Raises ------ ValueError If the field was not recognized. Examples -------- Find all clustering solutions where K=2 was used >>> names = c.search_field('K', 2) Find all clustering solutions where the actual cluster numbers were 2 >>> names = c.search_field('clusterNumber', 2) Find all solutions clustered using kmeans >>> names = c.search_field('algorithm', 'kmeans') Find all clustering solutions where ward linkage was used >>> names = c.search_field('linkage', 'ward') """ names = [] if field=='data_source': for name in list(self.data_source.keys()): if self.data_source[name]==value: names.append(name) elif field == 'algorithm': for name in list(self.algorithms.keys()): if self.algorithms[name]==value: names.append(name) elif field=='clusterNumber': for name in list(self.clusterNumbers.keys()): clusterNumber = len(self.clusterNumbers[name]) if clusterNumber == value: names.append(name) else: #otherwise, we're searching through the parameters paramFound = False for name in self.params.keys(): params = self.params[name] if field in params.keys(): paramFound = True if params[field] == value: names.append(name) if not paramFound: raise ValueError("Field %s was not found in parameters of an clustering solutions"%(field)) return names
[docs] def slice(self, names): """ Returns a new cluster object containing a slice indicated by the list of names given (dictionary keys shared amongst labels, params, etc.) Parameters ---------- names: list A list of strings matching the names to keep in the new slice Returns -------- c: an openensembles clustering object A oe.cluster object that contains only those names passed in Examples -------- Get only the solutions made by agglomerative clustering >>> names = c.search_field('algorithm', 'agglomerative') #return all solutions with agglomerative >>> cNew = c.slice(names) Get only the solutions that were made with K=2 calls >>> names = c.search_field('K', 2) #return all solution names that used K=2 >>> cNew = c.slice(names) Raises ------ ValueError If a name in the list of names does not exist in cluster object """ c = oe.cluster(self.dataObj) names_existing = list(self.labels.keys()) for name in names: if name not in names_existing: raise ValueError("ERROR: the source you requested for slicing does not exist in cluster object %s"%(name)) c.labels[name] = self.labels[name] c.data_source[name] = self.data_source[name] c.params[name] = self.params[name] c.clusterNumbers[name] = self.clusterNumbers[name] c.algorithms[name] = self.algorithms[name] return c
[docs] def merge(self, c_list): """ Returns an appended object -- a merge of the cluster object (self) and all cluster objects inside a passed list. This will keep the parent dataobject of the self cluster object. This assumes that the ojbects were instantiated and clustered on the same data source (at least the same mxn features) Parameters ---------- c_list: list A list of cluster objects Returns -------- transDictArr: list of dicts A list of dictionary translation of new labels in merged object, with original labels. List order is same as those passed in Examples -------- Merge two sets of clustering objects FINISH EXAMPLES here Raises ------ ValueError If objects in c_list are not well formed cluster objects """ existing = list(self.labels.keys()) transDictArr = [] i = 1 for c in c_list: transDict = {} if not isinstance(c, oe.openensembles.cluster): raise ValueError("Object in list for merge is not type openensmbles.cluster") for l in c.labels.keys(): label = l if label in existing: #test if label with number appended also exists label += '_'+str(i) if label in existing: #even after adding number while label in existing: #keep appending random numbers if needed. label = "%s_%d"%(label, randint(0,10000)) #nowt that there is a new label can append all data types existing.append(label) transDict[l] = label self.labels[label] = c.labels[l] self.data_source[label] = c.data_source[l] self.params[label] = c.params[l] self.clusterNumbers[label] = c.clusterNumbers[l] self.algorithms[label] = c.algorithms[l] i+=1 transDictArr.append(transDict) return transDictArr
[docs]class validation: """ validation is a class to calculate any number of validation metrics on clustering solutions in data. An individual validation metric must be called on a particular instantiation of the data matrix (like 'parent' or 'zscore') and a specific solution in cObj. """ def __init__(self, dataObj, cObj): """ instantiate the object to create a dictionary of validation measurements """ self.dataObj = dataObj self.cObj = cObj self.validation = {} #key here is the name like HC_parent for hierarchically clustered parent self.source_name = {} self.cluster_name = {} self.description = {} #here is a quick description of the validation metric
[docs] def validation_metrics_available(self): """ Return all available validation metrics """ validation = val.validation(self.dataObj.D['parent'], []) FCN_DICT = validation.validation_metrics_available() return FCN_DICT
[docs] def calculate(self, validation_name, cluster_name, source_name='parent'): """ Calls the function titled by validation_name on the data matrix set by source_name (default 'parent') and clustering solution by cluster_name Appends to validation with key value equal to the validation_name+source_name+cluster_name Returns ------- output_name: str The handle name for accessing validation results """ output_name = "%s_%s_%s"%(validation_name, source_name, cluster_name) #check that the validation has not already been calcluated if output_name in self.validation: warnings.warn('Validation of type requested already exists and will not be added to validation dictionary', UserWarning) return #CHECK that the source exists if source_name not in self.dataObj.D: raise ValueError("ERROR: the source you requested for validation does not exist by that name %s"%(source_name)) if cluster_name not in self.cObj.labels: raise ValueError("ERROR: the clustering solution you requested for validation does not exist by the name %s"%(source_name)) FCN_DICT = self.validation_metrics_available() if validation_name not in FCN_DICT: raise ValueError( "The validation metric you requested does not exist, currently the following are supported %s"%(list(FCN_DICT.keys()))) v = val.validation(self.dataObj.D[source_name], self.cObj.labels[cluster_name]) func = getattr(v,validation_name) func() self.validation[output_name] = v.validation self.description[output_name] = v.description self.source_name[output_name] = source_name self.cluster_name[output_name] = cluster_name return output_name
[docs] def merge(self, v_list): """ Returns an appended object -- a merge of the validation object (self) and all validation objects inside a passed list. This will keep the dataobject and clusterObjects of the self validation object. Parameters ---------- v_list: list A list of validation objects Returns -------- transDictArr: list of dicts A list of dictionary translation of new labels in merged object, with original labels. List order is same as those passed in Examples -------- Merge two sets of validation objects FINISH EXAMPLES here Raises ------ ValueError If objects in v_list are not well formed value objects """ existing = list(self.validation.keys()) transDictArr = [] i = 1 for v in v_list: transDict = {} if not isinstance(v, oe.openensembles.validation): raise ValueError("Object in list for merge is not type openensmbles.validation") for l in v.validation.keys(): label = l if label in existing: #test if label with number appended also exists label += '_'+str(i) if label in existing: #even after adding number while label in existing: #keep appending random numbers if needed. label = "%s_%d"%(label, randint(0,10000)) #nowt that there is a new label can append all data types existing.append(label) transDict[l] = label self.validation[label] = v.validation[l] self.description[label] = v.description[l] self.source_name[label] = v.source_name[l] self.cluster_name[label] = v.cluster_name[l] i+=1 transDictArr.append(transDict) return transDictArr