Parallelization of data and cluster objects: Resampling data to explore effects of noise¶
This is similar to the example in Sloutsky, R., Jimenez, N., Swamidass, S. J. & Naegle, K. M. Accounting for noise when clustering biological data. Brief. Bioinform. 14, 423–36 (2013) – we resample each data point according to a Guassian distribution defined by the mean and standard deviation of the measured data.
This example is phosphoproteomic dataset of epithelial cells stimulated with a growth factor and measured immediately afterward at seven time points in the first 32 minutes, specifically [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]. It was downloaded from ProteomeScout and published in: Wolf-Yadlin, A., Hautaniemi, S., Lauffenburger, D. A. & White, F. M. Multiple reaction monitoring for robust quantitative proteomic analysis of cellular signaling networks. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104, 5860–5 (2007).
Compare this to the example without parallelization
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openensembles as oe
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool
fileName = 'experiment.1381.annotated_misTrypsRemoved.txt' #can find this in OpenEnsembles data directory
df = pd.read_csv(fileName, sep='\t')
#keep the data and the standard deviations in different dataframes and then instantiate data objects with resampling,
# ultimately merging them together.
dataCols = ['average:data:time(min):0', 'average:data:time(min):1', 'average:data:time(min):2',
'average:data:time(min):4', 'average:data:time(min):8',
'average:data:time(min):16', 'average:data:time(min):32']
stdevCols = ['average:stddev:time(min):0', 'average:stddev:time(min):1',
'average:stddev:time(min):2', 'average:stddev:time(min):4',
'average:stddev:time(min):8', 'average:stddev:time(min):16',
descriptiveCols = ['gene', 'mod_sites'] #we don't need ALL the metadata, so we'll just start with this
colsToKeep = descriptiveCols + dataCols
master_df = df[colsToKeep]
x = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
stdev_df = df[stdevCols]
stdev_df = stdev_df[stdevCols].astype(float)
#This is the data object with data exactly as it stands with means. We'll create
# a list of new data objects that have resampled data representations
d =, x)
#create new data objects, resampling each time point for each object according to their mean and stdev
# using a normal distribution
numRepeats = 500
def resample_data(df_temp, stdev_df):
Resample data under a Gaussian model defined for each data point by its mean and std deviation
for index, row in df_temp.iterrows():
for data in dataCols:
stdevCol = data.replace('data', 'stddev')
if stdev_df.loc[index,stdevCol] > 0:
df_temp.loc[index, data] = np.random.normal(row[data], stdev_df.loc[index,stdevCol])
df_temp.loc[index,data] = row[data]
d_temp =, x)
return d_temp
data_apply_results = [pool.apply_async(resample_data, (master_df.copy(), stdev_df)) for i in range(0, numRepeats)]
data_results = [x.get() for x in data_apply_results] #merge all data matrices together
transdict = d.merge(data_results)
Cluster all resampled data for an ensemble solution¶
# Wrapper function to cluster and return object from thread
def run_clustering(c, source_name, algorithm, output_name, K):
c.cluster(source_name, algorithm, output_name, K=K)
return c
K = 10
c = oe.cluster(d)
# Cluster all objects in parallel using python's multiprocessing module
# Number of threads to use, should be close to the number of physical cores on your machine
pool = Pool(processes=N_THREADS)
# Spawn a thread to cluster each source matrix in data object
apply_results = [pool.apply_async(run_clustering, (c, name, 'kmeans', 'kmeans_'+name, K)) for name in d.D.keys()]
results = [x.get() for x in apply_results]
# Merge the results with the main cluster object
c_transdict = c.merge(results)
# how do all solutions compare?
MI = c.MI(MI_type='normalized')
mi_plot = MI.plot()

coMat = c.co_occurrence_matrix('parent')
labels = d.df['gene'] + '_' + d.df['mod_sites']
co_plot = coMat.plot(threshold=0.5, label_vec = list(labels))

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