Build an ensemble using algorithms and distances, finish to see if it uncovers the lack of structure¶
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import openensembles as oe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_samples = 800
np.random.seed(0) #this helps to establish the same dataset and functionality, but is not required
no_structure = np.random.rand(n_samples, 2), None
X,y = no_structure
df = pd.DataFrame(X)
d =, [1,2])
plt_data = d.plot_data('parent')

Create an ensemble¶
c = oe.cluster(d) #instantiate an object so we can get all available algorithms
a = c.algorithms_available()
paramsC = c.clustering_algorithm_parameters() #here we will rely on walking through
# remove DBSCAN -- this does very well on unstructured data, we want to ask if we can use poorly performing algorithms
# to identify if there isn't structure.
algorithmsToRemove = ['DBSCAN']
for algToRemove in algorithmsToRemove:
del a[algToRemove]
takesLinkages = paramsC['linkage']
takesDistances = paramsC['distance']
takesK = paramsC['K']
#setup the parameters of clustering here, algorithms are set by algorithms_available
K = range(3, 20, 2)
linkages = ['average', 'complete', 'ward']
distances = ['euclidean', 'l1', 'l2']
# Create an ensemble: sweep K, distance metrics
c = oe.cluster(d)
for data_source in d.D.keys(): #if there were transformations in d.D
for algorithm in list(a.keys()): #linkage is only for agglomerative, which also accepts K and distances, so handle that here
if algorithm in takesK:
for k in K:
if algorithm in takesDistances:
if algorithm in takesLinkages:
for linkage in linkages:
if linkage == 'ward':
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm, linkage, str(k)])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, K=k, Require_Unique= True, linkage=linkage)
for dist in distances:
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm, dist, linkage, str(k)])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, K=k, Require_Unique= True, linkage=linkage, distance=dist)
for dist in distances:
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm, dist, str(k)])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, K=k, Require_Unique= True, distance=dist)
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm, str(k)])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, K=k, Require_Unique= True)
else: # does not take K
if algorithm in takesDistances:
for dist in distances:
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm, dist])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, Require_Unique= True, distance=dist)
out_name = '_'.join([data_source, algorithm])
c.cluster(data_source, algorithm, out_name, Require_Unique= True)
Plot example solutions from the ensemble¶
#plot some random number of solutions
names = c.labels.keys()
figs =[]
fig = 0
numSolutions = 6
#namesToSelect = random.sample(names, numSolutions)
namesToSelect = np.random.choice(list(names), numSolutions, replace=False)
for name in namesToSelect:
d.plot_data('parent', fig_num=fig, class_labels=c.labels[name], title=name)

Finish the ensemble using Majority Vote and Graph Closure¶
#View the ensembles
coMat = c.co_occurrence_matrix()
fig = coMat.plot(add_labels=False)

Graph Closure and Majority Vote Finishing¶
# Explore effects of threshold on graph closure
thresholds = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
fig = 0
c_graph_dict = {}
c_majority_vote_dict = {}
for threshold in thresholds:
c_graph = c.finish_graph_closure(threshold=threshold)
c_graph_dict[str(threshold)] = c_graph
c_majority_vote = c.finish_majority_vote(threshold=threshold)
c_majority_vote_dict[str(threshold)] = c_majority_vote
# Plot the solutions of Graph Closure
fig = 0
for threshold in c_graph_dict:
labels = c_graph_dict[threshold].labels['graph_closure']
d.plot_data('parent', fig_num = fig, class_labels=labels, title='Graph Closure threshold=%s'%(threshold))

# Plot the solutions of Majority Vote
fig = 0
figs =[]
for threshold in c_majority_vote_dict:
labels = c_majority_vote_dict[threshold].labels['majority_vote']
d.plot_data('parent', fig_num = fig, class_labels=labels, title='Majority Vote threshold=%s'%(threshold))

Use mutual information to compare solutions¶
mi_adjusted = c.MI(MI_type='adjusted')
parent_AffinityPropagation_euclidean | parent_AffinityPropagation_l1 | parent_AffinityPropagation_l2 | parent_Birch_3 | parent_Birch_5 | parent_Birch_7 | parent_Birch_9 | parent_Birch_11 | parent_Birch_13 | parent_Birch_15 | ... | parent_spectral_l2_13 | parent_spectral_euclidean_15 | parent_spectral_l1_15 | parent_spectral_l2_15 | parent_spectral_euclidean_17 | parent_spectral_l1_17 | parent_spectral_l2_17 | parent_spectral_euclidean_19 | parent_spectral_l1_19 | parent_spectral_l2_19 | |
parent_AffinityPropagation_euclidean | 1.0 | 0.969941 | 1.0 | 0.53533 | 0.588711 | 0.598626 | 0.565102 | 0.539072 | 0.536421 | 0.51596 | ... | 0.552151 | 0.537204 | 0.520182 | 0.534409 | 0.509064 | 0.511144 | 0.512794 | 0.491146 | 0.481378 | 0.494583 |
parent_AffinityPropagation_l1 | 0.969941 | 1.0 | 0.969941 | 0.535193 | 0.589659 | 0.597436 | 0.563175 | 0.537255 | 0.535212 | 0.514802 | ... | 0.553737 | 0.544558 | 0.518381 | 0.541775 | 0.509783 | 0.513119 | 0.513668 | 0.49179 | 0.481861 | 0.495228 |
parent_AffinityPropagation_l2 | 1.0 | 0.969941 | 1.0 | 0.53533 | 0.588711 | 0.598626 | 0.565102 | 0.539072 | 0.536421 | 0.51596 | ... | 0.552151 | 0.537204 | 0.520182 | 0.534409 | 0.509064 | 0.511144 | 0.512794 | 0.491146 | 0.481378 | 0.494583 |
parent_Birch_3 | 0.53533 | 0.535193 | 0.53533 | 1.0 | 0.797995 | 0.710356 | 0.652631 | 0.613799 | 0.584213 | 0.559569 | ... | 0.418875 | 0.449921 | 0.426089 | 0.451691 | 0.457276 | 0.428064 | 0.448247 | 0.425964 | 0.430374 | 0.41837 |
parent_Birch_5 | 0.588711 | 0.589659 | 0.588711 | 0.797995 | 1.0 | 0.90691 | 0.843608 | 0.800095 | 0.766409 | 0.737979 | ... | 0.541362 | 0.592401 | 0.559478 | 0.592515 | 0.566349 | 0.541955 | 0.574147 | 0.551822 | 0.535815 | 0.551853 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
parent_spectral_l1_17 | 0.511144 | 0.513119 | 0.511144 | 0.428064 | 0.541955 | 0.612765 | 0.657557 | 0.66832 | 0.674726 | 0.705532 | ... | 0.75896 | 0.775011 | 0.793162 | 0.774445 | 0.761963 | 1.0 | 0.776813 | 0.752915 | 0.748487 | 0.75456 |
parent_spectral_l2_17 | 0.512794 | 0.513668 | 0.512794 | 0.448247 | 0.574147 | 0.640012 | 0.67637 | 0.68908 | 0.690357 | 0.712109 | ... | 0.752843 | 0.821791 | 0.79629 | 0.820391 | 0.902564 | 0.776813 | 1.0 | 0.793866 | 0.724944 | 0.810557 |
parent_spectral_euclidean_19 | 0.491146 | 0.49179 | 0.491146 | 0.425964 | 0.551822 | 0.622116 | 0.659149 | 0.666747 | 0.671274 | 0.688036 | ... | 0.719309 | 0.769043 | 0.741931 | 0.770196 | 0.798569 | 0.752915 | 0.793866 | 1.0 | 0.76557 | 0.935674 |
parent_spectral_l1_19 | 0.481378 | 0.481861 | 0.481378 | 0.430374 | 0.535815 | 0.596919 | 0.640646 | 0.653699 | 0.659841 | 0.676507 | ... | 0.69741 | 0.715167 | 0.6999 | 0.716911 | 0.75862 | 0.748487 | 0.724944 | 0.76557 | 1.0 | 0.762221 |
parent_spectral_l2_19 | 0.494583 | 0.495228 | 0.494583 | 0.41837 | 0.551853 | 0.620496 | 0.659171 | 0.673963 | 0.679704 | 0.696205 | ... | 0.726722 | 0.776894 | 0.737667 | 0.778176 | 0.808413 | 0.75456 | 0.810557 | 0.935674 | 0.762221 | 1.0 |
124 rows × 124 columns
mi_plot = mi_adjusted.plot()

#plot MI with type of algorithm as label
label_vec = []
for index, row in mi_adjusted.matrix.iterrows():
name = c.algorithms[index]
mi_plot = mi_adjusted.plot(threshold= 0, label_vec=label_vec)

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